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Today's box score: Train 1, Man 0

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That's a weird story.


Why was he working out on train tracks?


They said he was there with others and video equipment when he was killed and suicide was ruled out.


So like why didn't he jump out of the way of a train? Seems like there is something missing to this story.


Also: they said he was ex West Point and ex Army Ranger.

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I always wonder what you have to do to get hit by a train. Besides suicide or murder. I just can't picture a scenario where it's even possible. I did work with a guy once that late one night when coming home from a party he fell asleep in his car waiting for the train to pass. That's as close as I can come.

At a risk of getting banned again for showing a brutal video I do this as a service to my fellow Bills fan who asked.

Wow. When did we get those nice bullet type trains they have in Japan and Europe? Sweet I'm going to have to start taking the train to LA now instead of Jet Blue!

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I always wonder what you have to do to get hit by a train. Besides suicide or murder. I just can't picture a scenario where it's even possible. I did work with a guy once that late one night when coming home from a party he fell asleep in his car waiting for the train to pass. That's as close as I can come.


Wow. When did we get those nice bullet type trains they have in Japan and Europe? Sweet I'm going to have to start taking the train to LA now instead of Jet Blue!

Passenger trains are shockingly quiet. Amtrak can run 79 mph in some areas and if on a stretch with no road crossings, no train horn. In most cases, yes it's someone being a dumbass but you don't necessarily have to be passed out drunk for it to happen. I'd say headphones are a big factor if not under the influence.

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