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Who do you hate the most

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I was trying to keep this Bills related. Now that it isn't, my Boss told me I had too much hatred in my heart. He told me to make a list of everything/person I hate. This document is dated May 2013.

  • New York Yankees
    • Alex Rodriguez
    • George Steinbrunner
    • Fans
  • New England Patriots
    • Tom Brady
    • Bill Belicheat
  • Piers Morgan
  • Miami Dolphins
    • Dan Marino
    • Don Shula
    • 1972
  • LeBron James
  • Indoor/domed baseball stadiums
  • Cheap Beer
    • Natty Light
    • Bud Light
    • Busch Light
    • Keystone Light
  • Elvis Presley
  • Computerized music
  • Toronto Maple Leafs
  • Sydney Crosby
  • The word “soda”
  • California
  • Hippies
  • Country songs about redneck/southern/small town/rural pride
  • Double Negatives
  • The Burger King at the corner of 646 and 517 in Dickinson, TX
  • The Night staff at the Alvin Kroger
  • New York City
  • Willis McGahee
  • Alex Rodriguez
  • The Houston Rockets
  • NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman
  • The song “Imagine” by John Lennon
  • PETA
  • Baytown Seafood in Alvin
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • Two and a Half Men (with Ashton Kutcher)
  • Dane Cook
  • Soccer
  • Rochester, NY
  • Jay Leno
  • The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
  • The Baltimore Ravens/Art Modell
  • The Tennessee Titans/ Bud Adams
  • Wrong usage of the word “literally”
  • Hidden fees when buying tickets
  • Des Moines, Iowa
  • The 1919 Chicago White Sox
  • The word “Kudos.”
  • Dallas Cowboys
  • The term “America’s Team” to describe the aforementioned team
  • People who love country music
  • People who hate country music
  • Uncool cars that get “tricked out.”
  • Disco Music
  • People with Bob Marley/Nirvana shirts/posters and don’t know more than three songs from them.
  • People who show up late to a sporting event
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I'm brain-dead. That said, clue me in on the anti penguin attitude.

Because of !@#$ing March of the !@#$ing Penguins. Here's my review of it:



The most insipid piece of anthropomorphising **** I've seen at a theater - ever. The only thing missing from this movie that would have made it completely craptacular was the traditional "Animal X would live a perfectly happy and healthy life full of sunshine and rainbows if it wasn't for the evil intentions of man" nonsense. The plot was basically "Look! Penguins!" The basic theme was that penguins, in suffering cold, hunger, predators, and long separations from family, maintain in the face of such adversity their abilities to love, mourn, organize play dates between little penguin chicks,...basically, that as penguins they struggle to overcome the adversity of being a penguin and maintain their humanity throughout the ordeal. There's only one thing the movie fails to consider: they have no !@#$ing humanity! THEY'RE !@#$ING PENGUINS!!!


Hell, before I saw this movie I actually liked Emperor Penguins. This movie has made me hate them with a passion. After ninety minutes of watching the little !@#$ers waddle around the screen while Morgan Freeman anthropomorphizes the **** out of them, I now like things that eat Emperor Penguins a hell of a lot more than I do penguins.

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How do you hate Derek Jeter? I hate the Yankees more than anybody else, but you gotta respect him. I think the media kisses his @$$ too much, but that's not on him.


I was more confused on how he hates Africa's Trash Compactors.

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As a Bills fan there are a lot of people you're required to hate. Who do you hate the most, and why? Feel free to add more.

In no particular order

  • Bon Jovi
  • Doug Marrone
  • Willis McGahee
  • Tom Brady
  • Bill Belicheat
  • Brian Belicheat
  • Donte (W)Hitner
  • Jason Peters
  • Rob Johnson
  • The 1999-2000 Tennesee Titans



Make a poll.



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How anyone could hate another human being for something .. of all things .. FOOTBALL-related, is beyond me.


Grow the hell up.

Lighten up, Francis. How about strongly dislike.


Philly Flyers and fans

Drunk Maple Leaf fans

People who bang on rink glass

Obsessive Yankees fans

Left lane drivers who don't pass

Parents of obese kids

Flo from Progressive

Most music acts on SNL

Jerry Jones

Michael Strahan

Oprah Winfrey

Julia Roberts

Claire Daines

Dick Cheney

Tea Partiers

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Lighten up, Francis. How about strongly dislike.


Philly Flyers and fans

Drunk Maple Leaf fans

People who bang on rink glass

Obsessive Yankees fans

Left lane drivers who don't pass

Parents of obese kids

Flo from Progressive

Most music acts on SNL

Jerry Jones

Michael Strahan

Oprah Winfrey

Julia Roberts

Claire Daines

Dick Cheney

Tea Partiers



Wow. That's actually a really good list. Although, I kind of like Strahan.

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