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Pegula v Wilson


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It's interesting to compare the ownership practices of Pegula with those of Ralph Wilson. Interesting in that the WNY media and most of WNY fan base fawned all over the "great" owner Ralph Wilson at the time of his passing. Interesting in that you hear so many media folks talk about how now the Bills will pay top price for quality coaches. How the Bills no longer have to give up home field advantage by playing games in Toronto. And on and on. You would think Wilson was a pauper. He was, in fact, a billionaire. Like Pegula. But he chose to place making money the priority over winning. Why else does a billionaire, in his late 80s, sacrifice wins to make the extra 5 million the Toronto crap yielded


Ralph Wilson was in fact the worst owner in the history of the NFL. His franchise was completely dysfunctional, and overall has a terrible win/loss record. In the space of 5 years this tight fisted miser lost one first round pick to the Canadian football league and another to the USFL. Name me another owner who managed that. Go ahead and read Jim Kelly's book - after owning this team for almost three decades the franchise was so dysfunctional that Kelly wanted nothing to do with it - and signed with the USFL. Bill Polians recent book also provides insight into what an incompetent, meddling owner this guy was. Yes, Ralph fired a hall of fame GM in favor of his Detroit money manager.


And I know the myopic response is that Ralph kept the team in Buffalo. I would think the transformation of his initial $25,000.00 investment into a billion + dollars would be enough reward for that. But people conviently forget that Ralph threatened to move this franchise to Seattle, in fact met with Seattle city officials, in a successful effort to get the WNY taxpayers to build him RW stadium. He did not contribute a penny to the construction of the stadium, but had the gall to have the people that did pay for it give up the naming rights so as to name it after him. But now Pegula is expected to contribute to construction costs of a new stadium. And I am betting he won't have it named after himself.


It's clear that Ralph's succession plan was just to sell the team to highest bidder. It's a lucky miracle that a Pegula suddenly appeared on the scene. Otherwise this franchise would be gone. That was the whole point of Ralph insisting on that lease escape clause.


So fire away Wilson fans. It always amazes me how many posters on this board refer to him as "Mr Wilson". Al Davis is Al, Jerry Jones is Jerry, and both these guys were so far superior to Wilson that it's a joke.

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It's interesting to compare the ownership practices of Pegula with those of Ralph Wilson. Interesting in that the WNY media and most of WNY fan base fawned all over the "great" owner Ralph Wilson at the time of his passing. Interesting in that you hear so many media folks talk about how now the Bills will pay top price for quality coaches. How the Bills no longer have to give up home field advantage by playing games in Toronto. And on and on. You would think Wilson was a pauper. He was, in fact, a billionaire. Like Pegula. But he chose to place making money the priority over winning. Why else does a billionaire, in his late 80s, sacrifice wins to make the extra 5 million the Toronto crap yielded


Ralph Wilson was in fact the worst owner in the history of the NFL. His franchise was completely dysfunctional, and overall has a terrible win/loss record. In the space of 5 years this tight fisted miser lost one first round pick to the Canadian football league and another to the USFL. Name me another owner who managed that. Go ahead and read Jim Kelly's book - after owning this team for almost three decades the franchise was so dysfunctional that Kelly wanted nothing to do with it - and signed with the USFL. Bill Polians recent book also provides insight into what an incompetent, meddling owner this guy was. Yes, Ralph fired a hall of fame GM in favor of his Detroit money manager.


And I know the myopic response is that Ralph kept the team in Buffalo. I would think the transformation of his initial $25,000.00 investment into a billion + dollars would be enough reward for that. But people conviently forget that Ralph threatened to move this franchise to Seattle, in fact met with Seattle city officials, in a successful effort to get the WNY taxpayers to build him RW stadium. He did not contribute a penny to the construction of the stadium, but had the gall to have the people that did pay for it give up the naming rights so as to name it after him. But now Pegula is expected to contribute to construction costs of a new stadium. And I am betting he won't have it named after himself.


It's clear that Ralph's succession plan was just to sell the team to highest bidder. It's a lucky miracle that a Pegula suddenly appeared on the scene. Otherwise this franchise would be gone. That was the whole point of Ralph insisting on that lease escape clause.


So fire away Wilson fans. It always amazes me how many posters on this board refer to him as "Mr Wilson". Al Davis is Al, Jerry Jones is Jerry, and both these guys were so far superior to Wilson that it's a joke.


He is responsible for you having a football team to root for. If you wanted Al Davis or Jerry Jones, the Bills would have been moved in the early 80's. You have no class.

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There were rumors that Ralph Wilson mortgaged the Bills over the years to get money out of the team while he was alive. I bet a good chunk of that $1.4B went to quietly pay off those obligations. So maybe Ralph was cheap, but Pegula has money to burn.

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Yes I must be wrong. It turns out that the Bills have an overall winning record in their franchise history. The Bills did not lose two first round picks to the CFL and USFL. Jim Kelly was apparently lying in his autobiography when he noted how he jumped to the USFL because the Bills franchise was such a mess. And Ralph moved games to Toronto because he loved the Canadian people. It's easy to post WRONG, any idiot could do that. Tell us why Wilson was a great, great owner

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Yes I must be wrong. It turns out that the Bills have an overall winning record in their franchise history. The Bills did not lose two first round picks to the CFL and USFL. Jim Kelly was apparently lying in his autobiography when he noted how he jumped to the USFL because the Bills franchise was such a mess. And Ralph moved games to Toronto because he loved the Canadian people. It's easy to post WRONG, any idiot could do that. Tell us why Wilson was a great, great owner


Instead why not tell us why you are such an epic tool?

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It's interesting to compare the ownership practices of Pegula with those of Ralph Wilson. Interesting in that the WNY media and most of WNY fan base fawned all over the "great" owner Ralph Wilson at the time of his passing. Interesting in that you hear so many media folks talk about how now the Bills will pay top price for quality coaches. How the Bills no longer have to give up home field advantage by playing games in Toronto. And on and on. You would think Wilson was a pauper. He was, in fact, a billionaire. Like Pegula. But he chose to place making money the priority over winning. Why else does a billionaire, in his late 80s, sacrifice wins to make the extra 5 million the Toronto crap yielded


Ralph Wilson was in fact the worst owner in the history of the NFL. His franchise was completely dysfunctional, and overall has a terrible win/loss record. In the space of 5 years this tight fisted miser lost one first round pick to the Canadian football league and another to the USFL. Name me another owner who managed that. Go ahead and read Jim Kelly's book - after owning this team for almost three decades the franchise was so dysfunctional that Kelly wanted nothing to do with it - and signed with the USFL. Bill Polians recent book also provides insight into what an incompetent, meddling owner this guy was. Yes, Ralph fired a hall of fame GM in favor of his Detroit money manager.


And I know the myopic response is that Ralph kept the team in Buffalo. I would think the transformation of his initial $25,000.00 investment into a billion + dollars would be enough reward for that. But people conviently forget that Ralph threatened to move this franchise to Seattle, in fact met with Seattle city officials, in a successful effort to get the WNY taxpayers to build him RW stadium. He did not contribute a penny to the construction of the stadium, but had the gall to have the people that did pay for it give up the naming rights so as to name it after him. But now Pegula is expected to contribute to construction costs of a new stadium. And I am betting he won't have it named after himself.


It's clear that Ralph's succession plan was just to sell the team to highest bidder. It's a lucky miracle that a Pegula suddenly appeared on the scene. Otherwise this franchise would be gone. That was the whole point of Ralph insisting on that lease escape clause.


So fire away Wilson fans. It always amazes me how many posters on this board refer to him as "Mr Wilson". Al Davis is Al, Jerry Jones is Jerry, and both these guys were so far superior to Wilson that it's a joke.

This post is "detached retina" myopic. Comparing an owner less than a few months in to a hall of fame owner recognized accross the institution as a cornerstone of the league. Tarded.
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There were rumors that Ralph Wilson mortgaged the Bills over the years to get money out of the team while he was alive. I bet a good chunk of that $1.4B went to quietly pay off those obligations. So maybe Ralph was cheap, but Pegula has money to burn.

There were rumors that Ralph Wilson mortgaged the Bills over the years to get money out of the team while he was alive. I bet a good chunk of that $1.4B went to quietly pay off those obligations. So maybe Ralph was cheap, but Pegula has money to burn.

Rumors ?? Are you serious? As a result of a players lawsuit, all NFL teams had to open their books. The Bills, in addition to appreciating from 25 thousand to a billion plus, we're making a yearly profit of approximately $30 million dollars. There was no mortgaging, there were no debts. These are publicly released facts. There were no "quiet" obligations - there can't be in an estate case. Rumors? That's complete nonsense

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Instead why not tell us why you are such an epic tool?

What a fact filled brilliant response. You should be proud of your brilliant arguments. Do you actually have any besides "wrong" and "tool" - how about an articulate response - tell us all what specific fact in the post is wrong - or is that way too much for you.

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Rumors ?? Are you serious? As a result of a players lawsuit, all NFL teams had to open their books. The Bills, in addition to appreciating from 25 thousand to a billion plus, we're making a yearly profit of approximately $30 million dollars. There was no mortgaging, there were no debts. These are publicly released facts. There were no "quiet" obligations - there can't be in an estate case. Rumors? That's complete nonsense

I don't know what you are talking about with the NFL opening their books. They never do that, and even if they did, they still don't get to see Ralph's personal books.
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What a fact filled brilliant response. You should be proud of your brilliant arguments. Do you actually have any besides "wrong" and "tool" - how about an articulate response - tell us all what specific fact in the post is wrong - or is that way too much for you.

How about trying disparage a dead man who, by all accounts, was a kind, philanthropic individual for not fielding a freaking winning football team? Like that's what is important. It's a game and entertainment. That's what's wrong. Go complain about how much money he donated to the city, then log out of your account. Thanks.

Edited by FireChan
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