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It would be far more effective to start a social media campaign to boycott the Superbowl. Hit them where it really hurts - TV ratings.

Heh I would easily bet more then 90% of those people would still watch the game.


Heh I would easily bet more then 90% of those people would still watch the game.



"We're only watching for the commercials..."


Probably. But start a Facebook campaign with legs, and the league office would still **** their collective pants over that alone.




"We're only watching for the commercials..."


Probably. But start a Facebook campaign with legs, and the league office would still **** their collective pants over that alone.

This might not be a record setting year to begin with too


No, I think the point you were trying to make is irrelevant.

If half of a newspaper is comics it doesn't make the other half not news.


I think the point he was trying to make is that twitter is irrelevant. Or at least highly capricious.

Posted (edited)


I think the point he was trying to make is that twitter is irrelevant. Or at least highly capricious.


Then he doesn't understand the modern day media or the importance large corporations place on social media trends.

Anyone that thinks large corporations don't pay close attention to Facebook or Twitter don't understand how public relations works in the 21st century. Both sites are more important to the NFL than anything that's written in a magazine or newspaper.

Edited by TheBillsWillRiseAgain


Then he doesn't understand the modern day media or the importance large corporations place on social media trends.


Social media trends and twitter "trending" topics are two very different things. Large corporations aren't too concerned with "Beyonce's booty" or "New Jersey real housewife's prison cell makeover" or whatever the inane topic of the day is.

Posted (edited)

But they're certainly concerned when a scandal involving them is a trending topic. It's every company's and every politician's nightmare. Companies have literally been put out of business by unfavorable videos of their employees treating a pizza delivery guy badly going viral.

The duration of the popularity of this topic and the scale at which it trends will likely help determine how hard the league comes down on the Patriots. They'll basically do the least possible they can that they feel will cause the uproar of the scandal to subside.

Edited by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

But they're certainly concerned when a scandal involving them is a trending topic. It's every company's and every politician's nightmare. Companies have literally been put out of business by unfavorable videos of their employees treating a pizza delivery guy badly going viral.


The duration of the popularity of this topic and the scale at which it trends will likely help determine how hard the league comes down on the Patriots. They'll basically do the least possible they can that they feel will cause the uproar of the scandal to subside.

If you think this is going to put the NFL out of business, you're crazy.


If you think this is going to put the NFL out of business, you're crazy.


If they're preternaturally incompetent handling of Ray Rice didn't, a dozen underinflated footballs certainly won't.


You know who's really loving this "deflate-gate" controversy? Penn State and the NCAA.



If they're preternaturally incompetent handling of Ray Rice didn't, a dozen underinflated footballs certainly won't.


You know who's really loving this "deflate-gate" controversy? Penn State and the NCAA.

Good point.


Also, fast forward to the first week of September 2015. You know who doesn't give a **** about this? The near-100 million Americans who are salivating for the NFL to start up again.


Good point.


Also, fast forward to the first week of September 2015. You know who doesn't give a **** about this? The near-100 million Americans who are salivating for the NFL to start up again.


And I just typed "they're" instead of "their." I'm seriously having an off-day. :bag:


Scauses and hash tags work in Egypt, Ferguson, Sanford, NYC, LA and South Africa. But not in the NFL.


Love it. Love Uhmerika. Uhmerika !@#$ yeah!

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