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Well, until there is economic opportunity in that area of the world for all those young people, you will have these extremist movements

Shut the fuk up.


You can't fix fanatical crazy. These ASSHATS need to be killed.


Well, until there is economic opportunity in that area of the world for all those young people, you will have these extremist movements


Wait. I thought ISIS was caused by global warming?


Now you're telling us the problem is they can't get a job?


I have an idea...




Well, until there is economic opportunity in that area of the world for all those young people, you will have these extremist movements


So in your mind no job = destroy antiquities and cut people's head's off? Is this what you're saying?



So in your mind no job = destroy antiquities and cut people's head's off? Is this what you're saying?


I remember when my parents came from Italy off a boat 50 years ago, they stopped beheading people after a promising job interview.



I remember when my parents came from Italy off a boat 50 years ago, they stopped beheading people after a promising job interview.


I remember when I was unemployed in 2002. I looted lots of cool **** from the Smithsonian.


Yup, jobs keep people busy, careers give people goals and lots of jobs create a tax base that allows for a stable civilization. Smart!

You're so obtuse. These people do not care about civilization. Their "jobs" and "purpose" in life is to lop off heads, destroy society, enslave people perceived to be inferior and just all around be complete scumbags. Wtf would make you think they will just stop cutting heads off and killing any Infidel they come across for a job.


You sir are a first rate troll.


Yup, jobs keep people busy, careers give people goals and lots of jobs create a tax base that allows for a stable civilization. Smart!


"Death to the infad.......hey Achmed look! The Home Depot is hiring!! Praise be to Allah...we are saved!!"



"Death to the infad.......hey Achmed look! The Home Depot is hiring!! Praise be to Allah...we are saved!!"

Ahh yes perhaps they will pay us in nails and ball bearings!!! Let's go apply.


No, I chose 10 rules that are basic to Christianity. From what I gather, Sharia Law is pretty basic to Islam. Why so much equivocation on your part?


Equivocation? Bullies use whatever tools they have at their disposal. Turns out men's mind get weak around religion so the books and rules of religion make for easy bully tools.


That's not a condemnation of religion. It's a condemnation of the people who use it to justify their bad acts. At the moment, the Islamic bully is on the upswing. In 300 years, someone will have taken its place. Thetan terror cells.


Well, until there is economic opportunity in that area of the world for all those young people, you will have these extremist movements


So is your own personal extremism because you're underemployed? Or is it just because you're an asshat?


Of all the people on this board you're the only one who has called for mass shootings of republicans, laughed over the death of American servicemen, gleefully deployed homophobic and racist insults, all the while displaying the intellectual capacity of a seashell and the quick temper of a man with serious anger management issues. Are you saying you just need a job?


Oh ya, things are miserable so they blame the outsider. Hitler got 2% of the vote in 1928 and then the Depression happened...




Oh ya, things are miserable so they blame the outsider. Hitler got 2% of the vote in 1928 and then the Depression happened...


They live in the shithole armpit of the world. They will always be miserable. At least the Germans had a leader to look up to for help. These Muslim extremists? Not really.


Gator with "Chef thinks Hitler was a good leader!! I knew he was a Trump supporter all along" in 3.......2..........1..........





Of all the people on this board you're the only one who has called for mass shootings of republicans, laughed over the death of American servicemen, gleefully deployed homophobic and racist insults, all the while displaying the intellectual capacity of a seashell and the quick temper of a man with serious anger management issues. Are you saying you just need a job?


Job alone not enough. A stable climate is also necessary.



Who's done the most to destabilize that part of the world over the past 60 some odd years? Hint, it wasn't Islam.

Israel obviously.

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