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I have one or two of the 20 ounce bottles of Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper each week day and I keep telling myself I'm going to break that habit. I drink a ton of water during my work day and it really would just be a matter of filling up my water bottle one more time instead of hitting that vending machine. Either that or I start considering coffee if I want some caffeine. I've never been crazy for hot drinks or else I would have done that a while ago.

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you might want to reconsider artificial sweeteners as well;


"Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious, including seizures and death. A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as part of aspartame dangers are:


migraines Dizziness Seizures Nausea Numbness Muscle spasms Weight gain Rashes Depression Fatigue Irritability Tachycardia Insomnia Vision problems Hearing loss Heart palpitations Breathing difficulties Anxiety attacks Slurred speech Loss of taste Tinnitus Vertigo Memory loss Joint pain




Holy crap...you're right! I drank a diet Pepsi for lunch, had a panic attack, and then I started bleeding out of my anus. How is this stuff even legal?

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you might want to reconsider artificial sweeteners as well;


"Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious, including seizures and death. A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as part of aspartame dangers are:




Dizziness Seizures Nausea Numbness Muscle spasms Weight gain Rashes Depression Fatigue Irritability Tachycardia Insomnia Vision problems Hearing loss Heart palpitations Breathing difficulties Anxiety attacks Slurred speech Loss of taste Tinnitus Vertigo Memory loss Joint pain




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Holy crap...you're right! I drank a diet Pepsi for lunch, had a panic attack, and then I started bleeding out of my anus. How is this stuff even legal?


good question.


obviously those aren't common side effects but are there none the less



hey you want to keep pounding neurotoxins feel free

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I read the article, and no, it doesn't. And I'm asking you: what's the mechanism of action?

TO MY NEIGHBORS OF ALL NATIONS, An Open Statement Concerning The Artificial Sweetener, Aspartame by Arthur M. Evangelista, a former FDA InvestigatorI am a former investigator who worked with the US Food and Drug Administration:  This is what I have to say about Aspartame and the people who brought it to our tables.As a former FDA investigator, I was charged with overseeing two major projects for the FDA.  These concerned Pesticides and Chemicals in Foods and Illegal Drug Tissue Residues in Animals (including milk related issues).I worked closely with the sister Federal and State agencies, oversaw contracts, I was a co-ordinator and lead investigator on projects involving EPA and USDA.  The FDA, in the mid-70's to mid-90's was not a large organization, having an annual budget no greater than a medium-sized hospital by 1995.The problems with aspartame include not only the biochemical nature of this toxin but also it sheds light on the political nature of the players involved.  The changes in regulatory policies and regulations resulting from corporate-government ties and the politicians closely associated with these ties.What I can tell you, regarding toxicology, histology and biochemistry, is that aspartame is neurotoxic.  Its components easily transcend the blood-brain barrier, interfering with normal nerve cell function.  This affects the glutathione and calcium mechanisms in place, destroying nerve call integrity.  The methanol then breaks down into formaldehyde-formic acid components, which denaturizes/mutates the DNA:  a known scientific fact.  The subsequent result from this interaction and from isolates of genetically modified amino acids, the methanol, is nerve cell necrosis and subsequent organ system degradation.

The hypothalamus alone (the major controller for much of the endocrine system), is at especially high risk to these effects...thereby, affecting many other organ systems. I have seen first hand the effects on symptoms when individuals have abstained from ingesting the artificial sweetener, aspartame. Make no bones about it, aspartame is a major factor in many symptomologies due to its effects upon brain chemistry.

...It's only appropriate  use is as a rat killer and to kill fire ants."


Edited by Buffalo Barbarian
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TO MY NEIGHBORS OF ALL NATIONS, An Open Statement Concerning The Artificial Sweetener, Aspartame by Arthur M. Evangelista, a former FDA InvestigatorI am a former investigator who worked with the US Food and Drug Administration:  This is what I have to say about Aspartame and the people who brought it to our tables.As a former FDA investigator, I was charged with overseeing two major projects for the FDA.  These concerned Pesticides and Chemicals in Foods and Illegal Drug Tissue Residues in Animals (including milk related issues).I worked closely with the sister Federal and State agencies, oversaw contracts, I was a co-ordinator and lead investigator on projects involving EPA and USDA.  The FDA, in the mid-70's to mid-90's was not a large organization, having an annual budget no greater than a medium-sized hospital by 1995.The problems with aspartame include not only the biochemical nature of this toxin but also it sheds light on the political nature of the players involved.  The changes in regulatory policies and regulations resulting from corporate-government ties and the politicians closely associated with these ties.What I can tell you, regarding toxicology, histology and biochemistry, is that aspartame is neurotoxic.  Its components easily transcend the blood-brain barrier, interfering with normal nerve cell function.  This affects the glutathione and calcium mechanisms in place, destroying nerve call integrity.  The methanol then breaks down into formaldehyde-formic acid components, which denaturizes/mutates the DNA:  a known scientific fact.  The subsequent result from this interaction and from isolates of genetically modified amino acids, the methanol, is nerve cell necrosis and subsequent organ system degradation.

The hypothalamus alone (the major controller for much of the endocrine system), is at especially high risk to these effects...thereby, affecting many other organ systems. I have seen first hand the effects on symptoms when individuals have abstained from ingesting the artificial sweetener, aspartame. Make no bones about it, aspartame is a major factor in many symptomologies due to its effects upon brain chemistry.

...It's only appropriate  use is as a rat killer and to kill fire ants."



I counter that 2003 chain letter with this:




and this compendium of peer-reviewed research by the best in the business:



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TO MY NEIGHBORS OF ALL NATIONS, An Open Statement Concerning The Artificial Sweetener, Aspartame by Arthur M. Evangelista, a former FDA InvestigatorI am a former investigator who worked with the US Food and Drug Administration:  This is what I have to say about Aspartame and the people who brought it to our tables.As a former FDA investigator, I was charged with overseeing two major projects for the FDA.  These concerned Pesticides and Chemicals in Foods and Illegal Drug Tissue Residues in Animals (including milk related issues).I worked closely with the sister Federal and State agencies, oversaw contracts, I was a co-ordinator and lead investigator on projects involving EPA and USDA.  The FDA, in the mid-70's to mid-90's was not a large organization, having an annual budget no greater than a medium-sized hospital by 1995.The problems with aspartame include not only the biochemical nature of this toxin but also it sheds light on the political nature of the players involved.  The changes in regulatory policies and regulations resulting from corporate-government ties and the politicians closely associated with these ties.What I can tell you, regarding toxicology, histology and biochemistry, is that aspartame is neurotoxic.  Its components easily transcend the blood-brain barrier, interfering with normal nerve cell function.  This affects the glutathione and calcium mechanisms in place, destroying nerve call integrity.  The methanol then breaks down into formaldehyde-formic acid components, which denaturizes/mutates the DNA:  a known scientific fact.  The subsequent result from this interaction and from isolates of genetically modified amino acids, the methanol, is nerve cell necrosis and subsequent organ system degradation.

The hypothalamus alone (the major controller for much of the endocrine system), is at especially high risk to these effects...thereby, affecting many other organ systems. I have seen first hand the effects on symptoms when individuals have abstained from ingesting the artificial sweetener, aspartame. Make no bones about it, aspartame is a major factor in many symptomologies due to its effects upon brain chemistry.

...It's only appropriate  use is as a rat killer and to kill fire ants."




That doesn't describe the mechanism of action. What is the mechanism of action?

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That doesn't describe the mechanism of action. What is the mechanism of action?


I don't know what you are looking for but that clearly describes how it attacks the nerve's, if you cant figure out Aspertame is a toxin then then I don't know what to tell you.


Lets let Jack Lalanne explain it, "if man made it don't eat it"

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I don't know what you are looking for but that clearly describes how it attacks the nerve's,


No, it doesn't. How does it "transcend the blood/brain barrier?" How does it interfere with the "glutathione and calcium mechanisms in place?"


Those are mechanisms of action. Tell me what they are. Because I can't find a damn thing in the scientific literature.

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No, it doesn't. How does it "transcend the blood/brain barrier?" How does it interfere with the "glutathione and calcium mechanisms in place?"


Those are mechanisms of action. Tell me what they are. Because I can't find a damn thing in the scientific literature.



Why don't you contact Arthur M. Evangelista former FDA Investigator, and see what he has to say about it.


Trying to find super technical data on how it works is a fancy way of you just looking for a way to avoid the scientific information that is already given.


Why don't you order some pure aspartame and see if harms you or not.

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Why don't you contact Arthur M. Evangelista former FDA Investigator, and see what he has to say about it.


Trying to find super technical data on how it works is a fancy way of you just looking for a way to avoid the scientific information that is already given.


Why don't you order some pure aspartame and see if harms you or not.

That's the problem. Aspartame in large amounts, is harmful. The tiny amount they put in diet pop is harmless.

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No artificial sweeteners. Those chemicals are horrible. We would never let our kids drink it.


not to mention it tastes like chit. (aftertaste)


Soda - southern states

Pop - Yankees

You realize this is a Buffalo thread, so yes, we proudly say pop here.


And they artificial sweeteners taste much better than they used to. Coke Zero taste really close to regular coke, barely any aftertaste. I'm diabetic so it's my only choice with pop.

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Why don't you contact Arthur M. Evangelista former FDA Investigator, and see what he has to say about it.



I tried. He doesn't actually seem to exist.



Trying to find super technical data on how it works is a fancy way of you just looking for a way to avoid the scientific information that is already given.



No, it's a fancy way of pointing out that there IS no scientific information given. Just unsupported claims and conjectures, phrased to appear scientific to appeal to the ignorant.

You realize this is a Buffalo thread, so yes, we proudly say pop here.


And they artificial sweeteners taste much better than they used to. Coke Zero taste really close to regular coke, barely any aftertaste. I'm diabetic so it's my only choice with pop.


Sucralose isn't bad...but it still has that bitter aftertaste.

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