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Islamic Terrorism


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Interesting that the rebels are using American supplies weapons to attack Russians

are these syrian rebels the same moderates that Obama vetted before arming them?

That's what PPP does to you.

once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny
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are these syrian rebels the same moderates that Obama vetted before arming them?

once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny


Unless you play SWTOR in which multiple paths are available at $15.99 a month.

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Leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is continuing her support of Islam as a nonviolent and accepting religion in the wake of the tragic terrorist attacks in Paris, where the Islamic State killed 129 and injured more than 350.


“Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary,” Clinton tweeted Thursday while forwarding her campaign of tolerance heading into the election year. “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”


The former first lady emphasized in a campaign speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City that the “real enemy” isn’t Islam, chiding Republicans for labeling the Paris attacks as “radical Islamic terrorism,” which she says “Republicans often accused President Barack Obama of purposefully avoiding,” according to the UK Daily Mail.


Clinton’s latest defense of all Muslim people claims that they have an altogether disconnect with terrorism and that true Muslims take no part in jihad.

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Leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is continuing her support of Islam as a nonviolent and accepting religion in the wake of the tragic terrorist attacks in Paris, where the Islamic State killed 129 and injured more than 350.


“Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary,” Clinton tweeted Thursday while forwarding her campaign of tolerance heading into the election year. “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”


The former first lady emphasized in a campaign speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City that the “real enemy” isn’t Islam, chiding Republicans for labeling the Paris attacks as “radical Islamic terrorism,” which she says “Republicans often accused President Barack Obama of purposefully avoiding,” according to the UK Daily Mail.


Clinton’s latest defense of all Muslim people claims that they have an altogether disconnect with terrorism and that true Muslims take no part in jihad.

She speaks common sense

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I got the new expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire (i think?) and it is excellent after being very disappointed with BF3.

I did the kotfe content on my sorc. If I get bored sometime I'll try again t with another toon.


I bet you're in that québécois guild I see advertsing at the fleet in French :lol:

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She speaks common sense

Some Muslims have quite a lot to do with terrorism, actually,” Townhall.com’s Matt Vespa contends in response to Clinton’s contention Thursday that Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism. “Like the ones who were led by their hardcore theology to kill 3,000 people on 9/11. Or blow up trains in Spain. Or target London's public transit system with bombs. Or slaughter students at a Kenyan university. Or devastate a nightclub in Indonesia. Or shoot up a shopping mall in Nairobi. Or lay siege to a hotel in Mumbai. Or terrorize Nigerian schoolgirls. Or … take hostages in Mali. I could go on for some time.”

He goes on to share a study conducted by the Pew Research Center over three continents that shows the percentage of Muslims who favor the death penalty for converts from Islam, with researchers polling those who believe Sharia should be the law of the land: Egypt (86 percent), Jordan (82 percent), Afghanistan (79 percent), Pakistan (76 percent), Palestinian Territory (66 percent), Malaysia (62 percent). Lebanon (46 percent), Iraq (42 percent), Turkey (17 percent), Russia (15 percent).

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Some Muslims have quite a lot to do with terrorism, actually, Townhall.coms Matt Vespa contends in response to Clintons contention Thursday that Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism. Like the ones who were led by their hardcore theology to kill 3,000 people on 9/11. Or blow up trains in Spain. Or target London's public transit system with bombs. Or slaughter students at a Kenyan university. Or devastate a nightclub in Indonesia. Or shoot up a shopping mall in Nairobi. Or lay siege to a hotel in Mumbai. Or terrorize Nigerian schoolgirls. Or take hostages in Mali. I could go on for some time.

He goes on to share a study conducted by the Pew Research Center over three continents that shows the percentage of Muslims who favor the death penalty for converts from Islam, with researchers polling those who believe Sharia should be the law of the land: Egypt (86 percent), Jordan (82 percent), Afghanistan (79 percent), Pakistan (76 percent), Palestinian Territory (66 percent), Malaysia (62 percent). Lebanon (46 percent), Iraq (42 percent), Turkey (17 percent), Russia (15 percent).

By clinton even saying that it 100% shows she is not qualified to protect our national security as president.

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I did the kotfe content on my sorc. If I get bored sometime I'll try again t with another toon.


I bet you're in that québécois guild I see advertsing at the fleet in French :lol:


lol No I don't join guilds. I play story mode only.

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Coming from you, that means shes way off base.



Got it. Someone yelling alluah akbahr and killing infidels has nothing to do with Islam. Yup makes sense.


There seems to be this persistent belief that "All Islamic extremists are Muslim" is equivalent to "All Muslims are Islamic extremists."


It is a seriously retarded belief.

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There seems to be this persistent belief that "All Islamic extremists are Muslim" is equivalent to "All Muslims are Islamic extremists."


It is a seriously retarded belief.


What is being parroted is one extreme or the other.

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There seems to be this persistent belief that "All Islamic extremists are Muslim" is equivalent to "All Muslims are Islamic extremists."


It is a seriously retarded belief.

It's unfortunate so many people are trying so hard to be politically correct and to pander, that they cannot distinguish the difference.


It's like a Venn diagram. In one circle There are terrorists. In another circle are the Muslims. Sometimes they overlap and they are Muslim extremists that are the terrorists.


Not all Muslims are terrorists, and not all terrorists are Muslims. It's pretty simple actually.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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Some Muslims have quite a lot to do with terrorism, actually,” Townhall.com’s Matt Vespa contends in response to Clinton’s contention Thursday that Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism. “Like the ones who were led by their hardcore theology to kill 3,000 people on 9/11. Or blow up trains in Spain. Or target London's public transit system with bombs. Or slaughter students at a Kenyan university. Or devastate a nightclub in Indonesia. Or shoot up a shopping mall in Nairobi. Or lay siege to a hotel in Mumbai. Or terrorize Nigerian schoolgirls. Or … take hostages in Mali. I could go on for some time.”

He goes on to share a study conducted by the Pew Research Center over three continents that shows the percentage of Muslims who favor the death penalty for converts from Islam, with researchers polling those who believe Sharia should be the law of the land: Egypt (86 percent), Jordan (82 percent), Afghanistan (79 percent), Pakistan (76 percent), Palestinian Territory (66 percent), Malaysia (62 percent). Lebanon (46 percent), Iraq (42 percent), Turkey (17 percent), Russia (15 percent).




There seems to be this persistent belief that "All Islamic extremists are Muslim" is equivalent to "All Muslims are Islamic extremists."


It is a seriously retarded belief.


There you guys go again, obfuscating with facts.

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Some Muslims have quite a lot to do with terrorism, actually,” Townhall.com’s Matt Vespa contends in response to Clinton’s contention Thursday that Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism. “Like the ones who were led by their hardcore theology to kill 3,000 people on 9/11. Or blow up trains in Spain. Or target London's public transit system with bombs. Or slaughter students at a Kenyan university. Or devastate a nightclub in Indonesia. Or shoot up a shopping mall in Nairobi. Or lay siege to a hotel in Mumbai. Or terrorize Nigerian schoolgirls. Or … take hostages in Mali. I could go on for some time.”

He goes on to share a study conducted by the Pew Research Center over three continents that shows the percentage of Muslims who favor the death penalty for converts from Islam, with researchers polling those who believe Sharia should be the law of the land: Egypt (86 percent), Jordan (82 percent), Afghanistan (79 percent), Pakistan (76 percent), Palestinian Territory (66 percent), Malaysia (62 percent). Lebanon (46 percent), Iraq (42 percent), Turkey (17 percent), Russia (15 percent).

Yes, and some Christians engage in terrorism too. But the point really is, not to make this even worse than it is. Blaming Islam is plain stupid. Why? Because it increases the amount of hate which gets people killed. The world is changing. Always is. It will keep changing too. Your stats are probably true, but nothing is written in stone. Gay marriage in this country was a crazy dream not long ago. And Oprah was the number show among Saudi Women. That means change. Launching the 5th Crusade won't help matters.


And speaking of change, here's one for you...Do you know what month the last two terrorists bombing attacks by the IRA were?


God knows what you people will twist out of this post.... :huh:

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Yes, and some Christians engage in terrorism too. But the point really is, not to make this even worse than it is. Blaming Islam is plain stupid. Why? Because it increases the amount of hate which gets people killed. The world is changing. Always is. It will keep changing too. Your stats are probably true, but nothing is written in stone. Gay marriage in this country was a crazy dream not long ago. And Oprah was the number show among Saudi Women. That means change. Launching the 5th Crusade won't help matters.


And speaking of change, here's one for you...Do you know what month the last two terrorists bombing attacks by the IRA were?


God knows what you people will twist out of this post.... :huh:

What percentage of the people in this predominately Christian country of ours would agree with the notion that when Lew Alcindor left Christianity for Islam, he should be killed? What does ISIS stand for? Are members of ISIS terrorists?

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What percentage of the people in this predominately Christian country of ours would agree with the notion that when Lew Alcindor left Christianity for Islam, he should be killed? What does ISIS stand for? Are members of ISIS terrorists?

Alcindor gets a pass from me, but that Cassius Clay guy really has it coming.

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