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Rex explains why he freed Schwartz to go elsewhere


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I am disappointed that they lost Schwartz too, but lets not forget, the Bills wanted him to stay...he wanted to leave. The last thing the Bills (or any team) need is to have coordinators and head coaches butting heads... Schwartz is as emotional as Rex... I honestly don't think they would mix well. Schwartz did a great job, no reason to think that Ryan/Thurman can't get similar results. The talent available is a big factor...

It seems like it was a mutual decision with no hard feelings.

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It seems like it was a mutual decision with no hard feelings.

That's exactly what it was. They're both very good defensive minds with two different ways of accomplishing the same thing. Yes it sucks that a championship defense is working with its third DC in 3 years, but as long as they keep getting better under each new one, it's all good. I'm more concerned about the offense.

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My belief is that if it ain't broke, don't F*** with it. Granted Rex is a very good DC, but Schwartz has proven that he is too. They just have different ways of doing the same thing. I'm inclined to trust Rex on this one, but I'm hoping he does more to enhance what Schwartz accomplished as opposed to changing it altogether.


Rex is better than a "very good DC", he's one of the best defensive minds of his generation. Top 2. Schwartz doesn't approach that level on defense, he really doesn't -- and Schwartz is good. He's not a genius or miracle worker.

Rex is.

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As soon as Rex was hired I was pretty sure JS was going to fold his tent. Though the Bills appeared to want JS to stay I didn't even think that made sense from a general management point of view in terms of allocating human resources and skillsets. That's one reason why I was not totally thrilled with Rex signing a long term deal with the Bills. A better combo for taking care of both sides of the ball would have been Kubiak as HC and JS as DC (not that I'm sure we could have landed Kubiak given Denvers interest). That would have left JS fully in control of the D with less probability that he would walk and with the Bills benefiting from top shelf coaches on O and on D.

The D will certainly not suffer under Rex's stewardship. It is reasonable to expect it to improve given Rex's undoubted ability and the fact that many of the backers and DBs are young and still coming into their own. The line of course is one of the best, if not the best in football.

Don't get me wrong I certainly like Rex Ryan. He's a player's coach and I like big affable personalities. I do have some concerns however regarding possible lack of discipline and control. I also worry a bit about neglecting the offence. Idzick was rightly criticized for poorly drafting DBs that have not panned out at a time when, for example, there was a need for receivers and a historically strong draft for them. I have to wonder how much influence Rex had in making those decisions. Idzick was never a personnel guy he was a cap expert/manager. Seems inconceivable to me that Rex did not at least have his ear.

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Really? They both skip around the sidelines like little girls. Seems like a perfect match to me...


I'm completely speculating, I have no knowledge to the contrary. Just from seeing Pete in LA for years and seeing Schwartz's stuck up antics makes me feel like they're on opposing sides of the ego meter. Both have giant egos, but Schwartz is more abrasive where Carroll is more inclusive.


But again, I'm just calling it how I see it, could be totally wrong.

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Aren't they allowed to let him shop around for a job without letting him go?


They likely let him go as a favor to Schwartz so he's free to take any job offered without getting the Bill's permission. It was difficult to imagine that a former HC who had the #2 or #4 defense (depending on who you ask) was going to want server under a head coach with a different philosophy. In order for Schwartz to get back to being a head coach, he'd need to go elsewhere. Also, the Bills passed him up in favor of Ryan.

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I am disappointed that they lost Schwartz too, but lets not forget, the Bills wanted him to stay...he wanted to leave. The last thing the Bills (or any team) need is to have coordinators and head coaches butting heads... Schwartz is as emotional as Rex... I honestly don't think they would mix well. Schwartz did a great job, no reason to think that Ryan/Thurman can't get similar results. The talent available is a big factor...

I could not agree more.

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