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Pegula's Ownership Era Off To A Great Start !!

T master

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First thing i would like to thank D.M. for opting out , in light of what has happened i think it was the best thing that could have happened to the Bills !!


One thing that came to my attention in the introductory press conference of Rex (besides that we now have a competent coach) was when Brandon himself said that he will be in charge of what he knows best which is the business end of the team& he has nothing to do with actual football or player decisions !


I am glad that the Pegula's made the decision to put him back in his cage .


I personally believe that the Marrone hire was more Brandon than any one else that were involved in the process of making that coaching hire . Buddy was on his way out , Whaley was only half way to being the actual GM & all of Ralph's power was given to Brandon to make actual decisions .


Ralph left the control of the team in Brandons hands & he is not a "football" guy ! But i think because of the connection with Syracuse he lobbied for Marrone hard & being in the position he was may have used his power to trump others candidates or help them to lean his way .


We now no longer have to worry about that because they have put Russ back where he belongs . I can't remember at what point Russ him self talks about it at the press conference but i for one was glad to here he would no longer be making the football decisions for the Bills !!


How bout you ??


The start to the Pegula era of the Bills is looking very good !!



Edited by T master
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There is an EXTREMELY powerful fusion of down-to-earth people combined with otherworldly money concerning the Pegulas. It's very hard to resist. Rex is a schmoozer and politician but I believe him when he says he was so impressed by them. And I do mean them as a couple. Owners, and stinking rich people do not often act like this. Terry may not be good at speaking in public at a podium but sitting down with them, and having them draw you in about building a family and community, and then them all but saying, "Oh, and by the way, we have four billion dollars and we will get you anything you need" is an irresistible combination. t can't be underestimated and it's going to last.


That's not to say we're going to get every free agent we want or coach we want or everyone is going to want to come to Buffalo. Of course not. But it's a very powerful combination that has already paid dividends.

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I agree totally. If our defense were to perform like it did last year under Schwartz he'd most assuredly be up for head coaching jobs. I can't imagine being happy with Marrone as head coach without Schwartz. To me that's what most fans should focus on instead of just losing Schwartz alone. Great job by the Pegula's to take the opportunity Marrone gave them by getting a sure fire head coach.

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I do think that the Pegula era has had a terrific start. I love the Rex hire. I think that he is going to be great on and off the field.


I love where this team is going.


As for Russ, on the one hand, I do not think that he gets the credit that he deserves. On the other hand, I think that he was the driving force behind Marrone. He (as I did stupidly) defended Marrone to the moment he opted out.


Russ must feel like Marrone not only stabbed him in the back but twisted the knife.


The good news is that we upgraded our HC and coaching staff tremendously.


Go Bills!!!

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I do think that the Pegula era has had a terrific start. I love the Rex hire. I think that he is going to be great on and off the field.


I love where this team is going.


As for Russ, on the one hand, I do not think that he gets the credit that he deserves. On the other hand, I think that he was the driving force behind Marrone. He (as I did stupidly) defended Marrone to the moment he opted out.


Russ must feel like Marrone not only stabbed him in the back but twisted the knife.


The good news is that we upgraded our HC and coaching staff tremendously.


Go Bills!!!

I don't believe a word Russ says in the media, but he was still gushing about Marrone yesterday in an interview, saying he was a really close friend and IIRC always will be.

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I think it is yet to be determined. A lot rides on the success/failure of Ryan as HC as this is his first big move as an owner. If it doesn't work out then as far as I'm concerned the beginning of his ownership will be remembered as having a great defense with a great D coordinator who had to go elsewhere because we decided to bring in a guy who was unproven as a HC and wanted to run the D.


But I will say I like that the Pegulas really seem to at least have a passion and desire to want to build a winner out of the Bills.

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I don't believe a word Russ says in the media, but he was still gushing about Marrone yesterday in an interview, saying he was a really close friend and IIRC always will be.

I saw that too. At first, it pissed me off. Later, I thought that he perhaps was trying to keep it classy (as is the preferred approach by the Pegulas).


In any case, Saint Doug really played Russ.

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The start to the Pegula era of the Bills has been interesting to say the least

Time will tell if the Pegula era is off to a great start. Nobody can know at this point. If history is your guide, look at the records of the key principles.


Pegula - a savior financially for the Sabres, Bills and WNY. However, as a Sabres owner, success has been elusive to say the least. Time will tell.


Brandon - can sell tickets, but personnel decisions have been very questionable.


Whaley - his signature move was trading two 1st round picks and a 4th round pick to draft a WR for a team with no established QB. His failure to acquire a top QB is still active.


Rex Ryan - an experienced head coach with a sub .500 win pct. lifetime. After 96 games as a mediocre head coach (his record) will he be able to become a winning head coach? Time will tell.


If all 4 key principles in the Bills organization improve dramatically, the future can be brighter!

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Time will tell if the Pegula era is off to a great start. Nobody can know at this point. If history is your guide, look at the records of the key principles.


Pegula - a savior financially for the Sabres, Bills and WNY. However, as a Sabres owner, success has been elusive to say the least. Time will tell.


Brandon - can sell tickets, but personnel decisions have been very questionable.


Whaley - his signature move was trading two 1st round picks and a 4th round pick to draft a WR for a team with no established QB. His failure to acquire a top QB is still active.


Rex Ryan - an experienced head coach with a sub .500 win pct. lifetime. After 96 games as a mediocre head coach (his record) will he be able to become a winning head coach? Time will tell.


If all 4 key principles in the Bills organization improve dramatically, the future can be brighter!


Regarding the Sabres, I am all in on what the Pegulas and Sabres are doing to rebuild the team rather than put lipstick on a pig.


In my view, we are lucky to have owners that are willing to withstand the pain of the rebuild process (both financially and otherwise) for the long term future of the Sabres.


Many owners would not have wanted to do this.


We shall see whether this works, but I am confident.

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Best part of Doug's opting out is it traded us Hackett for Roman which may be the coaching equivalant of Hughes for Shephard.


I think that I heard that the Vatican considers Saint Doug's opting out as his third miracle.


It was an upgrade all the way around for the Bills.

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I think it is yet to be determined. A lot rides on the success/failure of Ryan as HC as this is his first big move as an owner. If it doesn't work out then as far as I'm concerned the beginning of his ownership will be remembered as having a great defense with a great D coordinator who had to go elsewhere because we decided to bring in a guy who was unproven as a HC and wanted to run the D.


But I will say I like that the Pegulas really seem to at least have a passion and desire to want to build a winner out of the Bills.

he said it's off to a great start. We all know games have not been played.......but it is off to a seemingly great start...

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There is an EXTREMELY powerful fusion of down-to-earth people combined with otherworldly money concerning the Pegulas. It's very hard to resist. Rex is a schmoozer and politician but I believe him when he says he was so impressed by them. And I do mean them as a couple. Owners, and stinking rich people do not often act like this. Terry may not be good at speaking in public at a podium but sitting down with them, and having them draw you in about building a family and community, and then them all but saying, "Oh, and by the way, we have four billion dollars and we will get you anything you need" is an irresistible combination. t can't be underestimated and it's going to last.


That's not to say we're going to get every free agent we want or coach we want or everyone is going to want to come to Buffalo. Of course not. But it's a very powerful combination that has already paid dividends.

This excessive gushing over the irrisistable family atmosphere created by the Pegula couple is spinning out of control. The reality is that Rex preferred the job in Atlanta because it would have been a better situation for him mostly because they have an established qb. The owner of the Falcons couldn't give him an immediate job offer because he was dealilng with the death of his mother.


Rex during his stint with the Jets never really had an upper tier qb to work with. He did a good job during the early Sanchez days but the last couple years were a challenge for him because of the void he had at the qb position. The bottom line is that he took the job offer that was in hand instead of waiting and chancing the job he preferred going to someone else.


What is not going to make Rex a success is his bombast and loud personality. What will make him a success is getting a qb who can play at a competent level (maybe EJ/maybe not) and bringing in players to bolster our overmatched OL.


Rex knows how to coach a defense. Everyone knows that. His challenge is the same as it was for Marrone: getting better players on offense mostly for the OL and at the qb position. He brought in a veteran offensive coordinator who is respected around the league. So that is a good start.


There is no doubt that Rex has a more engaging personality than the dour Marrone. So what! It means nothing. The difference in results is going to come from an infusion of better players not because the HC is accomplished in giving provocative cocky responses.


Successful HCs such as Bellichick, John Harbaugh, Mike McCarthy etc are successful at their jobs because they know how to judge talent and put them in a position to succeed. For the most part they let their actions speak louder than their words.

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This excessive gushing over the irrisistable family atmosphere created by the Pegula couple is spinning out of control. The reality is that Rex preferred the job in Atlanta because it would have been a better situation for him mostly because they have an established qb. The owner of the Falcons couldn't give him an immediate job offer because he was dealilng with the death of his mother.



The gushing as you call it is exactly what happened with Regher and Ehrhoff of the Sabres. They didnt want to come at all when first approached. The Pegulas flew out there and schmoozed them and their wives and that's why they signed the big contracts. Rex may have first thought the Falcons job was the best for him. Then he didn't. We don't know at all what happened in his head. I bet it was some of both. But the fact is, and people have been saying it for years about Pegula, that he draws you in. Before he was even an owner. It's a huge draw.

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The gushing as you call it is exactly what happened with Regher and Ehrhoff of the Sabres. They didnt want to come at all when first approached. The Pegulas flew out there and schmoozed them and their wives and that's why they signed the big contracts. Rex may have first thought the Falcons job was the best for him. Then he didn't. We don't know at all what happened in his head. I bet it was some of both. But the fact is, and people have been saying it for years about Pegula, that he draws you in. Before he was even an owner. It's a huge draw.


I am with you all the way on this Kelly.


They are very genuine people.

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he said it's off to a great start. We all know games have not been played.......but it is off to a seemingly great start...

I know, but I still think the start of his ownership is yet to be determined. If this coaching move works out then yes, I would say it was a great start.

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