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Soda and Pop

Ice bowl 67

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You realize this is a Buffalo thread, so yes, we proudly say pop here.


And they artificial sweeteners taste much better than they used to. Coke Zero taste really close to regular coke, barely any aftertaste. I'm diabetic so it's my only choice with pop.

WRT taste as good parents we naturally tasted the stuff we feed our kids

Aspartame actually gave my kids headaches so that was another reason to avoid the stuff.

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ok, my bad...admittedly I simply googled the name and found those results...after opening them, I am with you....not much substance there




Gee, why didn't I think of that? :rolleyes:


You only find him as a name on anti-sweetener and anti-vaccination chain mails.

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I found two things about him, following the white pages/background check things. This may be the same guy that said that dogs are omnivores.


I didn't even bother with the white pages. When a guy claims to have three Ph.D's and be an authority on dietary additives, you shouldn't have to resort to a background check site.

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I didn't even bother with the white pages. When a guy claims to have three Ph.D's and be an authority on dietary additives, you shouldn't have to resort to a background check site.

When I became diabetic, I did research on it. Real research, not just the internet fringe sites. Everything I found said that aspartame is only dangerous in ridiculously high volumes. Like, 15-20 cans of diet coke per day, every day, for 20 years. And even then, your chances of developing cancer are only slightly higher. The lab rats developed cancer because they were fed the equivalent of those amounts. In normal volume of about 3-4, it's harmless.

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When I became diabetic, I did research on it. Real research, not just the internet fringe sites. Everything I found said that aspartame is only dangerous in ridiculously high volumes. Like, 15-20 cans of diet coke per day, every day, for 20 years. And even then, your chances of developing cancer are only slightly higher. The lab rats developed cancer because they were fed the equivalent of those amounts. In normal volume of about 3-4, it's harmless.

^ This


Which I basically tried to show with multiple links earlier in the thread (which were overtly ignored)

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When I became diabetic, I did research on it. Real research, not just the internet fringe sites. Everything I found said that aspartame is only dangerous in ridiculously high volumes. Like, 15-20 cans of diet coke per day, every day, for 20 years. And even then, your chances of developing cancer are only slightly higher. The lab rats developed cancer because they were fed the equivalent of those amounts. In normal volume of about 3-4, it's harmless.


Of course, everything is dangerous in ridiculously high volumes.


The worst thing about the internet is that it blurs the distinction between "knowledge" and "passion" that homeopathic morons like those on mercola.com think they've earned the right to be taken seriously.

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I totally cut all caffeine last April for health reasons. Cold Turkey. No soda, no coffee. Not even decaf which I view as a gateway back to full-caffeine. Water with meals and seltzer if I just want a can of something. V8 Fusion to swig out of the fridge. The day or two with headaches is worth it...

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I totally cut all caffeine last April for health reasons. Cold Turkey. No soda, no coffee. Not even decaf which I view as a gateway back to full-caffeine. Water with meals and seltzer if I just want a can of something. V8 Fusion to swig out of the fridge. The day or two with headaches is worth it...

Good on ya'.


I'll never cut out caffeine, simply because I absolutely love coffee, and I think decaf just doesn't taste the same. Also, the health benefits of black coffee are worth whatever caffeine dependency I may have IMO.


Tea, on the other hand, just sucks :D

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How about people that refer to all pop/sodas as 'coke'? I've known of few of them over the years. "What kind of coke y'all want, Pepsi or Dr Pepper?"




they do that to me all the time in restaurants when I order my drink. I say Coke they say Pepsi or Dr Pepper?


yes Its a lame a joke

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Really? I was born and raised in CNY and always have referred to it as soda.

Rochester was always POP for me. Last summer I was up for a visit and when I went into a Wegmans the sign said POP. Here in Virginia the Wegmans signs say SODA

They say that in Texas. I was confused when I asked for a Coke, they said what kind, I said regular. They were still confused.

that's Texas for you!!!

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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the cutoff of pop vs soda was just about syracuse....for me in syracuse with buffalo parents, we were always a pop family, while all my friends were soda....made for a horrible childhood....



Really? I was born and raised in CNY and always have referred to it as soda.

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