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Islamic Terrorism


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See, there's part of the issue: they don't even view those people as Muslims. Do you have any idea how these radical Islamists look at Western Muslims? It's like how an evangelical in Nebraska might look at an Episcopalian in Portland, except add bombs and ****. To wit: not one of us. So they're targets too.


I'm aware, I'm just trying to poke holes in the logic that this is primarily a result of being angry at westerners.

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Ever since 9/11 there's been a huge surge in terrorism. That's a fact. To those of you blaming the religion you need to understand that our actions played a part in the climate of the world today. It's no coincidence terrorism is on the rise since our involvement in the ME. Lets try to be adults about this and not say I'm condoning terrorist attacks by pointing this out. Like Immortal Technique says, "we f****d the Middle East and gave birth to a demon".

you're really out of touch, son
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And furthermore some of you have the inability to grasp the concept of identification. In sports people back someone from their own city or state, because they identify with him. A white guy might root for the white boxer vs the black boxer because he identifies with him. Well it works in other ways too. These guys join these terrorist groups because they see a foreign invader on Muslim land attacking and bombing other Muslims. These people see news reports of innocent Muslim lives being lost and maybe they want others to feel that pain too.


I sit here and listen to people blame my religion and I just take it, but I've listened for too long. I searched the Quran for anything at all that might condone these savage acts and can't find it. If I did find it I'd drop the religion in a second. Maybe you guys know something I don't. Prove it to me. Show me where this is condoned and don't take one line out of context.

You're asking the wrong people. You need to ask those committing murder in the name of Allah. Ask them to connect the dots to their actions and your religion.

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would take him about 30 seconds of decent interviewing technique to get him to go berzerk over Israel and its citiznes...

I'm really tempted to derail him and make him loose his ****. But I have responsible stuff to do today ;(
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I'm really tempted to derail him and make him loose his ****. But I have responsible stuff to do today ;(

Not gonna happen. No matter what you say.


would take him about 30 seconds of decent interviewing technique to get him to go berzerk over Israel and its citiznes...

When have I EVER said anything about Israeli citizens? Is honestly a tough thing for you to grasp? Nice thing about posting here, there's a history. Look it up, liar.

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I'm aware, I'm just trying to poke holes in the logic that this is primarily a result of being angry at westerners.


Well there's no sense in that. The scales won't fall off until he realizes that the narrative he's pushing is part of what gets these home-grown terrorists "radicalized."

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You're asking the wrong people. You need to ask those committing murder in the name of Allah. Ask them to connect the dots to their actions and your religion.

I will. As soon as I meet one Muslim that feels like they do. I know 100s of them and not one of them feel that way.

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Not gonna happen. No matter what you say.


When have I EVER said anything about Israeli citizens? Is honestly a tough thing for you to grasp? Nice thing about posting here, there's a history. Look it up, liar.


You know....

Oh wait, you support 100% the right of Israel to exist and self-govern??

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You know....


Oh wait, you support 100% the right of Israel to exist and self-govern??

Yes. I do. In fact I've said so here. I'm either for a one state or two state solution. Either or. Can't have it the way it is now. Either give the Palestinians equal rights in a one state or go to the '67 borders for a two state.

I realize my take on this must be difficult for you to comprehend. It doesn't fit your narrative about me.

Edited by Justice
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And furthermore some of you have the inability to grasp the concept of identification. In sports people back someone from their own city or state, because they identify with him. A white guy might root for the white boxer vs the black boxer because he identifies with him. Well it works in other ways too. These guys join these terrorist groups because they see a foreign invader on Muslim land attacking and bombing other Muslims. These people see news reports of innocent Muslim lives being lost and maybe they want others to feel that pain too.

I sit here and listen to people blame my religion and I just take it, but I've listened for too long. I searched the Quran for anything at all that might condone these savage acts and can't find it. If I did find it I'd drop the religion in a second. Maybe you guys know something I don't. Prove it to me. Show me where this is condoned and don't take one line out of context.

I have always understood the sword verse to be the platform upon which the delusions are built. I think most reasonable people understand that it's not the religion itself, but generations of brainwashing susceptible individuals.


I think the US style gang analogy someone pointed out is a pretty good one, but the differences in the groups' overarching goals lend to these tragic murders of innocent people.


I don't have a good answer for what to do. It's important to put things in proper perspective and not stoop to your enemies level. So anyone who wants to just wipe out the Middle East is way off base, but I don't think ignoring it is the way to go either.


As with most things it will take time, but I would focus on improving relations with the young disenfranchised muslim community at home. In many cases their situations make them prone to radicalization from recruiters. I'm sure this will be labeled a weak response.

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Our involvement in Iraq and Syria created an environment for terrorism to breed at a faster rate. That's a reality. Whatever it is we're doing isn't working.


How does US involvement in Iraq & Syria affect a 22 year old loser born and raised in the UK?

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How does US involvement in Iraq & Syria affect a 22 year old loser born and raised in the UK?

I've already explained it. I can't think like the terrorists do so I'm not gonna pretend to know that's a concrete answer but innocent lives are lost all the time in our wars in the ME. Maybe, just maybe, these guys want us to feel that pain too. I really don't know.

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I've already explained it. I can't think like the terrorists do so I'm not gonna pretend to know that's a concrete answer but innocent lives are lost all the time in our wars in the ME. Maybe, just maybe, these guys want us to feel that pain too. I really don't know.


Or the more likely explanation that they're criminal sociopaths who are looking for a club to join to kill people

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Or the more likely explanation that they're criminal sociopaths who are looking for a club to join to kill people

There isn't just one reason. I'm sure that's a part of it for some.

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There isn't just one reason. I'm sure that's a part of it for some.


There are millions of people all over the world who are seriously upset over one thing or another. They don't turn into homicidal maniacs.

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Our involvement in Iraq and Syria created an environment for terrorism to breed at a faster rate. That's a reality. Whatever it is we're doing isn't working.

We created a vacuum in Iraq that for awhile we filled. Our departure left a lot of undefended territory ripe for the taking by terrorist groups. We then gave the same terrorist groups arms and material support in Syria. We got rid of one brutal dictator in Saddam and have supplied the terrorists with weapons to fight another brutal dictator in Assad. By your logic, the terrorists should be rightfully praising us.

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