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Islamic Terrorism


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Did any of you see Hillary's comments tonight. Holy crap she looks so weak...physically weak. You leftists really have to be schittin' purple Twinkies right now.


Someone let Granny Maopants get her full 12 hours of sleep, yahearme?

To me personally the worse thing about a Trump win is OC being right (that would be a bitter bitter pill) other than that I suppose SC nominations could be a little painful and clean energy initiatives might be set back


but I've come to terms with GW, where I live and with how long I'll probably live the most I'll have to endure is probably some uncomfortable summer heat and increased AC bills - the flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, sea water infiltration, Zika and other plagues will probably hit the pray harder states- California will probably continue to experience drought but if anyone can afford to desalinate it's them.


Also I think Trump will do some good things like reduce income inequality ( I think he'll do it by knocking 45% off the stock market but hey)


Build the wall, tax cut, hire what 100,000- 400,000 government workers to deport 13 mil illegal aliens, increase military spending 40% - put that together and that's the mother of all Keynesian stimulus programs


Other than that who knows Trump's mouth is completely untethered from reality but one thing for sure is the Republicans own everything for good or ill.

Edited by ....lybob
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To me personally the worse thing about a Trump win is OC being right (that would be a bitter bitter pill) other than that I suppose SC nominations could be a little painful and clean energy initiatives might be set back


but I've come to terms with GW, where I live and with how long I'll probably live the most I'll have to endure is probably some uncomfortable summer heat and increased AC bills - the flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, sea water infiltration, Zika and other plagues will probably hit the pray harder states- California will probably continue to experience drought but if anyone can afford to desalinate it's them.


Also I think Trump will do some good things like reduce income inequality ( I think he'll do it by knocking 45% off the stock market but hey)


Build the wall, tax cut, hire what 100,000- 400,000 government workers to deport 13 mil illegal aliens, increase military spending 40% - put that together and that's the mother of all Keynesian stimulus programs


Other than that who knows Trump's mouth is completely untethered from reality but one thing for sure is the Republicans own everything for good or ill.



Yep! In other words fascinating. Bush was boring.

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Hillary Clinton Says “Bombings In New York” – 40 Seconds Later Criticizes Use of Word “Bombing”…


A well sedated Secretary Clinton begins her remarks (00:28) by saying:

“I’ve been
briefed about the bombings
in New York and New Jersey, as well as the attack in Minnesota”…

Note the emphasis: “briefed about the bombings“.

However, seemingly oblivious to the fact Secretary Clinton just said “bombings“, Hillary’s traveling press pool asks the very first question 40 seconds later (01:08) which was:

“Do you have any reaction to the fact that Donald Trump, prior to taking the stage tonight, called the explosion tonight
a bomb
, and if that’s an appropriate term”?








A whack-job hacked 8 people in a Mall in Minnesota yesterday too.



St. Cloud police say stabber made reference to Allah and asked victims if they were Muslim before assaulting them.


Cool Lunch Ahmed:


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As always.......................


It’s All About the Backlash


One thing you can count on after an act of terrorism: the blood won’t be dry before worries about a “backlash” take center stage. So it is with last night’s terrorist attack at a St. Cloud, Minnesota shopping mall. The Minneapolis Star Tribune headlines–rather bizarrely, under the circumstances–“Anti-Muslim tension isn’t new in St. Cloud.” The story begins:


A cloud of anti-Muslim sentiment and tension has hung over St. Cloud for the past seven years, with incidents ranging from bullying Somali and other East African immigrants at St. Cloud Technical High School, to women being screamed at in grocery stores, pig intestines wrapped around the door handles of a halal grocery store, and offensive billboards and license plates.


The most physically injurious inci
dent came Saturday evening when a man stabbed nine people at the city’s Crossroads Center before the attacker was killed inside the mall by an off-duty police officer.





What a transition! “The most physically injurious incident,” indeed. If you didn’t know better, you would have, at this point, the impression that someone had gone on an anti-Muslim rampage, part of the “cloud of anti-Muslim sentiment.”


The rest of the article is a recitation of anti-Muslim incidents in St. Cloud, going back to 2010. There is a point lurking here, but what is it? The terrorist’s actions were justified, or nearly so? Or, watch out for the backlash, here it comes? It’s hard to say.


Meanwhile, the Council on American-Islamic Relations made its priorities clear. No pretense of any concern for the innocent victims of the Somali terrorist. No suggestion that a little introspection might be in order for a Muslim community that has produced more terrorists and would-be terrorists than any other in the U.S.


Nope: it’s all about the backlash.



More at the link:


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My answer: "Yes, I am Muslim. Insha Allah!" B-Man over there next to me, no. He thinks Allah stinks, like smelly camel toe. :nana::nana:


See no weapon needed. Thanks for being the "sacrificial anode." :nana::nana:

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As always.......................


It’s All About the Backlash


One thing you can count on after an act of terrorism: the blood won’t be dry before worries about a “backlash” take center stage. So it is with last night’s terrorist attack at a St. Cloud, Minnesota shopping mall. The Minneapolis Star Tribune headlines–rather bizarrely, under the circumstances–“Anti-Muslim tension isn’t new in St. Cloud.” The story begins:


A cloud of anti-Muslim sentiment and tension has hung over St. Cloud for the past seven years, with incidents ranging from bullying Somali and other East African immigrants at St. Cloud Technical High School, to women being screamed at in grocery stores, pig intestines wrapped around the door handles of a halal grocery store, and offensive billboards and license plates.


The most physically injurious inci
dent came Saturday evening when a man stabbed nine people at the city’s Crossroads Center before the attacker was killed inside the mall by an off-duty police officer.





What a transition! “The most physically injurious incident,” indeed. If you didn’t know better, you would have, at this point, the impression that someone had gone on an anti-Muslim rampage, part of the “cloud of anti-Muslim sentiment.”


The rest of the article is a recitation of anti-Muslim incidents in St. Cloud, going back to 2010. There is a point lurking here, but what is it? The terrorist’s actions were justified, or nearly so? Or, watch out for the backlash, here it comes? It’s hard to say.


Meanwhile, the Council on American-Islamic Relations made its priorities clear. No pretense of any concern for the innocent victims of the Somali terrorist. No suggestion that a little introspection might be in order for a Muslim community that has produced more terrorists and would-be terrorists than any other in the U.S.


Nope: it’s all about the backlash.



More at the link:


Wow. That is a lot of data pulled together and vetted in a few brief hours after the incident. That reporter really works hard.


It's almost like the story was already written and ready to go and they just had to fill in a few blanks on the most recent event.

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Thank you. Much appreciated.


Now remember on Saturday night, Deblasio and Quinn said that it wasn't a terrorist event.


This morning each NYC area resident received a text alert to be on the lookout for an Ahmad Khan Rahami.

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In other words, the same basic terrorist the FBI has been watching for ten years and continues to do nothing about..




By the way, the White House Spokesman calling terrorism a "narrative fight" is a pretty good way of securing a Trump victory in November.



Hillary Clinton will have a news conference at the airport in White Plains, New York, shortly before she flies to Philadelphia. CNN live

If she is smart, she will distance herself from the White House response.





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