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Islamic Terrorism


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I've known a few Muslim that were just regular people.....they were OK.....Liked Football, the NBA etc.....music...same movies...However, there was also a few who were hard core religious...they tend to stay together and don't really mingled with the rest of the population....It's hard to relate when I myself do not really practice my religion....I'm a Catholic but I dislike the Church as an organisation....


To me, it feels like the middle age to kill in the name of God....Those hard core people need to realize that most of the planet has moved on from that philosophy.....


Let people decide what God they want to worship and stop trying to force your beliefs on other...It's not really complicated.....

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As I mentioned, I am far from a scholar in religious matters, but if i remember correctly, the major players are similar in the big 3 religions...The Jewish crowd had Abraham, Noah, and stopped at Moses.....the Christians know about Abraham, Noah and Moses, they are an important part of the religion but added/stopped at Jesus....the Muslim also know about Abraham, Noah, Moses and Jesus...they are important prophet in their religion...but they added/stopped at Mohammad....


You'd think we'd find some kind of common ground....that is a simplistic and naive interpretation of course....

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People owns dogs, when the dog goes mad you shoot it. If the owner deliberately conceals the dog is mad and allows it to continue attacking people you throw the owner in jail.

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People owns dogs, when the dog goes mad you shoot it. If the owner deliberately conceals the dog is mad and allows it to continue attacking people you throw the owner in jail.

i'll bet you typed that real slow, huh?

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As I mentioned, I am far from a scholar in religious matters, but if i remember correctly, the major players are similar in the big 3 religions...The Jewish crowd had Abraham, Noah, and stopped at Moses.....the Christians know about Abraham, Noah and Moses, they are an important part of the religion but added/stopped at Jesus....the Muslim also know about Abraham, Noah, Moses and Jesus...they are important prophet in their religion...but they added/stopped at Mohammad....


You'd think we'd find some kind of common ground....that is a simplistic and naive interpretation of course....


All three are Abrahamic religions. The big difference, though, is that the the Jews and Jesus (via David) descend from Abraham through Isaac and Jacob. Muslims (and Arabs in particular, I think) descend from Abraham through Ishmael, with Mohammed a direct descendant, much as David was a direct descendant of Isaac.


So...yeah, all three descend from Abraham, but via different lineages, which is why the Quran gives just a sort-of head-nodding "Yeah, you guys aren't pagans, you're okay" acknowledgement to the other two religions.

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Terrorism is NOT Random

by Kevin D Williamson


We must look at Muslim immigration with clear eyes


Tim McVeigh was God’s gift to the Left, and the Left will forever keep his memory alive, tending it like a kind of sacred flame.


Al-Qaeda attacks the United States on September 11, 2001? Yes, but don’t forget about McVeigh.

Omar Mateen lets loose an “Allahu akbar!” before massacring 49 people at a gay bar in Orlando? Yes, but remember McVeigh. Salman Abedi and his pack of “lone” wolves get a jump on Ramadan by nail-bombing a bunch of little girls and their grandmothers at a concert in Manchester? Terrible, of course, but let us not forget about the real threat: right-wing terrorism on the McVeigh model.


The more you know about McVeigh, the less he fits the mold of right-ring extremist. He was an agnostic who declared “science is my religion,” who held views on U.S. foreign policy that fell somewhere between those of Noam Chomsky and those of Oliver Stone, and who had a weakness for adolescent Nietzschean posturing


The Venn-diagram overlap between the world’s Muslims and the world’s terrorists may be small, but it is not trivial, and the confrontation between the Islamic world and the West puts a cold light on areas of concern beyond political violence. In the Islamic world itself, we see a heritage of high culture and great civilizational achievements, but a great deal of it looks like Karachi at the high end and rural Yemen at the low end: violent, backward, cruel, and uninterested in progress to the extent that “progress” is synonymous with Westernization — which, multiculturalist pieties notwithstanding, it is. Even if you set aside the propensity of certain Muslim fanatics to bomb pizza shops and to name public plazas in celebration of fanatics who bomb pizza shops, there’s still a lot of real life as lived in Afghanistan or Egypt that just isn’t going to fly in Chicago. In places such as Minneapolis, we have done a fairly poor job integrating the relatively small number of Muslim immigrants we already have.


More at the link. . . .


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What McVeigh wrote:

'I explain herein why I bombed the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City.

"I chose to bomb a federal building because such an action served more purposes than other options. Foremost the bombing was a retaliatory strike; a counter attack for the cumulative raids (and subsequent violence and damage) that federal agents had participated in over the preceding years (including, but not limited to, Waco).

(The bombing of the Murrah building was not personal, no more than when Air Force, Army, Navy or Marine personnel bomb or launch cruise missiles against government installations and their personnel). I hope that this clarification amply addresses all questions.

I still can't imagine why if he were sane would do such a thing.

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The McVeigh portion of the article is clearly just a setup to the ACTUAL POINT of the piece that there is a worldwide correlation between Muslim immigration and Terrorism


any comment on that ?

Edited by B-Man
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The McVeigh portion of the article is clearly just a setup to the ACTUAL POINT of the piece that there is a worldwide correlation between Muslim immigration and Terrorism


any comment on that ?


Egypt shooting: ISIS claims massacre of 29
The death toll in Friday's attack on buses carrying Coptic Christians in Egypt has risen to 29, officials said, as the Islamist terror group ISIS claimed responsibility for the massacre.
The buses were on a desert road headed to a monastery
Some terrorism is not done by immigration
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Egypt shooting: ISIS claims massacre of 29


The death toll in Friday's attack on buses carrying Coptic Christians in Egypt has risen to 29, officials said, as the Islamist terror group ISIS claimed responsibility for the massacre.


The buses were on a desert road headed to a monastery




Some terrorism is not done by immigration

So you have definitive proof the the massacre was carried out by Egyptians?

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So you have definitive proof this massacre was 100% domestic? That was my question.


If no one is arrested how would I know, just past events to go by.


Note I wrote (Some terrorism is not done by immigration )

Edited by ALF
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If no one is arrested how would I know, just past events to go by.


Note I wrote (Some terrorism is not done by immigration )

And what exactly were you insinuating when you said some terrorism is not done by immigration in response to the Egyptian massacre?

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