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more dysfunctional news.


ROLL CALL: House Democrats Brace for Potentially Tense Retreat.


For House Democrats, the months since the demoralizing midterm elections have been characterized by several public episodes of party infighting — about the culture of the caucus, the ‘brand’ and the perceived lack of opportunities for younger members to climb the ranks.”








CBC Chairman Threatens Racism Smear Against Fellow Dems in Seniority Fight

Nowhere in the rulebook does it say that Democrats can’t play the race card against other Democrats.




more dysfunction..........................................................




"The Senate has already had more amendments on the floor that have been voted on than all of 2014."




Senate Change You Can Actually Count



It’s no wonder that some Senate Democrats have privately told some of their GOP colleagues that while they mourn the loss of their majority status, they are also relieved that the Senate is back in business and allowing them to be more than potted plants. The mummification of the Senate under Harry Reid ultimately did no one any good — as witnessed by the severe backlash Senate Democrats experienced last November.





more dysfunction (?)


GOP inviting the Pope to address Congress brilliantly exposes Democrat’s Netanyahu hatred



Pelosi and the White House continue to maintain that it is not the clear and demonstrable bad blood that exists between the Israeli government and the administration that led Democrats to protest Netanyahu’s speech before Congress, but the failure of the House Republicans to observe proper protocol. They insist that, had Republicans informed the White House of their desire to invite Netanyahu to address Congress before submitting it to the Israeli leader, Democrats would have had few objections to the speech.


Well, congressional Republicans decided to test that theory. On Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) revealed that Pope Francis accepted a request from congressional leadership to address a joint session of Congress in September.


“Boehner’s office says it did not coordinate with the White House when the speaker invited the pope last year,” Politico reported. “It told the administration of the visit only this morning — which is also when Boehner told reporters.”


In marked contrast from Netanyahu’s visit to Congress, the news that the Pope would address a joint session of the federal legislature for the first time in history was met with bipartisan acclaim. The White House contended that they haven’t engaged in any contradictory behavior at all. “Certainly the president and the team here was aware of the pope’s intent to travel to the United States, intent to spend some time in Washington, D.C.,” White House Press Sec. Josh Earnest said on Thursday.


So, the White House knew that the Pope was coming to Washington and they would have you believe that they are not all that surprised that he’ll make a historic swing through the Capitol Building to deliver a precedent-setting address to a joint session of Congress. Even though that same precious protocol that a was supposedly violated when a co-equal branch of government exercised its prerogative to invite whomever it wanted to speak before Congress, the White House doesn’t mind that breach so much this time because their powers of clairvoyance provided them the foresight to see this development coming.


It’s so silly that it’s simply embarrassing. House Republican leadership has cleverly demonstrated that the White House’s only objection to Netanyahu speaking before Congress were his political differences with President Obama. It was petty, it was childish, and its vindictive nature has been exposed. In the meantime, however, Obama did his party no favors.







  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Posting links from ones favorite far right far left webnews sites is so fruitfull and enlightening!


My question is: what are the current GOP visions for immigration reform, tax reform, education reform etc...Do they have them...where are they? do theyhave a plan to compose them, develop legislation, put it before the public...you know lead....lead like you know what want to do and you are going there.....


Or are they just full of political games...are they any adults over there?


Spare me the finger pointing at the Dems....if you are a GOP TP...where Is your platform?



Edited by baskin
Posted (edited)

Posting links from ones favorite far right far left webnews sites is so fruitfull and enlightening!

My question is: what are the current GOP visions for immigration reform, tax reform, education reform etc...Do they have them...where are they? do theyhave a plan to compose them, develop legislation, put it before the public...you know lead....lead like you know what want to do and you are going there.....

Or are they just full of political games...are they any adults over there?

Spare me the finger pointing at the Dems....if you are a GOP TP...where Is your platform?


Obama's a Socialist Kenyan radical!!!! Edited by gatorman

Help me here LA http://www.teaparty-platform.com/


Where in this platform does it say anything about playing political games with funding DHS and shutting down the government?


Where are the proposals, the bills, the debate?


Why are they not acting on any of this noble platform?


Help me here LA http://www.teaparty-platform.com/


Where in this platform does it say anything about playing political games with funding DHS and shutting down the government?


Where are the proposals, the bills, the debate?


Why are they not acting on any of this noble platform?


I'm not quite sure what you're after, Scooter, but what is plainly clear to anyone who has the ability to think for themselves is that the current president of the United States has proven, without question, that he has no interest in input from anyone but Valerie Jarrett or the highest bidder.


You need only look at the bipartisan Keystone bill to understand this very simple, easy-to-digest truth that even a guy like you who DIDN'T vote for Obama could understand.


Leaders lead. Eveyrone else blames and whines. Much like your post above.


More dysfunction............................



THE HILL: GOP urges Obama to sign college savings bill.


President Obama should get on board with House Republican legislation passed this week expanding college savings plans, Rep. Jim Renacci (R-Ohio) said in the weekly Republican address.


“Why would we make saving for college even harder? We talk all the time about rewarding people who work hard and play by the rules — well, that’s what 529 plans are,” said Renacci, who touted his upbringing in a working-class union family.


“They empower families to set up accounts for their children, right from when they’re born, and then down the line, they can use that money tax-free on books, fees, tuition and room-and-board,” he added.


This week,
the House passed a bill 401-20 loosening restrictions on tax incentives and expanding the college savings plan program, after Obama scuttled a proposal to eliminate tax breaks for the plan in his annual budget.







More dysfunction............................



THE HILL: GOP urges Obama to sign college savings bill.


I can hear Barry now:


"We don't need a bipartisan bill to help people save money for college because college should be free for all. It's a basic human right. It's the right thing to do. I'm not going to wait.


"I have a pen.


"And a phone.


"And a golf club.


"And this thermos.


"And that's all i need."


I'm not quite sure what you're after, Scooter, but what is plainly clear to anyone who has the ability to think for themselves is that the current president of the United States has proven, without question, that he has no interest in input from anyone but Valerie Jarrett or the highest bidder.


You need only look at the bipartisan Keystone bill to understand this very simple, easy-to-digest truth that even a guy like you who DIDN'T vote for Obama could understand.


Leaders lead. Eveyrone else blames and whines. Much like your post above.

I am blaming and whining .... Huh?


I am looking for some substance in the GOP or TP.....I thought you could provide some direction....seriously. What is their vision for the country and how do they want to get there.....tell me there is more than holding up funding bills.....somewhere...


I am blaming and whining .... Huh?


I am looking for some substance in the GOP or TP.....I thought you could provide some direction....seriously. What is their vision for the country and how do they want to get there.....tell me there is more than holding up funding bills.....somewhere...


The simple fact that you whine about blame the GOP holding up bills tells us all we need to know about how you view our government. It tells me you haven't been paying attention to the past four years.


So let's be honest...anyone who pays even a passing glance at politics knows the conservative right believes in smaller government adhering to the Constitution, reduced spending across the board, a balanced budget, strong military, and free market solutions. Less of government, more of the people. If you are convicted enough to blame the GOP for our country's woes, you're hopefully smart enough to have seen all the bills that have been presented to this regard and, again, tells me what I need to know.


What you are looking for is a reason to blame someone for the failures of the past six years, and in particular, anyone but the current president, which is curious in itself as you try to explain you are not a Democrat and didn't vote for Obama. That would suggest you're a Republican and voted for Romney, but we both know better, don't we.


Now we can sit here for days and point out faults of both parties, and in truth that's pretty much how we spend our days here now.


However the ONE truth you keep evading is that we have one person -- namely POTUS -- who we collectively elect to set the course and steer the ship. The very best presidents have done this in spite of opposition, via cooperation, compromise and positive rhetoric. They show an air of confidence in all they do, as well as belief that they want to be POTUS because they love this country and want it to be the worldwide leader in pretty much everything except curling.


What you refuse to acknowledge (again, for someone who claims they are not a Democrat and didn't vote for Obama), is that the current leader is interested in none of this. He doesn't lead. He has no sense of confidence. He is straight up focused on two things: the highest bidder and throwing around executive actions in hopes he can salvage whatever is left of his legacy.



So let's be honest...anyone who pays even a passing glance at politics knows the conservative right believes in smaller government adhering to the Constitution, reduced spending across the board, a balanced budget, strong military, and free market solutions. Less of government, more of the people. If you are convicted enough to blame the GOP for our country's woes, you're hopefully smart enough to have seen all the bills that have been presented to this regard and, again, tells me what I need to know.

How did that bloated, pork filled, farm bill get through the House if this is true???


How did that bloated, pork filled, farm bill get through the House if this is true???


I said conservative right, not the GOP.


If you're not going to read things carely, then leave these discussions to the adults and stick with your Scott Walker stories.



I said conservative right, not the GOP.


If you're not going to read things carely, then leave these discussions to the adults and stick with your Scott Walker stories.

Well who are the conservative right and who are just GOP?


Well who are the conservative right and who are just GOP?


I was going to list names, but then I realized it was easier than that for a dedicated progressive like yourself by just using the Blucher Test.


Get a list of all the elected officials who are designed as a Republican. Read their names out loud. If you read a name out loud, and you either piss yourself or find you are suddenly unable to complete a full sentence because of all the foam around your mouth, that would be someone considered a conservative right.




"Ted Cruz!!!"


Feel that warm, moist sensation in your mid section....? Bingo. Conservative right.



I was going to list names, but then I realized it was easier than that for a dedicated progressive like yourself by just using the Blucher Test.


Get a list of all the elected officials who are designed as a Republican. Read their names out loud. If you read a name out loud, and you either piss yourself or find you are suddenly unable to complete a full sentence because of all the foam around your mouth, that would be someone considered a conservative right.




"Ted Cruz!!!"


Feel that warm, moist sensation in your mid section....? Bingo. Conservative right.

forget listing names just give me a count - like out of the 245 republicans in the house I consider blank# real conservatives.


forget listing names just give me a count - like out of the 245 republicans in the house I consider blank# real conservatives.




No, wait. Two.


No, wait. Three. Definitely three.


Wait. No. Hold on. Three and a half. Yeah. Three and a half. I'm going with that.


No. Wait.

Posted (edited)


The simple fact that you whine about blame the GOP holding up bills tells us all we need to know about how you view our government. It tells me you haven't been paying attention to the past four years.


So let's be honest...anyone who pays even a passing glance at politics knows the conservative right believes in smaller government adhering to the Constitution, reduced spending across the board, a balanced budget, strong military, and free market solutions. Less of government, more of the people. If you are convicted enough to blame the GOP for our country's woes, you're hopefully smart enough to have seen all the bills that have been presented to this regard and, again, tells me what I need to know.


What you are looking for is a reason to blame someone for the failures of the past six years, and in particular, anyone but the current president, which is curious in itself as you try to explain you are not a Democrat and didn't vote for Obama. That would suggest you're a Republican and voted for Romney, but we both know better, don't we.


Now we can sit here for days and point out faults of both parties, and in truth that's pretty much how we spend our days here now.


However the ONE truth you keep evading is that we have one person -- namely POTUS -- who we collectively elect to set the course and steer the ship. The very best presidents have done this in spite of opposition, via cooperation, compromise and positive rhetoric. They show an air of confidence in all they do, as well as belief that they want to be POTUS because they love this country and want it to be the worldwide leader in pretty much everything except curling.


What you refuse to acknowledge (again, for someone who claims they are not a Democrat and didn't vote for Obama), is that the current leader is interested in none of this. He doesn't lead. He has no sense of confidence. He is straight up focused on two things: the highest bidder and throwing around executive actions in hopes he can salvage whatever is left of his legacy.


So LaBillzFan has responded to your question. Your next post will probably ask for the specific legislation that enables the objectives ticked off above. Please be assured that the actual bill is in the works. I understand the Republicans in the House and Senate have a ten thousand page bill that is extremely complex and may cause many members to simply vote for it w/o actually reading it. The popular name of the bill is very long, so they just refer to it by its initials...ACA.


Oh, Oh, does that sound familiar? It is a technique born of the recent passage of legislation, read by few if any legislators, understood by even fewer, etc. Except the Republicans will probably invite debate and publicize its specifics, and hope that members of the opposition party actually come to work on the day the legislation is voted upon. Now that "Hide-the-Bill" Harry Reid is on the outside looking in, there's a good chance the Senate will get a chance to consider whatever comes up for consideration.

Edited by Keukasmallies
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