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If I start a thread it just gets locked anyway so who cares.

So you could start a thread that is entitled "Should my thread be locked?" ....make it a poll. Let your creative juices flow.


Simple and to the point. Beerball's career choice is always a good topic.

Gugny's mail preferences are another topic altogether.

Where does Gugny get his male?


What about a thread where we all post our social security and credit card information? Should be fun to compare and contrast. Also, mother's maiden names.

I already have yours...

SS# n/a for Illegal Aliens,

Credit Card: BJ's Self Serve Car Wash Visa, 444-3287-7610-8663,

Mother's Maiden Name: Russert

Secret Question: What high school did you graduate from? Answer: Pending


katy perrys boobs or cheesesteaks. Both consume my thoughts.


Ethnic restaurants with different ethnicity running them?


Middle easterners and their "NY" pizza, Indians running the Greek spot. White folks with Mexican restaurants.


I want Mario and Sal making my pizza.

Gnokis Papadapoulous making my gyros

Luk pham making my fried rice

Someone beat you too it on TSW

katy perrys boobs


Someone beat you too it on TSW

katy perrys boobs

This is a family friendly thread...no more reference to boobs, jugs, yabos, goodies, "the girls", racks, breasteses, or pleasure pillows.



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