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For those that don't know, Ezra Klein left the Washington Post, as it's cheif policy wonk, to start Vox.com. Vox.com's stated purpose is to explain complex policy isssues/questions... to various dumbass, leftist constituenciess, who can't read and comprehend English...otherwise known as the current Democratic party's base. Another way to describe them, via Rush Limbaugh == "low information voter"(LIV). Therefore, Vox.com is useless for most of us here.


Klein's new purpose in life is to hopefully provide more "information" :rolleyes: (in this universe we call it bias, and in some cases, propoganda) to those LIVs. Klein can clearly see that Obama's electoral wins are entirely without substance. Klien is no dummy, and as a Democrat, he is keenly aware of the precarious political position in which his party now resides == they are the party of no...ideas...other than recycling FDR/LBJ. So, Klein's obvious hope is to become the "ideologist-in-cheif" of the Democratic party, because, let's face it: Media Matters just got its ass kicked in November, the "war on women" is over, and somebody needs to do something.



How ironic then, that he writes this: http://www.vox.com/2015/1/14/7537371/paul-ryan-presidential-run


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Ezra Klein :: Paul Ryan.


So, at least Ezra knows who his "enemy" is. And, he's wise enough to see Ryan's tactical position on "the map". However, nowhere in this article, and, most likely nowhere in Ezra's brain, are you goning to find what Ryan is doing, or why, or, more importantly how he plans on achieving his goals. In a sentence: Ryan has spent more WORKING time with "the poor" and the underemployed than any Democrat has in decades.


Thus it becomes easy to predict the future: Democrats either are ignoring, or are ignorant of Ryan's work over the last 2 years, therefore, they will never see his legislative agenda coming, and will be playing catch up once he unleashes it.


I've said this on numerous occasions....but...now Ezra is starting to see it. Thus, I expect birdog to get it some time this summer, and gatorman to realize that HIllary is going to lose becuase of it...~15 months from now.


You're damn right Ezra, Ryan will set the agenda. The trouble? You have no idea what he agenda will be, and all you are doing riight now is preparing the 80-year-old "trickle down" economcis arguments/sound bites. Ryan is going to take a lot of lunch money this year.


Thus, Ryan is going to be the new "bully" the media cries about, becaue they've been dying for a real R bully for years. :lol: Too bad for them, and the far-left wingnuts: Ezra has already told us how this is going to go == professional, and why.

Edited by OCinBuffalo

If he was applying it to his own listeners, sure. They know the least but think they know the most


The most intelligent reply you'll ever get from gatorman: I know you are, but what am I?


The rubber/glue argument is sure to follow.


Lol at the weak-minded distraction,


Meanwhile........................back at the subjects of the thread......................




Everything You Need To Know About Voxsplaining The Charlie Hebdo Massacre.

“Basically Everything Ezra Klein Said Is Wrong.”



JOURN-O-LISM: 46 Times Vox Totally F'd Up A Story. (nsfw)







PAUL RYAN rules out 2016 presidential run.


"Our work at the House Ways and Means Committee over the next few years will be crucial to moving America forward, and my job as Chairman deserves undivided attention,"




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