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It's the cost of doing business for a hosting a kids birthday party. Sending a bill??? Ugh.


Here's a follow up question. What happens if the boy cannot attend as noted....but drops off a present at the party before heading to his grandparents? Does this 'gift' negate/lesson the cost issue for the host mom? Does mom behave the same way? This whole this (for the host) is in very bad form imo.


It sounds like the entire problem was the host mom did not make clear there would be a non-refundable per child payment for snow tubing, etc until after the fact. But normally places like the ski slope will be cool and not bill for 1 or 2 kids who don't show up. Lack of communication and classless behavior by the host. This kind of situation happens a lot, or you get the other type of parent who shows up with the rest of their uninvited kids wanting to participate in the party. But it's very classless to ask for the money, especially if you didn't make that clear with the accepted invite.


It's the cost of doing business for a hosting a kids birthday party. Sending a bill??? Ugh.


Here's a follow up question. What happens if the boy cannot attend as noted....but drops off a present at the party before heading to his grandparents? Does this 'gift' negate/lesson the cost issue for the host mom? Does mom behave the same way? This whole this (for the host) is in very bad form imo.


Bolded text is correct. What parent hosts a kids b-day party expecting to come out even?


Lawyers on this board will know better, but does the host mother even have a case in small claims court? What binding contract was signed by this kid? Is a verbal, "I am coming" good enough??


that is still pretty douchy to ask or even expect to pay their share or even for everyone who replied to show up. note to those parents, do not accept their future wedding invite


If the mother had just said to the parents "Hey, I paid for him, would it be too much to ask for you to still pay his share?" there wouldn't be an issue. It's the douchy way they went about it.


Count me in towards the side that hosted the party. These parties cost a lot of money, I think it is rude to tell them your coming & then don't show up. Now if it happened, I wouldn't give a kid an invoice, but I would remember it the next time their kid had a birthday. & just for the record there was once where my son said he was going to a birthday party, but something came up & he couldn't attend & we still dropped off a gift.




As a father of a beautiful 5 year old girl, that is one of the most disgusting messed up articles I have ever read. What kind of society do we live in that people actually think like this. Makes me sick.


Count me in towards the side that hosted the party. These parties cost a lot of money, I think it is rude to tell them your coming & then don't show up. Now if it happened, I wouldn't give a kid an invoice, but I would remember it the next time their kid had a birthday. & just for the record there was once where my son said he was going to a birthday party, but something came up & he couldn't attend & we still dropped off a gift.




As a father of a beautiful 5 year old girl, that is one of the most disgusting messed up articles I have ever read. What kind of society do we live in that people actually think like this. Makes me sick.

They could have went about it better. If I were in the situation of the kid who didn't attend, and the parents politely approached me and explained they'd already paid ahead of time, etc, I'd be more apt to pay. Or even a small note. But to go to the level of having a whole bill made up, that's just being a jerk.


They could have went about it better. If I were in the situation of the kid who didn't attend, and the parents politely approached me and explained they'd already paid ahead of time, etc, I'd be more apt to pay. Or even a small note. But to go to the level of having a whole bill made up, that's just being a jerk.

I hear ya. Like I said I wouldn't of gone about it that way but if their kid had an upcoming birthday party I may have told them my kid is coming & then have my kid not show up. See how they like it.

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