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Soda and Pop

Ice bowl 67

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Trying to quit drinking soda. I am addicted to Soda big time. I feel like crap too after pounding a lot down. Anyone else have the same problem? I never smoke or drink but Pop on the other hand is my downfall.I read the long term effects it has on your Heart, Brain, Stomach, Liver and your Pancreas. That scared me enough to quit lol.

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Buy carbonated water, add slices of lemon, cucumber, or melon.


It won't exactly be like drinking a Coke, but it sure will help curb the cravings. Even if you have to cut an ounce or two of 100% fruit juice in there just to make it tolerable, I think you'll be way better off. Then, over time, drop the juice from 2 oz to 1.5, then to 1, then to 0.5, etc.


It'll be easier than you think.

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That **** is the worst for you. I moved on to carbonated water. It's more the bubbles I'm addicted to

It's not the carbonation, I need the caffeine. I drink diet, which isn't as bad as some people tell you it is.


Diet soda is a can of chemicals. And you don't need the caffeine. You want the caffeine.

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Trying to quit drinking soda. I am addicted to Soda big time. I feel like crap too after pounding a lot down. Anyone else have the same problem? I never smoke or drink but Pop on the other hand is my downfall.I read the long term effects it has on your Heart, Brain, Stomach, Liver and your Pancreas. That scared me enough to quit lol.

My new years resolution was to eliminate one bad food habit each month. I got the idea after I decided I was done drinking soda last September and said "I will not drink another for the rest of the year" Besides the one time at a movie I was choking on popcorn I did. I felt so much better after three months of not drinking soda. I would get those packets of iced tea usually if I needed something sweet at my office.


I'm really glad I did it. Now a soda tastes so sweet to me, I just can't drink it


This month I cut out bacon, next month I haven't decided yet but I might do fast food.

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That **** is the worst for you. I moved on to carbonated water. It's more the bubbles I'm addicted to


Diet soda is a can of chemicals. And you don't need the caffeine. You want the caffeine.


Same with me on the carbonated water; I stopped drinking soda and Snapple and the rest of that crap years ago.


If you want the caffeine, have a cup of coffee (I keep that to 1 cup/day).

Edited by KD in CT
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last time this topic came up, i and others got blasted for not having the inner strength to give up something such as pop or soda....


for what it's worth, those flavored carbonated waters are awful as well, they gave me the worst headaches.....i have been drinking tons of ice water lately...add some lemon or lime juice to 'spice' it up...i am good with my morning coffee, that seems to satisfy any caffeine cravings i may or may not have

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I gave up drinking soda regularly a couple years ago, but occasionally will have a diet dr pepper.


I do still crave carbonated beverages, so now I mix club soda with Newmans Lemonade. It gives me my soda fix with much less sugar.


If I need some caffeine I mix Mio energy in some club soda. The black cherry and tropical flavors are pretty good.

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Takes several days for the sugar withdrawal to stop. On the doctors show this morning they had a guy on that drank 10 sodas a day for a month. Put on 23 lbs. I think it is on YouTube

They don't call it a "root beer belly" for nothing! :D


Anyway... This is a much better debate:




Pretty cool how they have it broken down.

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I thought this was going to be a thread about whether you call these drinks "pop" or "soda" and why.


Anyway, we bought a Sodastream a year and a half ago and when I want something fizzy at home I drink that with one of their citrus "extracts" -- orange, lemon, or lime.


I might have a Cherry Coke Zero about every two weeks or so at work, but that's it.

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Only time I drink pop is some 7-Up with my whiskey. I was crazy for pop as a kid, but as I got older I didn't really care for it as much. It makes my teeth feel gritty and I hate that feeling.


Micro brewery beers of course. So obvious I can't believe it hasn't been mentioned yet. If no beer I like just water or sometimes I will have a Gatorade.


I wouldn't say I'm addicted but I love craft beers, especially in the fall and winter months. They have a new brewery in Buffalo that is churning out really good beer, Big Ditch Brewing Company.

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