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Hackett on radar for Rams OC opening


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He showed me absolutely nothing that would point to him being good in the future.


Maybe he will be. Maybe he was handcuffed by Doug. But what evidence is there of either?


His play calling was literally the worst I've seen since I last played Madden. That was in college. Drunk. And High. And really drunk.

Edited by stevestojan
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Marrone's decision to opt out not only impacted the team but also all of the assitant coaches he was so worried about who have been in limbo all this time. Wonder how guys like Hackett and Schwartz feel about Marrone these days.

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Schwartz and Jeff Fisher are BFFs. I'm sure that Schwartz gave Fisher a heads up. If Jeff Fisher decides Hackett is OC material. I would be 1.) Surprised 2.) Might start to believe the "Maroon held back Hackett" stuff.


We will see . . .

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Schwartz and Jeff Fisher are BFFs. I'm sure that Schwartz gave Fisher a heads up. If Jeff Fisher decides Hackett is OC material. I would be 1.) Surprised 2.) Might start to believe the "Maroon held back Hackett" stuff. We will see . . .

Then again, maybe Freddy was right about Hackett.


Poor Hackett. He's go from hanging out with Marrone to hanging out with Greggo. Ugh.

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Hackett and Marrone are both going to get passed over for the jobs they want for the simple reason that they aren't very good game callers.


Drawing up plays is one thing, and motivating your players is great, but the film will show that those two just don't have the knack for game management-- what to call and when to call it, when to go for it and when to punt, how to dictate a game.


All a GM would have to do is watch this year on offense, he could probably watch all the 2014 offensive plays in an hour. Those guys have no shot. Marrone showed his lack of loyalty to his employer and all the other teams in the league took notice, and Hackett showed he's a great guy with tons of energy who belongs back in college running a great offense somewhere.


No more NFL for those two.

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The evidence were the comments last week by Fred Jackson implying that Marrone changed many of the plays that Hackart would have been much more aggressive.


All season everyone here said no way Marrone would ever fire his buddy Hacket. But what's been stated since he opted out, the only person Doug cared about was Doug, so I have no doubt if given an ultimatum get rid of Hackert or you're gone, Hackert would have been gone in a second.


Maybe he will be. Maybe he was handcuffed by Doug. But what evidence is there of either?

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