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Soda and Pop

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I have never drank too much soda, but agree with Jim...i never touch a diet soda now.


Occasional Old School Dew when i see, and Jarritos Mandarin when i get lunch at the authentic taqueria down the street. Hmm, that chit is da bomb!




In other words, only stuff made with real cane sugar.

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I have never drank too much soda, but agree with Jim...i never touch a diet soda now.


Occasional Old School Dew when i see, and Jarritos Mandarin when i get lunch at the authentic taqueria down the street. Hmm, that chit is da bomb!




In other words, only stuff made with real cane sugar.

The orange Jarritos and an authentic Mexican place are a match made in heaven. Got intruduced a number of years ago while working around Chicago.

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Well after reading this thread I think it's time to sell my coke stock.


The views and opinions expressed in this report are purely those of Chef Jim. No views or opinions should be misconstrued as advice as to whether or not to buy or sell any securities. Chef Jim does not offer advice or investment services, and is not compensated to provide opinions, write research reports, or to comment on news of any publicly traded or privately-held companies. Chef Jim has no liability in any personal investment decisions made by readers based on any information appearing on this web site.

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Well after reading this thread I think it's time to sell my coke stock.


The views and opinions expressed in this report are purely those of Chef Jim. No views or opinions should be misconstrued as advice as to whether or not to buy or sell any securities. Chef Jim does not offer advice or investment services, and is not compensated to provide opinions, write research reports, or to comment on news of any publicly traded or privately-held companies. Chef Jim has no liability in any personal investment decisions made by readers based on any information appearing on this web site.

We're not talking about that coke.

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Well after reading this thread I think it's time to sell my coke stock.


The views and opinions expressed in this report are purely those of Chef Jim. No views or opinions should be misconstrued as advice as to whether or not to buy or sell any securities. Chef Jim does not offer advice or investment services, and is not compensated to provide opinions, write research reports, or to comment on news of any publicly traded or privately-held companies. Chef Jim has no liability in any personal investment decisions made by readers based on any information appearing on this web site.


Yeah... But think carefully, Coca-Cola isn't that stupid. Don't they have a hand/brand in other than soda stuff like: Simply Orange, Dasini, Minute Maid, etc... ??


Then of course there is the international business.

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I don't drink much soda anymore. Instead I'll mix a little pure grape of cherry juice with seltzer water. Usually, I'll just drink water. Or margaritas. Or tequila. Or beer. Or Mike's Hard Lemonade.


I never, ever drink diet soda. The artificial sweetener tastes terrible to me.

Edited by Azalin
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  • Natasha Harris drank an estimated 50,000 pints of the fizzy drink
  • She would suffer withdrawal symptoms and get moody without it
  • She drank it first thing in the morning and last thing at night
  • Her family would buy her at least four 2.5l bottles a day




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Trying to quit drinking soda. I am addicted to Soda big time. I feel like crap too after pounding a lot down. Anyone else have the same problem? I never smoke or drink but Pop on the other hand is my downfall.I read the long term effects it has on your Heart, Brain, Stomach, Liver and your Pancreas. That scared me enough to quit lol.


wise choice. crazy as it sounds just drinking purified water after a few days will make you forget about pop (except for pizza of course)


Also having a spot of fruit juice with a meal helps too but you don't want to pound tons of juice because it will have the same effect as soda.

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My name is Joe, and I'm a caffeine addict.



For real. I used to drink about 7 cokes a day. Gave me diabetes. I drink Coke Zero now, because it has no sugar. I've tried quitting before, but if I go more than a day, I get major headaches.



you might want to reconsider artificial sweeteners as well;


"Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious, including seizures and death. A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as part of aspartame dangers are:




Dizziness Seizures Nausea Numbness Muscle spasms Weight gain Rashes Depression Fatigue Irritability Tachycardia Insomnia Vision problems Hearing loss Heart palpitations Breathing difficulties Anxiety attacks Slurred speech Loss of taste Tinnitus Vertigo Memory loss Joint pain



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