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Post Interview Rumors???

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I am not sure if this is being discussed elsewhere, but has anyone heard any Post Interview Rumors or Source Leaks?


In the past, I swear we used to hear positive and negative reviews after interviews on occasion. Haven't seen nor heard one yet this off season regarding the Bills Search.


Does the New Pegula Run Office actually have tight lips compared to seasons past?

Edited by rsxfirefighter
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I am not sure if this is being discussed elsewhere, but has anyone heard any Post Interview Rumors or Source Leaks?


In the past, I swear we used to hear positive and negative reviews after interviews on occasion. Haven't seen nor heard one yet this off season regarding the Bills Search.


Does the New Pegula Run Office actually have tight lips compared to seasons past?

If they run things the way they have run the Sabres, yes... they run a tight ship. Not a lot of loose lips!

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What I find interesting is Ted Black said yesterday Terry is at his home in Florida. Which is strange because all the reports are that Terry is running the interviews. Well we had an interview yesterday and a bunch lined up in Buffalo. So either Ted Black was lying or someone got bad information from their sources.


I guess another option is Black doesn't know what Terry is doing.

Edited by TheTruthHurts
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Yeah. The leaks are coaches worried about QB.

Those may or may not be leaks from the candidates or their agents, or, perhaps, even just "journalists" speculating...we see a lot of that go on with sports...but I will bet, true or not, that isn't coming from the Bills front office.


I happen to know somebody who works at the front office...lower level. This person always had lots of inside info...not now. I suspect, outside of the owners, the interviewees, Whaley and possibly Brandon, nobody what is being discussed in these interviews, or at least not the Bills outlook on the interviews.

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What I find interesting is Ted Black said yesterday Terry is at his home in Florida. Which is strange because all the reports are that Terry is running the interviews. Well we had an interview yesterday and a bunch lined up in Buffalo. So either Ted Black was lying or someone got bad information from their sources.

Everything Ive read says that Whaley is running interviews and Pegula is just sitting in. There is also a thread which tracks the team plane showing it going back and forth to Florida. When you have the resources that TPegs has, you can be anywhere in the country at almost any time.

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What I find interesting is Ted Black said yesterday Terry is at his home in Florida. Which is strange because all the reports are that Terry is running the interviews. Well we had an interview yesterday and a bunch lined up in Buffalo. So either Ted Black was lying or someone got bad information from their sources.


I guess another option is Black doesn't know what Terry is doing.

I thought I heard that the interviews, or at least some, were being conducted in Florida.

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What I find interesting is Ted Black said yesterday Terry is at his home in Florida. Which is strange because all the reports are that Terry is running the interviews. Well we had an interview yesterday and a bunch lined up in Buffalo. So either Ted Black was lying or someone got bad information from their sources.


I guess another option is Black doesn't know what Terry is doing.

I read the Pegulas are 'sitting in' on the interviews. I suppose this could be accomplished via skype/video conference?

my source just texted me to say that Kyle Shanahan was doing really well until the jiggle test.

Haha! I think Rex would have the most to worry about with the jiggle test.

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I have a couple sources telling me that Pegula drinks black coffee in the interviews while Doug prefers bottled water. Brandon apparently prefers to hang from the ceiling like a bat during the meetings just to see if it throws off the potential candidates.

My sources confirm this about Brandon, but the drink choices are way wrong.

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What I find interesting is Ted Black said yesterday Terry is at his home in Florida. Which is strange because all the reports are that Terry is running the interviews. Well we had an interview yesterday and a bunch lined up in Buffalo. So either Ted Black was lying or someone got bad information from their sources.


I guess another option is Black doesn't know what Terry is doing.

No it was said this morning in the news that interviews were taking place in Florida today.

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