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Billionaire says we all need to live a lower class lifestyle

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So you think it's a good thing to have politicians become millionaires several times over while in office?

Doesn't matter what I think, fame equals wealth in this mass media technological world we live in. Go piss into the wind if you think that will change anything

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Doesn't matter what I think, fame equals wealth in this mass media technological world we live in. Go piss into the wind if you think that will change anything


He didn't ask about changing anything, he asked what your opinion on the matter was. And I'll be curious to hear it myself. Do you think it's a good thing for politicians to personally make millions while in office?

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He didn't ask about changing anything, he asked what your opinion on the matter was. And I'll be curious to hear it myself. Do you think it's a good thing for politicians to personally make millions while in office?

We all know what Shelly Silver's opinion is on that one.

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He didn't ask about changing anything, he asked what your opinion on the matter was. And I'll be curious to hear it myself. Do you think it's a good thing for politicians to personally make millions while in office?

As long as its not corrupt I have no problem with it.
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He didn't ask about changing anything, he asked what your opinion on the matter was. And I'll be curious to hear it myself. Do you think it's a good thing for politicians to personally make millions while in office?

it's the american way. thems the rules. change the game, change the rules. but most don't want to. somehow they believe that given the right opportunity, they can win. becoming prez is winning. it comes with perks.

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So, item #1 on this agenda is:


1. Remove all public funding from "insert your non-white, non-male identity here" studies majors. Not only are they worthless Bachelor of Arts degrees(and when I say worthless, I mean I've literally seen 3 HR ladies with 6 foot high stacks of resumes, aribitrarily tossing all the BAs into a 30-gallon trash can), they provide their recipients with 0 marketable skills....other than working for the government/university/non-profits....whose sole goal in life is to extract money out of the economy via the government, for the sole purpose of propogating the existence of further identity study. We are literally paying these people to not only get a degree(because non-white/non-male means scholarship $), but to waste taxpayer $, for life, so that they can F'ing create more of themselves?


How is this even an accredited degree? The study of myself? It's a history major without any rigorous study of history. They can study anything at all, create a thesis about anything, and nobody can judge it, because it's totally subjective == "My experience as a lesbian Asian". What experience? In college? The study of going to college as a lesbian Asian? Where is the rigor in that? Your personal observations of how you are treated being both gay and Asian? That's a f'ing diary, presented as a piece of intellectual work product? :lol: GTFO of here.


We cannot have lesbian Asians presenting their 4 year diaries, and charging the taxpayer for it. Society gains nothing. Forget identity fraud, this is identity extortion.


2. Somehow, someway force people to understand the concept of "average" when it comes to kids. If some have "above-average" intellect, that means that there are others who are of "average" and "below-average" intellect. That is reality. Self of Steam doesn't change that reality at all. If you are a dumbass, you know it. Making you feel good about being a dumbass doesn't help, it prevents you from accepting that weakness, so you waste time that could be spent finding your strengths. To quote the Incredibles "When everyone is special, no one will be!".Yeah, that plan doesn't work, because both the above and below average kids will act out, either becaue they are bored, or frustrated.


All this is about is envy, and the setting of unrealistic expectations....which always ends badly. Accepting your limitations, and finding and focusing on your strengths is the first sign of true maturity. Instead of pretending everyone belongs in the same bucket, we need to get rid of the bucket, spread everybody out, set realistic goals for all and see where each kid takes it. But, we have to keep an eye on things, and remember that people can change.


You'll never meet a happier person than one who is fully in touch with exactly who they are, strengths and weaknesses, has accepted both, and plays to their strengths. The miserable do the exact opposite, and the truly miserable never even bother to figure out which is which.

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