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Islamic Terrorism


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Every cable news channel has a live feed of a Texas police dept. robot v. a parked truck right now. Sort of hilarious.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blogger Ananta Bijoy Das, an outspoken critic of Islam, was “hacked to death” earlier today by four assailants near his home in the Bangladeshi city of Sylhet.



Ananta Bijoy Das, hacked to death with machetes for being an outspoken critic of religion


Yet another Bangladeshi blogger hacked to death - CNN.com


Bangladeshi Blogger Who Wrote on Site Promoting Secularism Is Killed http://nyti.ms/1FhGl66





So tell us again how Pam Geller hosting a cartoon contest is the real problem.


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  • 2 weeks later...
This Is What a War on Women Looks Like
by Kathryn Jean Lopez


Via the Washington Post, an interview with a U.N. official who just toured refugee camps in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan:

After attacking a village, IS splits women from men and executes boys and men aged 14 and over. The women and mothers are separated; girls are stripped naked, tested for virginity and examined for breast size and prettiness. The youngest, and those considered the prettiest virgins fetch higher prices and are sent to Raqqa, the IS stronghold.
There is a hierarchy: sheikhs get first choice, then emirs, then fighters. They often take three or four girls each and keep them for a month or so, until they grow tired of a girl, when she goes back to market. At slave auctions, buyers haggle fiercely, driving down prices by disparaging girls as flat-chested or unattractive.
We heard about one girl who was traded 22 times, and another, who had escaped, told us that the sheikh who had captured her wrote his name on the back of her hand to show that she was his ‘property’.


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner
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how I became a muslim. "well, I read about these people who are the most violent on earth. so, I figured i'd look into them. I found their prophet was a general, who started by robbing caravans and then bribing followers, killed those who criticized him including two poets, gained power through violence and bribery from spoils and then declared Christians and Jews should be expelled from Arabian peninsula after saying no compulsion in religion when he needed to befriend them, tortured prince, had slaves and sold women and children, kept 1/5th of all plunder personally, executed pubescent children and sold prepubescent children for horses and war weapons, made it legal to have sex with female slaves who could not refuse master, consummated marriage with 10 year old, took a fifth wife when custom at time was only four and this wife was his adopted sons wife... ...and I thought, 'ya, following this will get me into heaven! just look at the middle east and all the happy times there. I mean, can't drive in Saudi Arabia or go to public events in iran and on and on, and I said, 'sign me up!' because they believe in cleanliness, and that's important to me.

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how I became a muslim. "well, I read about these people who are the most violent on earth. so, I figured i'd look into them. I found their prophet was a general, who started by robbing caravans and then bribing followers, killed those who criticized him including two poets, gained power through violence and bribery from spoils and then declared Christians and Jews should be expelled from Arabian peninsula after saying no compulsion in religion when he needed to befriend them, tortured prince, had slaves and sold women and children, kept 1/5th of all plunder personally, executed pubescent children and sold prepubescent children for horses and war weapons, made it legal to have sex with female slaves who could not refuse master, consummated marriage with 10 year old, took a fifth wife when custom at time was only four and this wife was his adopted sons wife... ...and I thought, 'ya, following this will get me into heaven! just look at the middle east and all the happy times there. I mean, can't drive in Saudi Arabia or go to public events in iran and on and on, and I said, 'sign me up!' because they believe in cleanliness, and that's important to me.

What kind of masochist wants to hear the "I have a headache," excuse 5 times a night instead of 4?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good news.............


Bridget Johnson: Something Marvelous Happened at the Turkish Ballot Box Today: Islamists Lose Parliament.


“President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had been counting on the continued rule of his AKP party to change the country’s constitution after these elections, consolidating his already increasingly authoritarian rule into something even more dastardly. But a 2/3 majority of AKP in parliament is needed to change the constitution. Today, the Islamist party walked away with only 41 percent of seats.”




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Good news.............


Bridget Johnson: Something Marvelous Happened at the Turkish Ballot Box Today: Islamists Lose Parliament.


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had been counting on the continued rule of his AKP party to change the countrys constitution after these elections, consolidating his already increasingly authoritarian rule into something even more dastardly. But a 2/3 majority of AKP in parliament is needed to change the constitution. Today, the Islamist party walked away with only 41 percent of seats.




Erdogan is an ass. No complaints there
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  • 3 weeks later...

The Islamic State blew up an ancient shrine in Palmyra today.
The terror group posted the pictures online.



ISIS Drowns Prisoners in Cage, Kills via Explosive Necklace in New Videohttp://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/06/23/isis-drowns-prisoners-in-cage-kills-via-explosive-necklace-in-new-video/





Islamic State mints its own 'Islamic Dinar' coins



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Former CIA officer says US policies helped create IS


Radikal: How do you think ISIS [iS] was born?


Fuller: I think the United States is one of the key creators of this organization. The United States did not plan the formation of ISIS, but its destructive interventions in the Middle East and the war in Iraq were the basic causes of the birth of ISIS. You will remember that that the starting point of this organization was to protest the US invasion of Iraq. In those days it was supported by many non-Islamist Sunnis as well because of their opposition to the Iraq's occupation.



Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/politics/2014/09/turkey-usa-iraq-syria-isis-fuller.html#ixzz3e1VkxpFu

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The religion of peace

Is there one?


Published: June 18, 2015


TABGHA: A suspected arson attack damaged a revered Christian shrine in northern Israel overnight, and police detained 16 young Jewish settlers for questioning on Thursday.




The Church of the Multiplication at Tabgha on the shores of the Sea of Galilee is where many Christians believe Jesus fed the 5,000 in the miracle of the five loaves and two fish.


A church adviser blamed Jewish extremists for the incident and police later said they had detained 16 youths from settlements in the occupied West Bank for questioning.




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