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GG isn't a hateful guy. I'm going to stand up for him. I've met him now at least twice and I have great intuition. He is a really great guy and polite. I don't see him as hareful

Note to self. Stay away from GG



I assure you, I have no hate in my heart. If you think criticizing my country means I hate it, then I question your own understanding of what our country is supposed to stand for.


See, that's just more of your dishonesty coming to the surface. But at least we know where that stems from now. Our allies killing children is fine with you so long as those allies also kill Russians. That's the brave stand you've taken, friend. Most people would be ashamed. You're proud. Proud of the hate that drives you.


I hope you find peace one day soon :beer:


We used to have a poster who loved to proclaim that McCain founded ISIS and you do now because of byzantine tangential links. Yet despite the mountain of evidence that suggests otherwise, you cling to a naive notion that alliances are only can only be binary, and if any taint to bad groups exist, then US should wash their hands immediately.


Must be nice to live in a bubble. Thus in your mind, the US should simply sit by as Assad & Putin slaughter hundreds of thousands, because getting involved would mean aligning with shady characters.


Of course your story line of US's involvement continues to change as facts emerge that disprove your pet theories. And not once did your theories include the reality that US is fighting Assad because he was the main gateway for foreign fighters to get into Iraq to fight US and Iraqi forces. Now he's paying the price for that deception.


And he should be getting more concerned because the Russians are finally taking the fight directly to ISIS. You may claim that they were doing it all along, but they haven't been. Yet all it took was for the US military to adopt a sensible battlefield strategy to destroy ISIS, instead of trying to flush them out of Syria (which Russians would not accept)


The sensible conclusion would be that US military is finally free to do what it needs without the constraints that were placed on it from 2008 through 2016. It would help your cause if you also put that context around your criticism of US foreign policy during that time frame.

Posted (edited)


What's the thing that the bombers in the middle east to car-killers in London to the 9/11 people all share in common?


YOU GUESSED IT! Islam! The people who are Muslim that bomb Muslims think that the bombees aren't Muslim enough.


The people that bomb US do so because we're not.


They're motivated by their bad religion and anyone who denies it is a liar.

I remember way back when the U.K. terrorists were Catholic.


If objecting to forging a battle field alliance with a group that blows up little children for sport means I need meds in your book, then I worry for you.

You can object to that and still need meds for your paranoia. Edited by Benjamin Franklin

... disirregardless...

regardless - without regard

irregardless - not without regard

disirregardless - not not without regard??


"Irregardless" is a great word, it makes sense in a person's mind but makes them look like they are stoopid if they use it in the professional world. I've weaned a few colleagues off of it.



I remember way back when the U.K. terrorists were Catholic.



The I.R.A. wasn't a CATHOLIC terror organization, it was an IRISH terrorist organization.


Their Catholicism was tangential to their stated goal of Irish unification.


These terrorists do so "IN THE NAME OF ALLAH"


Ask the Ukrainians about Stalin. Or the Jews in Russia. Or orthodox christians. Or the poles. Or the ethnic Germans. Or any of the other TWELVE MILLION citizens of the USSR he murdered. And that's just Stalin. If we're going all communists throw in mao and pol pot for another cool 7 or 8 mill. Communism killed four or five times the number of people fascism did.

All true, still does not make your boy Hitler a choir boy. The Holocaust really happened. So did...ummm....World War Two, and the 60 million or so killed. Who started that? And don't forget Hitler lost, so could not go on killing. Stalin ruled for a lot longer so had more time. Had Hitler been able to win all the population of Russia, Ukraine, Poland and who knows where else would have suffered and died for longer under the racist regime.


regardless - without regard

irregardless - not without regard

disirregardless - not not without regard??

fine. Redisregardless is now born

All true, still does not make your boy Hitler a choir boy.


I'd say he is the JV team, but that title is taken.


All true, still does not make your boy Hitler a choir boy. The Holocaust really happened. So did...ummm....World War Two, and the 60 million or so killed. Who started that? And don't forget Hitler lost, so could not go on killing. Stalin ruled for a lot longer so had more time. Had Hitler been able to win all the population of Russia, Ukraine, Poland and who knows where else would have suffered and died for longer under the racist regime.


My boy?


!@#$ yourself, window-licking lead-eating !@#$tard.


Always invoke Hitler when you have nothing to say, but I guess it's your job to post 200 times a day here, tough gig, hope it's paying 6 figures.


All true, still does not make your boy Hitler a choir boy. The Holocaust really happened. So did...ummm....World War Two, and the 60 million or so killed. Who started that? And don't forget Hitler lost, so could not go on killing. Stalin ruled for a lot longer so had more time. Had Hitler been able to win all the population of Russia, Ukraine, Poland and who knows where else would have suffered and died for longer under the racist regime.

lol your boys Mao and Stalin slaughtered way more than WW2 did. All they have the balls to call it "The Peoples Republic" . At least Hitlers reign of terror had some logic to it. Germany was being raped by other European countries after WW1. Hitler also had the nerve to get German citizens out of the clutches of foreign banks. Always a no no and can get you killed by the elites.


lol your boys Mao and Stalin slaughtered way more than WW2 did. All they have the balls to call it "The Peoples Republic" . At least Hitlers reign of terror had some logic to it. Germany was being raped by other European countries after WW1. Hitler also had the nerve to get German citizens out of the clutches of foreign banks. Always a no no and can get you killed by the elites.

Don't say there was a logic to Hitler. He was all pure hate, racism, nationalism and militarism. I said I agreed they killed more but pointed out they had more time. Hitler's plan for Leningrad was simply to starve the millions of people there to death. That was not a military strategy by an ethnic cleansing one. Imagine had he won?


lol your boys Mao and Stalin slaughtered way more than WW2 did. All they have the balls to call it "The Peoples Republic" . At least Hitlers reign of terror had some logic to it. Germany was being raped by other European countries after WW1. Hitler also had the nerve to get German citizens out of the clutches of foreign banks. Always a no no and can get you killed by the elites.



Can we agree that Hitler, Stalin and Mao were all crazy killers?


Lots of commies here and they like to deflect attention away from what commies always do and where their ideology always leads. Still, there is no reason to say Hitler had logic to his ideology. Let me ask you, were "the clutches of foreign banks" worse that the air in a gas chamber? Jesus.

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