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Islamic Terrorism


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Because it's not a quibble: there is a significant difference between "600 people shot" and "100 people shot, 500 trampled."


Particularly if a "**** ton" is more than 100.

There is a huge diffrence to the families and the people affect and the prosecution and the hospitals and first responders and ALL of that. There is no difference to the discussion afterwards about the problems that caused the 100 shot.


There are also (very important) conversations about what we can do in similar situations to stop the trampling, lessen the people hurt in the aftermath, etc. but they are in addition to the people killed by gunfire conversation. Not lessened by it. Just different conversation.

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I was in the process of adding even if it doesn't automatically have an ideology or political purpose. And I take it back. I shouldn't have said definition because I know the definition. But it's the same thing. It creates terror. It serves the same purpose. It cries out for the same reaction.


It doesn't come out of nowhere.


And even if it's not domestic terrorism, which it is, ha, it calls out for the same questions about shouldn't we worry more about the people here doing this way more than people trying to get here doing this. It's the same discussion.

Some of those people who are "here" haven't been here long and come from cultural backgrounds that are steeped in hatred for the west and America in particular.

There is such a small percentage of "white" native born Americans who have done this and most are complete wack jobs and not driven by their God to perform such heinous acts of depravity. Percentage-wise there's been a greater number of attacks from fanatic Islamic-inspired theology believers compared to Islamic theology believers, than the percentage of white privileged CIS cracker knuckle-draggers compared to the overall population of white privileged CIS cracker knuckle-draggers.


We're told all the time, well just because there's a small number of Group A is acting up, it doesn't mean ALL members of Group A are bad. And, sure just because these guys are part of Group B and did something awful, it doesn't mean because they're a member of Group B that they did this. It was something else. Perhaps a jilted lover, homosexual confusion, they're off their meds, they've doubled up on their meds, they ate at Mighty Taco and got a-getta, or they had a case of the runs and s hit their pants and got in a mood that matched the foul smell in their britches.


If you're looking to stop trouble before it happens, personally I think it's a better spend of scarce resources to look at the fomenting bags of puss in society and focus on those groups. Instead, we get TSA pat-downs of 80 year-old grandmothers from Minnesota in airports. :doh:

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I'll task you with presenting an example of a prosecution for terrorism at the state level absent a federal prosecution.


I'll also ask you to present the carve out in the federal statute defining terrorism, and the federal statute placing the prosecution for instances of terrorism solely with the Department of Justice which makes way for the states in the way you're describing.

There are lots of cases. Why do you think all the states have it as a crime if it was preempted? Dont you think someone convicted under them would have argued that and won. There is a NY case from a few months ago called Pimental but I have no way of linking it.


I promise you people are convicted under these laws and courts reject the argument that federal law controls. Anyways this is getting off topic, and there are more interesting arguments about what terrorism is or isnt.

Edited by Crayola64
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I'm somewhat skeptical of that... should be interesting to see what our intelligence agencies find, though... I guess?


A lot of white people are feeling 'threatened' (rightfully or not, is up for debate) due to continued changing demographics. Generally speaking.

Can only speak for myself. The last few years I've purchased a 12ga and a handgun. Self-defense and the only demographic I'm truly scared of is the Antifa bolsheviks. Shite hits the fan they will be the most helpless hence the most dangerous.

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Can only speak for myself. The last few years I've purchased a 12ga and a handgun. Self-defense and the only demographic I'm truly scared of is the Antifa bolsheviks. Shite hits the fan they will be the most helpless hence the most dangerous.


I'm scared of minorities...almost entirely because I expect a race war in the foreseeable future, and I live in a very diverse neighborhood, so I fully expect I'll be attacked and my house burnt when the war starts.

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I'm scared of minorities...almost entirely because I expect a race war in the foreseeable future, and I live in a very diverse neighborhood, so I fully expect I'll be attacked and my house burnt when the war starts.


Move to California where, as a white man, you are a minority. It's fun. They give us free phones, free housing, free health insurance, and free public transportation. The only thing you can't do is commit a crime. Unless you're a white man living here illegally. Then you can free to commit all the crimes you want without fear of getting arrested.

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Move to California where, as a white man, you are a minority. It's fun. They give us free phones, free housing, free health insurance, and free public transportation. The only thing you can't do is commit a crime. Unless you're a white man living here illegally. Then you can free to commit all the crimes you want without fear of getting arrested.

Maybe it's me, but that seems like a fantastic place to live!


Oh, wait, I do!


I'm a genius!

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Back to the ISLAMIC TERRORISM Thread...............................



Remember Edmonton ?


KNOWN WOLF: Man charged in Edmonton attacks was ordered deported from U.S. in 2011.

The Somali refugee accused of stabbing an Edmonton police constable on the weekend and running down four pedestrians was ordered to be deported from the United States in 2011 by a U.S. immigration judge, CBC News has learned.

In July 2011, U.S. Customs and Border Protection transferred Abdulahi Hasan Sharif into the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement at Otay Mesa Detention Center in San Diego, Calif., according to Jennifer D. Elzea, acting press secretary for the ICE office of public affairs.

Two months later, on Sept. 22, 2011, an immigration judge ordered Sharif removed to Somalia. Sharif waived his right to appeal t
hat decision.

But Sharif was released on Nov. 23, 2011, on an ICE order of supervision, “due to a lack of likelihood of his removal in the reasonably foreseeable future,” Elzea said in a statement to CBC News.





And then they lost track of him.

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British security chief: Terror threat has intensified

Oct 17, 2017 @ 22:27

Andrew Parker, head of the British MI5 security service, warned Tuesday that “more terrorist activity is coming at us, more quickly’ and it can be harder to detect.”

Speaking in London, the spy chief said: “That threat is multi-dimensional, evolving rapidly and operating at a scale and pace we’ve not seen before.”

Edited by ALF
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Israel’s IDF Obliterates Gaza Attack Tunnel


Hamas-Gaza-Tunnel-NYT-video-620x434.jpg...............7 Palestinians dead, 12 wounded


The Israeli army blew up an attack tunnel, “stretching from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry said in the deadliest incident in the coastal enclave since the 2014 Gaza war,” reported the Times of Israel Monday.



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A thread dedicated to terrorist attacks around the world?


How many pages can a thread go on this forum? It's at 220 now and it's going to go a lot longer than that.

I'm sure as a liberal, you have a solution for what you perceive is a problem. Why don't you tell us how things should be here so you can go back under the rock you came from.

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