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New York State's most wanted criminal finally arrested.

KD in CA

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Feds got him! Good. This is why we need the feds to police the states. Wasn't Niagara Falls locked down by organized crime until the Feds busted that up, too?

You are absolutely high if you thiink anyone has done anything about organized crime in the Falls. And, all that has been accomplished? The current organized crime is now subsidized by the government, and it's scope and scale is approaching the 1950s level. More people from more areas are involved. The organizational structure has changed, but the outcome? Same as it ever was.


All that has changed are the names. The crooks are more diverse. They've expanded into new things. Being Italian still makes a difference, but it's not exclusionary anymore. The game hasn't changed at all. When my uncle's wife opened her business there, 2 guys showed up the first week to "collect". Too bad for them, they didn't realize who she was married to, and therefore, which family they were F'ing with. Their error was corrected.


I've been to the 3rd and 4th basements of the Cuomo. That's all you need to know....that I know.


Instead of busting things up, the Democratic party got in bed with the crooks, or the crooks became the elected Democrats. Either way, When the last 3 mayors get locked up, and the current guy should have been a long time ago(but he's got something, that nobody knows about, but we know he has it, and it protects him)? They got busted because somebody informed. Somebody informed because these mayors crossed the wrong guy. Actually, given the circumstances, I don't know how you could do that job and not get busted for something eventually. You'd have to be a scary SOB.


And don't think this is a partisan thing: The Republicans control the Power Authority, and there are all sorts of no-show jobs handed out by the county which is now all but 4 seats in R hands. Last I heard we are talking ~5 mil in payroll for little or no work. The same story can be told over and over, depending on who controls what, and sometimes both parties work together on corruption. Dyster is only knocking down houses/removing blight because he worked out a backroom deal for the property owners who have been writing off the abandoned houses. See? There's your R+D working together. Bi-partisan!


Again, you're high if you thanking the Federal Deity for getting any actual results in the Falls. This is all about the $ now, and it flows 2 ways, from Albany and back...


EDIT: and nobody wants the Feds getting any of it. But, it's not like they won't try...

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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