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ESPN's Rich Cimini Blasts Bills/Ryan


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I think they are definitely going to try this route, along with a few others.


I am afraid we will develop a new scheme around EJ, work intensively with him in the off-season, blah blah...and then name him the starter for Game 1. And then after he fails we will be scrambling with a secondary option, again.


And in the meantime we will have dug a hole we can't climb out of, in terms of the playoffs. Again.


We need a better plan than "EJ will improve and we can give him a better scheme to enhance his strengths and minimize his weaknesses."


We need another QB.

I see the QB issue two ways at this point. Guys moaning and groaning about the QB situation see it as some kind of static situation that can't change. Its going to be dynamic and one of the big focuses of the organization in the off season now that the coaching decision has been made. There are options out there. We don't need a superstar but rather someone that is going to be marginally better than Orton/EJ.


1) We're going to get what I expect to be an unbiased set of new coaches, Ryan and Roman along with whoever they bring in to fill out the offensive staff, coming in with a blank slate to evaluate EJ and determine if he can become what Whaley invisioned when he was drafted two seasons ago. I expect them to evaluate then create and execute some kind of plan.


2) Whatever Ryan comes off as he's not stupid. He knows the QB was the major source of failure with the Jets. So there had to be dicussions during the interview process about the Bills QB situation. Word is Whaley talked up EJ as Plan '1A'. That's fine but if I'm going to take the HC job then I want to know we're going to have a plan '1B' to acquire either through free agency or trade another option under center. And we should see this unfold when the free agency period begins along with before and during the draft.

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Rich Cimini covers the Jets. He needs access and people who will give him info. A very popular coach was just fired by the Jets and hired by a division opponent.


Let me see if I can figure out why Rich Cimini might be saying the things he's saying...

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I'm not saying Ryan is a good or bad hire, or that he will fail or succeed.


What I am saying is that I don't see how his hiring makes us "relevant".


He is a well known name and personality because he is a unique, outspoken character in an age of corporate bull **** speak, and because the Press adores him for this and has promoted him as a personality for years.


How that makes us "relevant" I am not sure.


Seriously? Hiring Rex Ryan will result in people watching the Bills and maybe saying intelligent things. Last year tons of pundits had us winning anywhere from 3-6 games, largely ignoring us. Now that we have a real bona fide head coach who makes headlines just by being himself, people will be watching. I live in St. Louis, and I've had more people ask me about the Bills today than in the past 10 years.

Just watched the piece on ESPN with Jaworski and his pals, laughing about our quarterback situation. We shall see. Good coaching will help.

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My question is why does anyone care with Rich Cimini thinks about who the Bills hired? It's funny how Cimini was all over Ryan's jock 6 months ago, and now he has this big negative nancy article. He's just a mouthpiece for the Jets and when he's not busy talking about them, he's probably using that mouthpiece for something/someone else.

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he's freaking jealous!!! the Bills defeated the JETS by what? 50 - 60 total points?


43 to 23 and 38 to 3 ------- 81 to 26

Well yeah. And the Bills just hired the loser of those games ;)

But it is obviously sour grapes on the reporters part.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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Well yeah. And the Bills just hired the loser of those games ;)

But it is obviously sour grapes on the reporters part.

All too true. I voted "no" with the Ryan hire.

Do you approve hiring Rex Ryan as HC

I won't say he sucks, but I am not denying there may have been front office issues he had to deal with (much like he'll have to work with EJ in 2015)


but ..... IMO - Even at his worst EJ was far superior than the 3 stooges mentioned (Jets QB's), so to me that's a plus.

Another debatable item... when you cough up 10+ turnovers in 2 games - that's more the players and not necessarily coaching

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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how about this one then:





"The move induced some immediate head scratches. It seemed the coach chose a team that distinctly mirrored the one he just got canned from, a "Jets West," if you will."


"Roman, it should be pointed out, was also the focal point for mob dissatisfaction in the Bay Area this season, when he eschewed the running game during the middle portion of the season."


or this one:




"You can already hear Ryan at the podium in midseason with the 3-5 Bills struggling on offense, with their highly rated defense being betrayed by an overmatched quarterback while Rex is swearing Manuel has the tools to be a winner in the not-too-distant future. The new owners of the Bills, Terry and Kim Pegula, will get tired of hearing that faster than Woody Johnson did."

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I think they are definitely going to try this route, along with a few others.


I am afraid we will develop a new scheme around EJ, work intensively with him in the off-season, blah blah...and then name him the starter for Game 1. And then after he fails we will be scrambling with a secondary option, again.


And in the meantime we will have dug a hole we can't climb out of, in terms of the playoffs. Again.


We need a better plan than "EJ will improve and we can give him a better scheme to enhance his strengths and minimize his weaknesses."


We need another QB.

The Bills need to get a veteran qb and keep "developing" EJ. I hope that the Bills starting qb for 2015 is not on the roster yet.

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I only read page one of the thread, but half the comments from him would've been exactly what we said in this discussion if he weren't now our guy. Rex is likable, a good defensive coach and a question mark at HC, especially given our roster. Hopefully he answers the question

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Rich Cimini covers the Jets. He needs access and people who will give him info. A very popular coach was just fired by the Jets and hired by a division opponent.


Let me see if I can figure out why Rich Cimini might be saying the things he's saying...


This. And there's also an element of "let's return some fire" to those mean Bills fans who said bad things about our favorite son, Doug Marrone. Never knew these Syracuse guys were so tight.

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So the only way to have a successful offense is to hire a HC who was an offensive coordinator? That didn't work too well with Marrone.


And by extension does that mean that whichever side of the ball your HC isn't an "expert" on will always suck? That's some bazaaro-world thinking.

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If you didn't hear it live, go to WGR550.com and listen to the segment from Rich Cimini (ESPN NEW YORK) commenting on the Rex Ryan hire.


He was strong in his comments.


I am paraphrasing here, but among his comments:


Can't believe the Bills just paid $5.5 million per year for a career below .500 coach


Rex Ryan is who he is: a below .500 career coach


Rex Ryan has blind spot for offense


The Bills offense will remain mediocre with Ryan as head coach


Ryan went through three OCs at the Jets of all types, styles and schools...none worked


The Bills defense will be very good, but it already was very good; that doesn't explain the Ryan hiring


Remove Ryan's charm and ability to control the media and his "big name and personality" created from all the media attention he has received over the years, and you are left with a below .500 coach



And he is 100 % correct... no matter how much I keep being blasted by y'all

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