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Islamic Terrorism


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You're onto something here. Let's wipe out South America to get rid of the drugs, mainly cocaine. Mexico after that to get rid of those pesky illegals. Africa is up next, well because they're black. All of the ME, minus the Israelis, and Indonesia too. That way we will get rid of most of Islam. Afghanistan for their Muslims and heroin. White people for serial killers and WMDs. Did I leave anyone out. Oh yeah, the Chinese. Then we can have our jobs back. India too while we're at it.




I'm in.... :thumbsup:


Oh wait. I just read your last sentence. Never mind.

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You're onto something here. Let's wipe out South America to get rid of the drugs, mainly cocaine. Mexico after that to get rid of those pesky illegals. Africa is up next, well because they're black. All of the ME, minus the Israelis, and Indonesia too. That way we will get rid of most of Islam. Afghanistan for their Muslims and heroin. White people for serial killers and WMDs. Did I leave anyone out. Oh yeah, the Chinese. Then we can have our jobs back. India too while we're at it.




Did you only leave Canada off because sarcasm was on?

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Lol. I'm dying over here!


Don't forget the vest. Remember how we laughed and laughed the last time you forgot it? We called your cell and you picked up? What the !@#$ dude. :wallbash:

Edited by Chef Jim
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Here's a bunch of Canadians who aren't white. Then of course there is the indigenous people along with the Sudanese refugees, the Jamaicans who bring you your weed and the Italians who pay the taxes.

Italians aren't white?

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Italians aren't white?

Of course not


It's very much not "sociopathic tendencies." Sociopathy is the inability to empathize with and relate to other people. Islamic extremists maintain that ability to empathize...they just operate in a context where "people" and "empathy" both have very narrow definitions.


Sociopaths would tend to make very bad terrorists, in fact, as they couldn't commit to a cause.

I'd quibble with that. Some of the best mob assassins are sociopaths. My guess is that's the type that gets recruited for that specific job, job like the losers who sign up for suicide bombing duty.

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And I said peace, and you counter-argued health.


You get no credit, and may God have mercy on your soul.


I said peace and health.


Violence, fighting, and conflict has been a common state of man throughout our history. Right now is a good time. And when you add the health ingredient, it's the best era ever.


You countered that with one nation's era of relative peace. A weak counter for most, but for a Trump voter like you, it was OK.

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Photos that were shared with American intelligence agencies and leaked to the New York Times indicate that Manchester terrorist Salman Abedi used relatively sophisticated technology, suggesting that he had help. The Telegraph reports: Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi carried his bomb in a Karrimor rucksack triggered with a sophisticated switch held in his left hand, leaked crime scene photographs suggest.

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You're onto something here. Let's wipe out South America to get rid of the drugs, mainly cocaine. Mexico after that to get rid of those pesky illegals. Africa is up next, well because they're black. All of the ME, minus the Israelis, and Indonesia too. That way we will get rid of most of Islam. Afghanistan for their Muslims and heroin. White people for serial killers and WMDs. Did I leave anyone out. Oh yeah, the Chinese. Then we can have our jobs back. India too while we're at it.



You know, you'd be on to something if all those different regions were infested with the disease of Islam.

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You know, you'd be on to something if all those different regions were infested with the disease of Islam.

Ever notice how I don't strike back with insults to other faiths? That "disease" taught me not to. It is forbidden. You might want to try that.


BTW. If my religion is what you think it is then why are Muslims permitted to marry Jews and Christians?

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Italians aren't white?


Of course not


Then why is it whenever I'm dragged to Subway by a coworker and standing in line, one person will order their sandwich on white and another will order it on italian, but they get the same roll?

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