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New England Patriots caught deflating game balls


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The NFL won't punish the Patriots for this, not with QBs coming out saying that underinflated balls are the norm, heh. But even so, if the NFL did do anything, it'd be a slap on the wrist. Not sure why there's so much drama about it.


Please provide a link because I haven't heard one QB come out and say they knowingly played with under inflated footballs for a competitive advantage.

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Because no one wants to admit that the Bills have sucked all on their own, that the Pats are greats, and that this kind of cheating is not only commonplace, but that it is about as severe a "crime" as receivers using illegal sticky substances, or setting picks for pass plays, or trying to get away with illegal formations.


Nevermind that the whole league is fueled on illegal PED's and painkillers (let's take away the 4 Steeler Super Bowls, it's common knowledge they were juiced).



It's just a media driven frenzy, and if people can focus on it often and strongly enough, they can convince themselves that the pressure of the ball is one of the most important aspects of the game.



I find it pretty pathetic that people are trying to defend this. Weather factors were not great enough to cause that amount of PSI drop, there is a definitely advantage to under inflated balls for the offense, and how long has it really been going on? They were caught now how deep does the rabbit hole really go.


the entire league was riddled in PED's in the 70's and rules were enacted to stop that. Same goes for sticky substances used in that same era


Ball PSI rules were established and in place and violated


I'm disgusted at the 30% -40% who are trying to convince people this is no big deal.


Just amazes me that people are trying to blow this off as nothing. Cheatroits have placed the integrity of the game on the line more than once now.


the Cheatrioits will forever be a mere asterisk

Edited by ddaryl
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"Everyone does it."

"You can't prove everyone doesn't do it."

"Even if everyone doesn't do this, everyone does other stuff."


Any other bull **** excuses you want to parrot?

Those are NOT quotes from me. Re-read my posts, dude. And don't detach the statements that you are responding to from my quotes, because it misleads other further down the thread, because they don't see my actual quotes. That is unethical, and I can see people here are very concerned with ethics.


I said it's not a serious transgression.

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Is it crazy to think that the advantage wasn't for Brady but for Edelman? They knew they were going to run that play at some point. If the game was on the line and they needed that play to win, it would have been the difference. Edelman is 5'10", not even close to the size of most NFL QBs his hands are probably not as big either. They stacked the deck whether they needed to or not.

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posted 2 deadspin articles to the same effect, that no ones commented on. they were essentially long versions of your post.


so now the outrage is about what we havent caught them doing yet? its kind of stretching a little, though i get your point.

I really think that is the case Saint. I have said from the beginning i don't think the under inflation is a big deal...Pats whopped em head to toe.


But if they did this is this game, folks will wonder what they have done to gain an unfair advantage in the Ravens game..or in any game they have played.


Once someone lies to you, then lies again...do you take everything after that as Gospel?

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Those are NOT quotes from me. Re-read my posts, dude. And don't detach the statements that you are responding to from my quotes, because it misleads other further down the thread, because they don't see my actual quotes. That is unethical, and I can see people here are very concerned with ethics.


I said it's not a serious transgression.


It's paraphrasing. I think everyone with half a brain realizes that (though admittedly, that omits maybe a quarter of the board. Including yourself, apparently.)


And I'll add "It's not a big deal" to your list of excuses.

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Is it crazy to think that the advantage wasn't for Brady but for Edelman? They knew they were going to run that play at some point. If the game was on the line and they needed that play to win, it would have been the difference. Edelman is 5'10", not even close to the size of most NFL QBs his hands are probably not as big either. They stacked the deck whether they needed to or not.


thats what this does. It brings into question a lot of things the more you think about it, and combined with the allegations of Spygate, and even some imagination and memory, you start to think..Whether its valid or not. That is where people go. Its the Patriots' fault.


Like when someone mentioned that Arizona game a few years ago in bad weather when Warner was struggling, yet Brady had complete command... as well as many of Brady's other wins in the elements.

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Bellichick should be suspended immediately and indefinitely if they know he did this intentionally and I think he did based on the preliminary findings.




"Everyone does it."
"You can't prove everyone doesn't do it."
"Even if everyone doesn't do this, everyone does other stuff."
"It's not a big deal."
"Your team just sucks."
So we should just ignore it completely.
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I really think that is the case Saint. I have said from the beginning i don't think the under inflation is a big deal...Pats whopped em head to toe.


But if they did this is this game, folks will wonder what they have done to gain an unfair advantage in the Ravens game..or in any game they have played.


Once someone lies to you, then lies again...do you take everything after that as Gospel?


Who lied the first time? And how do you know who is responsible for the deflation, and that they are the same liar?

Why is it okay for you whiners to jump to conclusions (it's Belichick, or it was coordinated by a group of people), but I can't venture to guess that the Pats probably aren't the only team where this kind of thing has been done?


It's paraphrasing. I think everyone with half a brain realizes that (though admittedly, that omits maybe a quarter of the board. Including yourself, apparently.)


And I'll add "It's not a big deal" to your list of excuses.


Yeah, but they are slanted to your favor. I didn't say those things., and they are different from my intent (AND YOU WERE AWARE OF THAT!). I am not convinced that deflating the ball is a serious transgression. That is the essence of my position. It is worthy of a 15 yard penalty and a fine.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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Why is it okay for you whiners to jump to conclusions (it's Belichick, or it was coordinated by a group of people), but I can't venture to guess that the Pats probably aren't the only team where this kind of thing has been done?


Simple: the Pats have a documented institutional history of cheating, going all the way back to Belichick's five-minute tenure with the Jets. Other teams don't.

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"Everyone does it."
"You can't prove everyone doesn't do it."
"Even if everyone doesn't do this, everyone does other stuff."
"It's not a big deal."
"Your team just sucks."
So we should just ignore it completely.


How about just saying "it's a HOF's"



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Who lied the first time? And how do you know who is responsible for the deflation, and that they are the same liar?

Why is it okay for you whiners to jump to conclusions (it's Belichick, or it was coordinated by a group of people), but I can't venture to guess that the Pats probably aren't the only team where this kind of thing has been done?


Yeah, but they are slanted to your favor. I didn't say those things., and they are different from my intent (AND YOU WERE AWARE OF THAT!). I am not convinced that deflating the ball is a serious transgression. That is the essence of my position. It is worthy of a 15 yard penalty and a fine.

Dont believe i mentioned Belichick...as a matter of fact postured a few posts back Brady is the one that benefits from this...what occurs if Brady is found to be the one who ordered/covered this up?


So in your eyes...some rules that concern the integrity of the game are more important than others? Kinda like a little pregnant?


If a rule is in there to protect the integrity of the game, it is in there to protect the integrity of the game.


They were already caught illegally video taping signals, now they seem to be caught messing with the balls to gain an advantage...and i am supposed to just accept that the league is 2 for 2 in catching the so called "smartest coach ever"?


Defies logic

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