IDBillzFan Posted January 16, 2015 Posted January 16, 2015 (edited) What blew me away is how old he actually is. Anyone his age who types HA HA HA HA! just shows the maturity level we're dealing with. The reality is, he is the online personification of today's progressive. Look at people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Debbie Wasserman Shultz. When you think that gatorman is just a guy prodding bears for the sake of passing time, you listen to that trifecta and realize he's their online B word...doing what they say, posting what they send, and, fortunately, leading them to the end of modern day progressivism. Edited January 16, 2015 by LABillzFan
B-Man Posted January 16, 2015 Posted January 16, 2015 FTA: Burke is one of four patients that Paul performs pro bono eye surgery on today. In recent years, Paul has done between 10 and 15 eye surgeries a year for free. “I’ve always done some since I’ve been in practice,” he recounts. In 1995, Paul founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic, which provided free eye care for low-income people, “because I wanted to be able to give back to the community.” He did free operations for locals and also for children who had come all the way from Guatemala. Paul estimates he has done over a hundred pro bono surgeries over the years. In the health-care debate, he remarks, it was overlooked how many doctors already perform free surgeries for those in need. Performing surgery pro bono, Paul insists, “is not unusual for physicians.”
Azalin Posted January 16, 2015 Posted January 16, 2015 What blew me away is how old he actually is. Anyone his age who types HA HA HA HA! just shows the maturity level we're dealing with. Not to mention saying people remind him of 'a dirty toilet' or launching devastating epithets like 'poop-head'.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 16, 2015 Author Posted January 16, 2015 The Senate conducted their own investigation which concluded that fully one quarter of all disability insurance claims decisions were flawed, improperly addressing “insufficient, contradictory, and incomplete evidence, thus increasing the chances of rewarding nondisabled persons.” One quarter, not one half?? At least the article admits the poor jobs situation Obama inheriated from Bush was a driving factor. And that low wages are a disincentive for people--lacking health care!--to try and get disability This is all just a game to you, isn't it? It's never a discussion or an attempt to actually learn anything. As long as you can reply with something - anything - no matter how ridiculous or juvenile it may sound, you believe you've scored some kind of point. You vociferously support a president as being informed enough in the field to accurately assess the nation's medical needs, yet scoff at a physician's observation that a large percentage of SSDI claims are fraudulent. And you can't see how retarded that is? You made a really stupid point and I pointed that out.
Azalin Posted January 16, 2015 Posted January 16, 2015 One quarter, not one half?? At least the article admits the poor jobs situation Obama inheriated from Bush was a driving factor. And that low wages are a disincentive for people--lacking health care!--to try and get disability You made a really stupid point and I pointed that out. Keep trying.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 16, 2015 Author Posted January 16, 2015 Oh, hell no. The pajama boy schtick gets tiresome after a while. It's like turning on the television and seeing the same cheesy comedy on every channel, every day. I used to get a good laugh out of most of his stuff, but how many times can the same old tripe remain funny? He needs to change out of his onesie and put down the cocoa. Ya, like I'm making you read my posts! You are a retard
Azalin Posted January 16, 2015 Posted January 16, 2015 Ya, like I'm making you read my posts! You are a retard Keep trying.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 16, 2015 Author Posted January 16, 2015 What blew me away is how old he actually is. Anyone his age who types HA HA HA HA! just shows the maturity level we're dealing with. You guys love to chase each others tails. If I had a dime for every childish remark, or incredibly stupid and pointless question you asked, I'd be rich by now.
DC Tom Posted January 16, 2015 Posted January 16, 2015 What blew me away is how old he actually is claims. Anyone his age who types HA HA HA HA! just shows the maturity level we're dealing with. I'm still convinced he's a teenager.
TakeYouToTasker Posted January 16, 2015 Posted January 16, 2015 One quarter, not one half?? One quarter were found to have been improperly filed for various reasons. It doesn't even speak to fraud. At least the article admits the poor jobs situation Obama inheriated from Bush was a driving factor. And that low wages are a disincentive for people--lacking health care!--to try and get disability Are you really justifying disabilty insurance fraud as an acceptable alternative to a quality work ethic?
BillsFanM.D. Posted January 16, 2015 Posted January 16, 2015 Does he have any proof for his allegations? Good attention getting ploy for this politician though. Beat up on the "undeserving" disabled and play to feeling of Conservative victimization that they are being cheated by those gaming the system. One wonders how mr 47% will react to Mr over 50%? Basically the same argument. Is this guy targeting the disabled as well?
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 16, 2015 Author Posted January 16, 2015 I'm still convinced he's a teenager. But don't teenagers spend more time than adults online? So who acts more like a teenager, Tom?
TakeYouToTasker Posted January 16, 2015 Posted January 16, 2015 "Citizens with chronic illness and disabilities in need of help should never be turned away from government programs set up for the purposes of aiding those in need. If you study government data from the Social Security Administration, you find that the numbers come very close to Senator Paul's off-the-cuff ballpark estimate. Senator Paul's point was simple; those who are not in need, and consuming government resources dedicated to those who need help, are hurting the people these programs are intended to aid." Sounds like a more than reasonable position to me, downright responsible, in fact. Take care of those who actually really need it, and reform the system to get rid of fraud, as well as the 25% that the congressional report deems inappropriate.
Chef Jim Posted January 16, 2015 Posted January 16, 2015 I'll use your tactic. Even if he's wrong doesn't mean there isn't a big problem with disability fraud. And if it hasn't crossed your tiny mind why the !@#$ are you starting a thread about disability fraud??
B-Large Posted January 17, 2015 Posted January 17, 2015 The federal definition of "disability" is so broad that both my wife and I are eligible for disability any time we want. It's rather ridiculous, actually. you'd probably get free dick pills on disability
ExiledInIllinois Posted January 17, 2015 Posted January 17, 2015 Trust me. I see 'chart builders' all the time. Amazing how they recover as soon as the cash flows. I've also fought (with a lot of paper and time) for patients who were initially denied but had very real deficits/needs. I am a ball buster with this and I fight tooth and nail to ensure an adequate evaluation is done before I'll endorse anyone's disability. I'm all for helping those with need but the abuse is more than rare. I recommend full OT evaluations (functional capacity evaluations) for these claims as they have standardized tests measuring physical abilities AND effort. They often then have to go before an IME (independent med e v a l) for determination anyway. In my mind, that IME physician is way behind the 8 ball. They have no relationship with the patient and they almost have to error on the side of 'belief' even if they have doubts. This needs to be better policed at the private doc/patient level. That, however, requires a lot of effort and time. Sadly, that's something we all have less and less of. With respect to the article, what TYTT quoted is a sensible approach that everyone should want. Make sure those that need help can get it. Better use of resources means better services for those with real needs. That's a straightforward win. Everything else is pure political crap. Tangential to this and as a purely anecdotal note..... I love when people ask for handicap placards. I usually inquire about their 'disability' and why they feel they need it. Examine them etc. I then slide a question in about whether or not they 'enjoy' using the scooters in the store when they shop. The response is usually a puzzled look....followed by "I don't use those." It then becomes very easy for me to suggest that if they can walk around a store for 10 or 15 or 60 minutes......they surely can walk an extra 30 seconds across the parking lot. When faced with common sense, however, the conversation often turns 'ugly.' This is a far cry from disability (monetary) claims but it highlights, on an almost weekly basis for me, the mentality prevalent in a lot of our society. And yes...I know there are exceptions... but my question above catches a lot of people who desperately want to retract/change their answer. The flip side is when I ask a patient (who has a clear physical limitation) if they'd like a placard....and I'm politely told "I'm not disabled." Sadly, not everyone is a saint. There is a big problem with false claims/recepients. Another growing area is parents 'demanding' a label/diagnosis for their child (i.e. ADHD etc). This allows them to file disability claims in addition to getting lots of extras (computers, iPads etc) through school monies. As I said above, If the need exists....let's help. It becomes pretty clear, however, when a person is more concerned about what you're typing in the chart than what you're going to do to 'help' them get better. As always, just my two pennies with a sample size of one doc. The people I feel bad for (and the ones I fight for) are those that actually need the handicap spot....and the monthly monetary support etc to live. Excellent post! Thanks! What do you think would solve the handicap parking placard dilemma w/out ostracizing the one's truly in need? Same with other situations. One sees it all the time, on planes, in parking lots, standing in line. How do we separate "first class" privilege from the equation without a return to relagating the one's truly in need. Heck, when my brother fell off his semi and broke one foot and one ankle, almost a year later he was still in a wheelchair... Went to a Bills game, he had a whole crew of buddies trying to push him around and help! No shame @ all helping the "crippled guy" to his seat w/a primo view of the game. LoL... That was a few years ago, The Bills have since made it a rule that one can only have ONE helper or assistant. Anyway, absolutely no shame w/people! You see it all the time. That's the real problem that needs to be corrected. In a highly competitive world where everybody is competing w/everyone else... That's what their doing. Win @ all cost. People learn pretty quickly to CYA when life throws you a raw deal. Human nature has it that when dealt a bad hand, one want's to come out ahead or @ the very least break even. Who wants to come out behind? It's beat down everbody's throat that nice guys finish last and to take care of oneself first. Don't you see it as a cultural problem? Where is the reward (outside of personal) and privilege for doing what is right. How do we put shame back into the equation without shaming the one's in need?
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 17, 2015 Author Posted January 17, 2015 I'll use your tactic. Even if he's wrong doesn't mean there isn't a big problem with disability fraud. And if it hasn't crossed your tiny mind why the !@#$ are you starting a thread about disability fraud??Well, if he is wrong, then he is shooting his mouth off, right? And who is he skapegoating? You don't come around easily, but you do eventually get it "Citizens with chronic illness and disabilities in need of help should never be turned away from government programs set up for the purposes of aiding those in need. If you study government data from the Social Security Administration, you find that the numbers come very close to Senator Paul's off-the-cuff ballpark estimate. Senator Paul's point was simple; those who are not in need, and consuming government resources dedicated to those who need help, are hurting the people these programs are intended to aid." Sounds like a more than reasonable position to me, downright responsible, in fact. Take care of those who actually really need it, and reform the system to get rid of fraud, as well as the 25% that the congressional report deems inappropriate. if the problem is so bad why does he have to make it sound worse than it is? And you know that paints those that are deserving with the brush of fraud. Hell, his anxiety point reminds me of that moron Patton slapping a soldier that couldnt handle combat.
Wacka Posted January 17, 2015 Posted January 17, 2015 Gatorman is an immature teenager living in mommy's basement. The freely throws around the term "retard", has no grasp whatsoever on economics and has the social skills of a 12 year old.
3rdnlng Posted January 17, 2015 Posted January 17, 2015 Gatorman is an immature teenager living in mommy's basement. The freely throws around the term "retard", has no grasp whatsoever on economics and has the social skills of a 12 year old. Please refrain from giving him more credit than he deserves.
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