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Islamic Terrorism


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Now, now...let's not jump to conclusions. It will take years to untangle this kid's motive. Probably global warming cooling climate change.

That's exactly why I posted the news about it in the guns/more/less thread.

The poor darling was probably upset that his order of couscous and lamb kebob wasn't prepared properly in that skank of an infidel-infested country Germany. He had to take it out on someone. He just had to.

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Example number 8,432 why not to believe rushes to “lone wolf” declarations.



53d967d27656bd5941e7e1fcddf47e0b_bigger. Breaking NewsVerified account @BreakingNews 3h3 hours ago

Nice truck attacker had 'support and accomplices,' plotted over several months, prosecutor says - AFP, France Info


XMWy2Z50_bigger.jpegLos Angeles TimesVerified account @latimes 51m51 minutes ago

Prosecutor says killer of 84 in Nice, France, had accomplices and planned for months http://lat.ms/29ZkWRu


Obama administration still clueless...................






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Happening now, shooting spree in Munich mall. No idea if it's Islamic Terror, but didn't want to create a new thread for it so...



Reddit, Periscope and other online sources reporting "many" dead... (all of this is unconfirmed at the moment)




15 people shot at least, per Sky News


EDIT: Situation contained, one dead, 14 wounded per AP.

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Multiple shooters on the loose according to this https://mobile.twitter.com/FrankRGardner?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


Some video online of an animal opening fire outside the front doors of a Mac D's. Gross.


Munich Police confirm at least three shooters, none in custody or down. Location unknown. Entire city of Munich is on lockdown.

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Germans often claim that they perfected beer but I don't think even they have the audacity to claim that they invented beer.

True. It was likely invented in Babylonia or Egypt. I was referring to a story told to me there by a local. They took beer in casks over the Alps to have the Pope bless it for their use during Lent. It spoiled along the way. The Pope tasted it and said, in effect. "They want to drink this ****? Well, okay then, go ahead."


I think they're the first to put hops in beer. It's a bit of a preservative. That's what the Brits did when they occupied the Indian sub-continent. But they over-hopped it to keep it from spoiling and that's why IPAs are so bitter.


Anyway, I'm not saying this is I. T. at this point. Not enough info to know. Could be EII or a Trump Davidian went over there and went nuts just to inflame the guns/no guns thread a bit more. :ph34r:

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True. It was likely invented in Babylonia or Egypt. I was referring to a story told to me there by a local. They took beer in casks over the Alps to have the Pope bless it for their use during Lent. It spoiled along the way. The Pope tasted it and said, in effect. "They want to drink this ****? Well, okay then, go ahead."


I think they're the first to put hops in beer. It's a bit of a preservative. That's what the Brits did when they occupied the Indian sub-continent. But they over-hopped it to keep it from spoiling and that's why IPAs are so bitter.


Anyway, I'm not saying this is I. T. at this point. Not enough info to know. Could be EII or a Trump Davidian went over there and went nuts just to inflame the guns/no guns thread a bit more. :ph34r:


It wasn’t until 736 AD that there was any mention of human cultivation of hops (instead of it just growing in the wild), and the first recorded history of hops in brewing doesn’t show up until 822 AD. That distinction goes to France — Picardy in Northern France, to be exact — where Abbot Adalhard of the Benedictine monastery of Corbie wrote down a set of rules determining how the abbey was to be run. Part of the rules addresses the porter’s collection of wild hops for making beer (and what to do if he failed at his task). Germany waited another 300 years to get in to the game — somewhere between 1150 and 1160 AD.

interesting short read


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True. It was likely invented in Babylonia or Egypt.


Earliest written reference to it is from Sumeria, actually. The earliest chemical evidence is from 2000 years earlier. Not that we'd recognize it as beer, though. It was probably more like a sour mash.


Brewing beer would also mark the beginnings of chemistry. So mankind invented chemistry about 2000 years before we invented writing, simply because...beer.


That also means it was about 7000 years ago that a man first spoke the most common last words in history: "Here, hold my beer..."

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