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Who do you hate the most

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Wow... Did I just spot a new board bug? When you left the "s" in https for the YouTube video it did NOT embed in the post. BUT, when I quoted your post (with the "s" left in) it embedded in my quote of you!


Very interesting! Eureka!

Genius! Get this man a raise. How much is TBD paying you now? Double it!!

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I read it here:




The author interviewed Ono for the book.

You should if you're interested read the book John's first wife wrote. it may change your opinion a bit.


The hundreds of other books by "insiders""are just heresay, except for the music itself. the author is not Yoko, so, although approved by Yoko it is interviews I really would read this with caution.

it may change your mind a bit. Yoko was/is a leech. I have met here and she is pleasant enough. her narrative may just be too sell copy though IMO. John, was in love and obsessive, and at times a crap parent to his first son.

A lot of people I know are too. All have their reasons, maybe not the right ones but remember that guy had the FBI going through his garbage, was considered a threat to US security for awhile, By a president no less. on and on. i have to cut him a bit of slack. His life was far from ordinary. not an excuse though.


May Pang's book is also interesting since she was Johns girlfriend when he and Yoko broke up for awhile. AKA the lost weekend.


funny, how Yoko whores out John's original artwork by signing HER autograph to it and charging outrageous prices these days. intersting but a dead man tells no tales,too bad John can't comment.

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I'm no fan of Yoko either. They were both phonies of the highest order, and the way that people worship Lennon now disgusts me. That Ono lives off of his name is awful as well. No doubt she's a leech, and to a certain extent she made her own bed with her relationship with John. Like you said though, no excuses. If you're gonna whore yourself to the market for as long as Lennon did, you're asking for everything that comes with it.

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Would have to be that bastard in the Toyota Prius I encounter on my commute what seems like everyday. One day, while he is cruising 35 in a 55 attempting to achieve gas mileage nirvana I will just snap and ram him off the road.

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Morning show hosts

Keith Olbermann

Walt Coleman

Bob Costas


Everyone involved in "No More"

Bart Scott

Luke Bryan

Rob Johnson


The "don't shoot" Rams

People who pronounce foreign words and names with an accent.

I'd like to add Bart Scott, who grew up in Detroit by the way, like he has room to talk, to my list. Also, the Applebee's thing isn't even original.

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