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CIA, Hollywood, Noregia and Murder

Deranged Rhino

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This is an absolutely batty story, one that's been rumored for years in Hollywood. It's got sex, spies, truck drivers, murder, a skeleton with 200 year old hands, and a coverup that's lasted almost 20 years.



"Noriega, the article explains, ran a well-known 'honey trap': inviting diplomats to his home filled with alcohol, drugs, beautiful women, and beautiful men - and covertly filming their antics.

After years of research, Dr Alford suggests the film may have implied the invasion was nothing more than a diversion that would allow the US into Panama to steal back incriminating photos of senior US officials that Noriega could have used as blackmail."




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it was clearly aliens.


In this case, it seems it was clearly CIA trying to cover up what really went down in Panama. Normally I'd be all for the alien connection.

WTF is up with 200 year-old hands?


If it's not a massive error by the medical examiner (which it might be), it's clear to me it's a message of some kind. "Hands off", "Idle hands" etc. etc.

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If it's not a massive error by the medical examiner (which it might be), it's clear to me it's a message of some kind. "Hands off", "Idle hands" etc. etc.

I suppose I could understand more easily if the hands had been simply removed, but substituting them with 200 year-old skeletal hands? Where do you even get 200 year-old hands from?



and please don't say that the CIA keeps them because they may come in handy.

Edited by Azalin
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In this case, it seems it was clearly CIA trying to cover up what really went down in Panama. Normally I'd be all for the alien connection.


If it's not a massive error by the medical examiner (which it might be), it's clear to me it's a message of some kind. "Hands off", "Idle hands" etc. etc.

I agree. Van Halen was the first to discover this and in a veiled attempt outed the truth. The rest is hearsay, many believe but DLR was there.

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I add this to the conspiracy theories about the Panama invasion I've heard over the years:


1. The CIA was concerned about Noriega seizing the Panama Canal since CIA ran drugs, guns and mercs trained at the School of the Americas through the canal;


2. The CIA wanted Noriega's drug contacts and trade as he was a competitor to the CIA's business;


3. Noriega and many of the colonels and generals in the PDF once completely in power, would reveal major intelligence and secrets regarding his/their role in Iran/Contra, the CIA, and both Presidents Reagan and Bush and probably would have brought down President Bush;

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I add this to the conspiracy theories about the Panama invasion I've heard over the years:


1. The CIA was concerned about Noriega seizing the Panama Canal since CIA ran drugs, guns and mercs trained at the School of the Americas through the canal;


2. The CIA wanted Noriega's drug contacts and trade as he was a competitor to the CIA's business;


3. Noriega and many of the colonels and generals in the PDF once completely in power, would reveal major intelligence and secrets regarding his/their role in Iran/Contra, the CIA, and both Presidents Reagan and Bush and probably would have brought down President Bush;

Well this one and number three on your list are kissing cousins at worst.

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I add this to the conspiracy theories about the Panama invasion I've heard over the years:


1. The CIA was concerned about Noriega seizing the Panama Canal since CIA ran drugs, guns and mercs trained at the School of the Americas through the canal;


I wouldn't call this a conspiracy theory because it's pretty much what went down.


Noriega was America's Old Yeller. He served us faithfully but in the end he went rabid so we had to put him down

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