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How many other "rahmini's" are all over Camden and Newark ?


Don't know about Camden, but not many Muslims in Newark. But many in the surrounding towns, though. And no, they didn't dance on the rooftops. I'm sure some celebrated, but certainly not most.

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Yb7u2p6U_normal.jpg Paula Reid


JUST IN: @CBSNews confirms Rahami traveled to Afghanistan at least 3x, last time in 2014. FBI still trying to determine purpose for travel.


Whoa, this mystery just got even deeper:



I4Eys6uM_normal.jpg Justin Miller






obama-head-scratch-1-485x287.jpg"I just don't get it"

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You're not defending him, but you were certainly more outraged about the allied forces hitting Syrian troops outside the cease fire zone than you were about Syrian troops destroying a humanitarian convoy delivering needed supplies to a besieged city.


But yes, I'm the one who needs to wake up.


One begat the other, which is the point. You cannot get a positive from a negative, it's an impossibility.


Those points aside, you're yet again injecting your own spin on my words and passing it off as if I said it. You don't know how I feel about a UN convoy getting hit -- you just assume I'm more outraged over one because it fits the narrative you've invented about me. Which is fine, it's just getting tiresome.


What the US did was a war crime, one designed to help ISIS fighters take ground in Syria and designed to shred the cease fire. Because I pay taxes, I'm involved in that !@#$ up, as are you I would assume. We live(d) in a country where it's our duty as citizens to question our government and demand the best from them, the bombing in Deir ez-Zour was not our finest hour. In fact, it was illegal and morally repugnant. What were the possible outcomes of a move like that? The best case scenario is you weaken Assad by helping rebels (ISIS in this case) retake a foothold they had lost, break the cease fire which is keeping Assad in power, and you get away with it.


Now, what's the worst case scenario?


World War III.


What's the payoff for a risk like that? What are we actually trying to accomplish in Syria? What's the mission? Do you know? I don't. Neither do the boots on the ground in Syria. I've talked to special operators and intelligence contractors who've been actively involved in that conflict and they'll all tell you the same thing: the mission stinks. There's no plan, there's no reason to be there other than to help crazy !@#$ing jihadists overthrow a bad guy so they can replace him with an even worse guy.


And around and around we go. It's a pattern we all are familiar with. It solves nothing and, as we're seeing every day, it makes the world a far less stable and safe place. But it does make a few people very, very, VERY rich so I guess it's worth it?


That's the kind of stupidity that's resulted in very smart people happily accepting and defending the rise of totalitarianism and the destruction of our democracy without batting an eye.



Weird analogy, especially considering Greggy thinks that the bombings in NYC are taking attention away from the bombing of the Syrian army. Apparently that's more important to him.


Like I said, when you finally do wake up and see what's really going on, it's gonna hurt.


But at least I'll be there with a beer or two to help you through it. :beer:

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Like I said, when you finally do wake up and see what's really going on, it's gonna hurt.


But at least I'll be there with a beer or two to help you through it. :beer:


Why do you think GG doesn't know what's going on? Do YOU know what's going on? How much of the following article do you know: http://therightstuff.biz/2016/09/20/u-s-government-takes-step-toward-war-in-syria/

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Nothing to see here. Just CNN advocating for fascism and the obliteration of our constitutional protections.


The !@#$? :huh:


This is a perfect example of media bias, by the way. They frame the story with a leading question that biases the viewer towards the answer they're pursuing. Note that "Does Bombing Suspect Deserve the Suspension of Due Process?" is semantically equivalent...but connotatively very different.

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Wait. I thought the right wing zealots wanted to strip away Constitutional protections from Islamist fascists. Oh, that's right that was just for the foerign Islamist fascists who are kept off US soil in Guantanamo. I thought once they were here they were guaranteed all the Constitutional protections that American citizens have. What you say? The asshat IS an American citizen? Fo' shizzle!


Damn! Who the hell be running CNN these days anyway - Rodger Ailes? :blink:

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