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LOL! So there is no more terrorism anymore, it's just "crime." :rolleyes:


Problem solved! :lol:


Reminds me of the old Onion headline: "Millions of Americans Saved from Poverty by Re-definition of Term"

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"The divide that exists is not between rascists, ethnicities and religions it is between the people who recognize the common humanity of all people and who are willing to build institutions that promote that common humanity and those who do not."


"All of us, I think have to step back and reflect on what we are doing to eliminate this kind of chronic violence."


LOL who said that...


Barack HUSSEIN Obama?

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Reports the France killer may have had mental health issues.


That would make a big difference.


I ear he had gay dating apps on his phone.


When will be more tolerant of the confused homosexual jihadists? Haven't they suffered enough?

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What does mental health issue even mean? Like not able to make decisions? Schizophrenia?


Don't you have to be a little lacking in the mental health department if you are willing to drive into a crowd of innocent people with a semi truck to begin with? Aren't suicide bombers mentally ill at this point then?

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Terror in France and the Annals of Willful Blindness

by Andrew C McCarthy


By failing to take the jihadists’ ideology seriously, we refuse to understand the breadth of the threat we face.


Well into year eight of Obama, with the prospect of years nine through twelve hanging heavy in the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, it feels like I write the same column every few weeks now. How could it not? Fort Hood, Detroit, Times Square, Portland, Cairo, Benghazi, Boston, Garland, Paris, Chattanooga, Paris again, San Bernardino, Philadelphia, Brussels, Istanbul, Orlando, Istanbul again, Dhaka, and now, Nice. Even if we leave out the more overt war zones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Egypt, and Israel, the jihadist attacks targeting the West are coming in more rapid succession: iconic targets, dates of commemoration, diplomatic outposts, tourists, and citizens just going about their lives.


It is easy to grasp why this is the case. Willful blindness has metastasized from a dangerous dereliction of duty to a system of governance.


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437959/nice-islamic-terrorism-west-refuses-take-jihadist-ideology-seriously


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BREAKING: French prosecutor's office: 5 people in custody in wake of deadly truck attack in Nice.


Terrorist attack...........not "truck"



Can't be. I was assured by our media this was one mentally ill loner........................................................................each time








Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhiel sent £84k to family in Tunisia days before murdering 84 in Nice http://dailym.ai/29YDAht





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Can't be. I was assured by our media this was one mentally ill loner........................................................................each time


How is it the French police can round up five suspects after the terror attack in Nice, but our FBI can't even find Omar Mateen's wife?

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How is it the French police can round up five suspects after the terror attack in Nice, but our FBI can't even find Omar Mateen's wife?


Slick has her in his basement. It was part of the deal he negotiated with 'retta.

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“(HINT: you’ll guess EXACTLY what it was.)”






WaPo: FBI finds no evidence Orlando terror attack motivated by homophobia.


Anderson Cooper the hardest hit



I think they should change the spelling of that town in France. Just saying.

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