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Islamic Terrorism


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If no one is arrested how would I know, just past events to go by.


Note I wrote (Some terrorism is not done by immigration )

hey, boy.


He asked you a question. Take off your vagina hat and pause your Nancy grace to respond.

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lol at this thread title.

You know when you will stop lol'ing at the thread title?




























When your head is rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.

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It's good to see a video like that being apparently so well received within the Muslim community. I hope that there is more of that, and that we just don't hear about it. I sure hope that sentiment spreads.

Me too. Brave people are needed to fight this scourge.

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What exactly do you mean?

Islamism cannot be explained solely as a reaction to racism or discrimination against Muslim minorities, which certainly exists here in Germany, as it does elsewhere. Yet a lack of effort to integrate migrants and the children of migrant families who have lived in Germany for two or three generations means that we are missing the opportunity to spread Western values to people who were been born in this country but that we leave their socialization to Muslim subcultures, where they are often educated in a spirit contrary to German democratic ideals. That alone does not necessarily turn them into radicals. But it makes them more susceptible to Islamist propaganda once they experience a personal crisis.

You write that Salafists are better social workers?

People who subscribe to Islamism don’t explicitly look for a religious ideology from the beginning. Instead, they seek redemption from all kinds of social and psychological problems. The Salafists and Islamists approach these people, they listen to them, they invite them to their mosques and integrate them into communities, where they experience a sense of solidarity and belonging that they are desperate for. They also give them the feeling that they are part of an elite that understands a divine revelation others are ignorant of. In doing so, they give them a sense of superiority that compensates for experiences of marginality often encountered by members of the Muslim minority in Western societies.

German society needs to integrate these young people and provide them a sense of identity based on Western values, rather than one based on an anti-Western counter-culture and patriarchal, archaic values that, regrettably, are often tolerated by Germans in the name of multiculturalism.

I’ll give you two examples: At the commemoration service for the victims of last December’s Berlin Christmas market terror attack, Islamist imam Ferid Heider preached, surrounded by German chancellor Angela Merkel, former German president Joachim Gauk, and other high ranking officials from the German government and Church.

Heider disseminates anti-Western and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. On his Facebook page he recommends a book by the Egyptian-Qatari theologian Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who is one of the leading voices of Islamism worldwide and who condones Palestinian suicide bombing. Not only is this a slap in the face of the victims of the terror attack, it lends legitimacy to an Islamist who preaches anti-Western values. Think about what must be going on in the head of a young Muslim in Germany who sees on TV that this Islamist preacher is promoted by the German chancellor and the German president.


Think about what must be going on in the head of a young Muslim in Germany who sees on TV that this Islamist preacher is promoted by the German chancellor and the German president’


In another incident in 2015, today’s German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, who back then served as the German government’s minister for economy, was joined by Aiman Mayzyek, the chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, on his trip to the Gulf states. Mayzyek’s association, like the other established Islamic organizations in Germany, promotes Islamism. Sadly, the German government prefers to speak with them rather than with representatives of Germany’s liberal Muslim community.

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What? No pray for Iraq? Syria? Let's just forget that over 80% of the victims of terrorism are Muslim. That way we can blame Islam.



You are misconstruing the message here.


The victims in Iraq, Syria, and every other Muslim country are JUST as important as the places listed.


The closeness of the attacks, the sequence, look at the list again


and the utter impotency of a response (#) that will never stop the determination and organization of radical terrorists who are getting worse every day is the message



Edited by B-Man
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Over 27 killed in Iraq while breaking fast. 2 car bombs. ISIS again. Just thought I'd mention it.



You are misconstruing the message here.


The victims in Iraq, Syria, and every other Muslim country are JUST as important as the places listed.


The closeness of the attacks, the sequence, look at the list again


and the utter impotency of a response (#) that will never stop the determination and organization of radical terrorists who are getting worse every day is the message



Am I really. So the meme isn't inferring Islam as the one thing? Really??

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