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Islamic Terrorism


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Does your son have a boyfriend?

Does your daughter have a girlfriend?

Did your son chop off his pecker?

Does your daughter walk around with a condom in her pocket?

Did your dad get drunk and whip on one of his wives?

Is your family alcoholics?

Anyone addicted to drugs?

Did anyone in your family shoot up a school?

Or maybe their job?


You asked for that, !@#$.

No discipline? I suppose doing wathu (washing yourself) 5 times a day, praying 5 times a day, giving zakat (charity) to the poor, making a pilgrimage to Mecca and Fasting in the month of Ramadan doesn't require any discipline at all. Yeah. You're right. Smh.

I wasn't dodging your question. I mentioned twice that I live in Miami and our imams preach peace. Maybe not the answer you're looking for, but I did answer you.

So Imam is as high as your leadership goes? That is the problem them. Looks like Imams can say whatever they like without any backlash. Let's see a priest try that.

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Does your son have a boyfriend?

Yes, his name is Chip.

Does your daughter have a girlfriend?

No, try as I may, she just won't go lesbian. We're working on it.

Did your son chop off his pecker?

Yes, Jeremy would prefer to be known as Leann now.

Does your daughter walk around with a condom in her pocket?

!@#$ no, that's just terrible. Condoms just don't feel good, she knows that!

Did your dad get drunk and whip on one of his wives?

Yes, but then he nay nay'ed so it was alright.

Is your family alcoholics?

Just Otis. But, he knows he has a problem and stays the night at the jail.

Anyone addicted to drugs?

Who isn't?

Did anyone in your family shoot up a school?

We have aspirations, but the preschool is right next to the police station.

Or maybe their job?

we don't work!

You asked for that, !@#$.

i did?


how so? one my team leads is muslim. when business slows down this spring as it generally does i am going to prayer with him. he is from a small island in the middle east and his country faced genocide about 100 years ago to invoke islam. his family was already islam. he is peaceful, he is tolerant and will flat out tell you that terrorists are wrong. he is almost 60. but he will also tell you that most americans are lazy, complain too much and do not respect each other. he has been in this country almost 20 years. he has a beard and looks your typical muslim. but he will tell you he is american. he knows football and finished 3rd on the season in our weekly football picks. that was out of almost 40 people.

No discipline? I suppose doing wathu (washing yourself) 5 times a day, praying 5 times a day, giving zakat (charity) to the poor, making a pilgrimage to Mecca and Fasting in the month of Ramadan doesn't require any discipline at all. Yeah. You're right. Smh.

how many actually do that?


1. i know hookers that wash themselves 7 times a day. they're disciplined, eh?

2. praying 5 times a day is indoctrination.

C. giving charity to who? do they join local goodwill? do they volunteer time like the JC's do? or rotary? or hold free events for poor neighborhoods.

4. i would bet over half the american muslims have never been to mecca.

5. fasting - again, how many actually truly do it?


I wasn't dodging your question. I mentioned twice that I live in Miami and our imams preach peace. Maybe not the answer you're looking for, but I did answer you.

right, yours is just like everyone elses and doesn't preach it.


i wonder if you realize how brainwashing in religion works? it's sort of like rush limbaugh. you put all the dots out there in the right order and you let the individual put them together to feel smart and empowered. thats how religion works.



don't worship Mohammad? you're infidel. our religion says you must be wiped from the earth, but no one point blank says that its just written in the book we pray to all day.

you judge me and threaten my freedom of religion with your boom boom boom hip hop boxes, your disgusting pork, your buttsex with another man? you are an abomination.

you want to let my daughter watch twerk videos on youtube and subject her to sexual overtones under her burka? i should kill her.

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Seeing the interviews from the burnt up victims in the hospitals...


Following the stories of the people waiting to hear back from loved ones...knowing they must be dead but needing to hear it to convince themselves...


How sickening. Part of me wants to see Trump win and maybe he will go ape **** on these scumbags.

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No discipline? I suppose doing wathu (washing yourself) 5 times a day, praying 5 times a day, giving zakat (charity) to the poor, making a pilgrimage to Mecca and Fasting in the month of Ramadan doesn't require any discipline at all. Yeah. You're right. Smh.

how many actually do that?


1. i know hookers that wash themselves 7 times a day. they're disciplined, eh?

2. praying 5 times a day is indoctrination.

C. giving charity to who? do they join local goodwill? do they volunteer time like the JC's do? or rotary? or hold free events for poor neighborhoods.

4. i would bet over half the american muslims have never been to mecca.

5. fasting - again, how many actually truly do it?


I wasn't dodging your question. I mentioned twice that I live in Miami and our imams preach peace. Maybe not the answer you're looking for, but I did answer you.

right, yours is just like everyone elses and doesn't preach it.


i wonder if you realize how brainwashing in religion works? it's sort of like rush limbaugh. you put all the dots out there in the right order and you let the individual put them together to feel smart and empowered. thats how religion works.



don't worship Mohammad? you're infidel. our religion says you must be wiped from the earth, but no one point blank says that its just written in the book we pray to all day.

you judge me and threaten my freedom of religion with your boom boom boom hip hop boxes, your disgusting pork, your buttsex with another man? you are an abomination.

you want to let my daughter watch twerk videos on youtube and subject her to sexual overtones under her burka? i should kill her.

Washing your privates after getting mutted doesn't actually constitute cleansing yourself. Wathu takes place five different times a day and is very hard to do throughout an average work day. Ceaning your privates, hands, face, head, arms, and feet during five specified times of the day is very difficult.


The charity (zakat) is given to the poor and hungry. It's 2.5% of your money saved throughout the year. If everyone gave zakat that would end world hunger.


Randomly pulling a number out of your ass doesn't change the fact it's difficult to make that pilgrimage to Mecca. Over 10,000 American Muslims make that trip annually. Over 14 million people make Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) from around the world.


Fasting is done by the majority of Muslims world-wide and from my personal experience over 90% of the Muslims I know observe fasting during the month of Ramadan. Very difficult to do.


It's easy for you to make light of these things but if you actually did them you'd know better.


Unfortunately there are people out there that take it upon themselves to punish those people you mentioned in your last statement. Obviously it's the vast minority. Most people leave the punishment to God.

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No discipline? I suppose doing wathu (washing yourself) 5 times a day, praying 5 times a day, giving zakat (charity) to the poor, making a pilgrimage to Mecca and Fasting in the month of Ramadan doesn't require any discipline at all. Yeah. You're right. Smh.

how many actually do that?


1. i know hookers that wash themselves 7 times a day. they're disciplined, eh?

2. praying 5 times a day is indoctrination.

C. giving charity to who? do they join local goodwill? do they volunteer time like the JC's do? or rotary? or hold free events for poor neighborhoods.

4. i would bet over half the american muslims have never been to mecca.

5. fasting - again, how many actually truly do it?


I wasn't dodging your question. I mentioned twice that I live in Miami and our imams preach peace. Maybe not the answer you're looking for, but I did answer you.

right, yours is just like everyone elses and doesn't preach it.


i wonder if you realize how brainwashing in religion works? it's sort of like rush limbaugh. you put all the dots out there in the right order and you let the individual put them together to feel smart and empowered. thats how religion works.



don't worship Mohammad? you're infidel. our religion says you must be wiped from the earth, but no one point blank says that its just written in the book we pray to all day.

you judge me and threaten my freedom of religion with your boom boom boom hip hop boxes, your disgusting pork, your buttsex with another man? you are an abomination.

you want to let my daughter watch twerk videos on youtube and subject her to sexual overtones under her burka? i should kill her.

Washing your privates after getting mutted doesn't actually constitute cleansing yourself. Wathu takes place five different times a day and is very hard to do throughout an average work day. Ceaning your privates, hands, face, head, arms, and feet during five specified times of the day is very difficult.


The charity (zakat) is given to the poor and hungry. It's 2.5% of your money saved throughout the year. If everyone gave zakat that would end world hunger.


Randomly pulling a number out of your ass doesn't change the fact it's difficult to make that pilgrimage to Mecca. Over 10,000 American Muslims make that trip annually. Over 14 million people make Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) from around the world.


Fasting is done by the majority of Muslims world-wide and from my personal experience over 90% of the Muslims I know observe fasting during the month of Ramadan. Very difficult to do.


It's easy for you to make light of these things but if you actually did them you'd know better.


Unfortunately there are people out there that take it upon themselves to punish those people you mentioned in your last statement. Obviously it's the vast minority. Most people leave the punishment to God.


Justice, I saw a report on this group on TV tonight and thought I'd look it up online. This group could be an answer for you to Chef's questions and all the other ones you've been asked. Please click on the link, read about them and tell us if you would join the group.






A. Peace: National Security, Counterterrorism and Foreign Policy

1. We stand for universal peace, love and compassion. We reject violent jihad. We believe we must target the ideology of violent Islamist extremism in order to liberate individuals from the scourge of oppression and terrorism both in Muslim-majority societies and the West.

2. We stand for the protection of all people of all faiths and non-faith who seek freedom from dictatorships, theocracies and Islamist extremists.

3. We reject bigotry, oppression and violence against all people based on any prejudice, including ethnicity, gender, language, belief, religion, sexual orientation and gender expression.

B. Human Rights: Women's Rights and Minority Rights

1. We stand for human rights and justice. We support equal rights and dignity for all people, including minorities. We support the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

2. We reject tribalism, castes, monarchies and patriarchies and consider all people equal with no birth rights other than human rights. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Muslims don't have an exclusive right to "heaven."

3. We support equal rights for women, including equal rights to inheritance, witness, work, mobility, personal law, education, and employment. Men and women have equal rights in mosques, boards, leadership and all spheres of society. We reject sexism and misogyny.

C. Secular Governance: Freedom of Speech and Religion

1. We are for secular governance, democracy and liberty. We are against political movements in the name of religion. We separate mosque and state. We are loyal to the nations in which we live. We reject the idea of the Islamic state. There is no need for an Islamic caliphate. We oppose institutionalized sharia. Sharia is manmade.

2. We believe in life, joy, free speech and the beauty all around us. Every individual has the right to publicly express criticism of Islam. Ideas do not have rights. Human beings have rights. We reject blasphemy laws. They are a cover for the restriction of freedom of speech and religion. We affirm every individual's right to participate equally in ijtihad, or critical thinking, and we seek a revival of ijtihad.

3. We believe in freedom of religion and the right of all people to express and practice their faith, or non-faith, without threat of intimidation, persecution, discrimination or violence. Apostasy is not a crime. Our ummah--our community--is not just Muslims, but all of humanity.

We stand for peace, human rights and secular governance. Please stand with us!

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Part of me wants to see Trump win and maybe he will go ape **** on these scumbags.

When Trump is president, let me tell you what will happen to these guys, ok? You don't even want to know because it's going to be amazing, okay. Believe me. I'm the best brain I know, and I talk to myself and China doesn't even want to get near me, that's how great I'm going to be.


All the polls at Drudge say I'm a winner! Not like that whore Megyn Kelly. Who even watches her? No one! I heard shes going bankrupt. I'm not saying, okay, because believe me, I like that whore, i'm just saying you hear things.


Oh, and 9/11? Total disaster that wasn't even real because some of my best friends told me that heat can't melt a building, okay? Total disaster.







There's your Trump presidency in a nutshell.

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