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So would you rather have IED's used against trained soldiers on the battlefield or against innocent people going to work in a subway station? That was my question and my point. Were there few attacks against civilians while we had troops in the ME?


And yes they volunteered so it's ok that they were killed in actions. Get a grip.

Its a BS argument, terrorism has been going on for a long time. You wanting our soldiers there wouldn't help anything.



Well, wait, it would make the VA more crowded with broken, hurt, sick vets so you could complain the government can't do anything. Great, huh?


On this we agree. The way Obama and Clinton lied about what happened in Benghazi, blaming some ridiculous Youtube video, imprisoning the creator of the video, lying to the victims' families and then lying ABOUT the victims' families...just just to get Obama re-elected...remains one of the lowest points for any American president.


They made their deaths political, and one day they will reap what they sowed.

No, I was thinking about the lie of a stand down order


Its a BS argument, terrorism has been going on for a long time. You wanting our soldiers there wouldn't help anything.




Have the number of civilian attacks increased since we pulled our troops out of the ME? And if so is there a correlation? That is my question that I've put up for discussion and if you can't act like an adult and discuss it move on.



After "winning" the war GWB negotiated the pull out of US troops with the iragi's - who wanted us out. BO followed this agreement.


Pretty sure the primary destabilization of the ME began with shock and awe...."Mission Accomplished"......


That's not exactly what happened, but why should you give up a false narrative?


Here's a decent account from a noted anti-Obama publication. Fairly prescient of what was to come shortly thereafter, considering it was published in 2012. How can anyone deny that this administration has been an utter disaster in its foreign policy dealings? What does it say about Obama where Biden is the voice of reason, and that each previous DoD head obliterated the Commander in Chief?


In the case of Iraq, the American goal has been to leave a stable and representative government, avoid a power vacuum that neighboring states and terrorists could exploit and maintain sufficient influence so that Iraq would be a partner or, at a minimum, not an opponent in the Middle East.

But the Obama administration has fallen frustratingly short of some of those objectives.


As the process of forming a new Iraqi government dragged on, the Obama administration began in January 2011 to turn its attention to negotiating an agreement that would enable American forces to stay beyond 2011.

The first talks the Americans had were among themselves. Pentagon officials had gotten an earful from Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, which were worried that the United States was pulling back from the region. Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates favored leaving 16,000 troops to train the Iraqi forces, prepare them to carry out counterterrorism missions, protect Iraqi airspace, tamp down Arab and Kurdish tensions and to maintain American influence.

But the White House, which was wary of big military missions and also looking toward Mr. Obama’s re-election campaign, had a lower number in mind. At a meeting on April 29, Thomas E. Donilon, Mr. Obama’s national security adviser, asked Mr. Gates whether he could accept up to 10,000 troops. Mr. Gates agreed.

Concerned that decisions were being made without careful consideration of all the military factors, Admiral Mullen sent a classified letter to Mr. Donilon that recommended keeping 16,000 troops. “In light of the risks noted above and the opportunities that might emerge, that is my best military advice to the president,” he wrote. He added that the recommendation was supported by Gen. Lloyd Austin, the American commander in Iraq, and Gen. James N. Mattis, head of Central Command, which has responsibility for the Middle East.



No, I was thinking about the lie of a stand down order


So you don't have a problem with them lying about the Youtube video.


You don't have a problem with them imprisoning the creator of that video after everyone learned it played no part.


You don't have a problem with them lying to the victims' families.


You don't have a problem with them lying ABOUT the victim's families.


But those eyewitnesses testifying about the stand down order makes raise your eyebrows?


Yeah...you served.



So you don't have a problem with them lying about the Youtube video.


You don't have a problem with them imprisoning the creator of that video after everyone learned it played no part.


You don't have a problem with them lying to the victims' families.


You don't have a problem with them lying ABOUT the victim's families.


But those eyewitnesses testifying about the stand down order makes raise your eyebrows?


Yeah...you served.

I guess I know sh it happens and you have to hold your nose sometimes. Because I know you wouldn't care if your side did something wrong. Bush lied us into war, but you are fine with it


I guess I know sh it happens and you have to hold your nose sometimes. Because I know you wouldn't care if your side did something wrong. Bush lied us into war, but you are fine with it


Clinton lied to get us into the Iraq war?




Do you have proof?


But you are obsessed with everything I post



You are a loser...thanks for reading...loser


I'm not. I'm worried about your mental well being and the safety of those around you. These are pleas for you to get help. Do some soul searching. You have serious, serious, issues. You're angry. You're a racist. You're homophobic. You're also quick to anger and insults. These are dangerous traits for a man to possess. Get help before it's too late.


I'm not sure which one is more ridiculous...


Here is FP reporting on an Obama tweet sent out just as Brussels was attacked...







And here is an excerpt from a recent WaPo interview with Trump.






Remain calm. All is well.


Oh shocker, Trump won't answer a question which would show his cards to the enemy. Are you that thick? We just had 8 years of a guy that showed all his cards, told everybody what was going to happen, when it was going to happen and every specific detail the enemy could ever want. And you bust on Trump for doing this??????? You guys have lost your marbles.


Clinton was president?


I'm sorry...isn't she running for president right now?


Here's an oldie, but goodie. I think that's you leading them in song at the beginning, no?


Listen to Clinton push for the US to go to war with Iraq and talk about WMDs. It's breathtaking how eager she was to get us into that war.



Clinton was president?


I won't !@#$ around like LA. Proof where Bush lied please. I've asked this several times over the years and no one has shown me proof.


I've told you many times. Ok, just for starters, mobile weapons labs? That was total crap

What about them? Where's your proof they didn't exist and if they didn't Bush knew their non-existence to be a fact? Or is that just a theory you have regarding their existence? Because I have no idea if they actually did or not and I'm not going to accuse someone of lying unless I have undeniable proof that they did.


There is a huge difference in lying and being ignorant, trigger happy and being misled. Would you agree with that?



Oh shocker, Trump won't answer a question which would show his cards to the enemy. Are you that thick? We just had 8 years of a guy that showed all his cards, told everybody what was going to happen, when it was going to happen and every specific detail the enemy could ever want. And you bust on Trump for doing this??????? You guys have lost your marbles.


I think he's highlighting the polar opposite of the same dumass who wants to be in that big boy chair.

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