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Islamic Terrorism


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Can we agree that Hitler, Stalin and Mao were all crazy killers?


Lots of commies here and they like to deflect attention away from what commies always do and where their ideology always leads. Still, there is no reason to say Hitler had logic to his ideology. Let me ask you, were "the clutches of foreign banks" worse that the air in a gas chamber? Jesus.

Of course I'm not saying what he did was right. I'm saying at least is was a response to a perceived threat or transgression against Germany. Not condoning it just saying there was a root cause to it. Obviously a over reaction on his/their part.

Also just a question about this last London terror thing. Is there any video of people actually being hit by the van? Is there video of the assaults following the van attack?

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Of course I'm not saying what he did was right. I'm saying at least is was a response to a perceived threat or transgression against Germany. Not condoning it just saying there was a root cause to it. Obviously a over reaction on his/their part.


There is a root cause for everything. Mao and Stalin perceived threats too as did Pol Pot. They were all sick twisted freaks. Commies suck and so do Nazis. There is really no need to compare their ridiculous motivations. What perceived threat could have led to gassing children to death? Jesus.

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There is a root cause for everything. Mao and Stalin perceived threats too as did Pol Pot. They were all sick twisted freaks. Commies suck and so do Nazis. There is really no need to compare their ridiculous motivations. What perceived threat could have led to gassing children to death? Jesus.

Your desperately trying to make it look like I'm justifying slaughter. Please stop. I will put it this way, the Germans were being extremely fvcked with. Unlike Stalin and Mao who were just trying to pull a scam like all commies do. Again I will say to you, what Hitler did was horrific and obviously out to lunch on his "solution"

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Your desperately trying to make it look like I'm justifying slaughter. Please stop. I will put it this way, the Germans were being extremely fvcked with. Unlike Stalin and Mao who were just trying to pull a scam like all commies do. Again I will say to you, what Hitler did was horrific and obviously out to lunch on his "solution"


No they weren't. The vast majority of the Weimar ills were self-imposed.

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Your desperately trying to make it look like I'm justifying slaughter. Please stop. I will put it this way, the Germans were being extremely fvcked with. Unlike Stalin and Mao who were just trying to pull a scam like all commies do. Again I will say to you, what Hitler did was horrific and obviously out to lunch on his "solution"


Oh I get it now. See I thought when you said "Hitler's reign of terror had some logic to it" that you meant "Hitler's reign of terror had some logic to it". And I thought that maybe the "clutches of foreign banks" meant "jews". Because, you know...jew bankers.


And Stalin and Mao blamed capitalists for their woes in a similar manner to which Hitler blamed Jews. Neither set of reasoning was logical or correct. If there were wrongs being committed, there certainly must have been alternative remedies.

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Your desperately trying to make it look like I'm justifying slaughter. Please stop. I will put it this way, the Germans were being extremely fvcked with. Unlike Stalin and Mao who were just trying to pull a scam like all commies do. Again I will say to you, what Hitler did was horrific and obviously out to lunch on his "solution"


Someone just topped up their subscription to the daily stormer.

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The reparations were crushing, with the sole purpose of peace being punitive for Germany. There's no way this can be in dispute.

That is largely a myth. Germany was not destitute, and was in much better shape than Soviet Union. But the political instability and the Depression aftermath set the perfect stage for Adolf.

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From Kimberley Ross.........http://www.redstate.com/kimberly_ross/2017/06/06/imams-statement-attackers/

On Monday, only two days after terrorists attacked and killed Londoners and tourists enjoying a night out, more than 130 Imams and religious leaders in the U.K. issued an unprecedented statement.

Part of their message, as posted on The Muslim Council of Britain’s site.


“We, as Muslim Imams and religious leaders, condemn the recent terror attacks in Manchester and London in the strongest terms possible. Coming from a range of backgrounds, and from across the UK; feeling the pain the rest of the nation feels, we have come together to express our shock and utter disgust at these cold-blooded murders.

We are deeply hurt that a spate of terror attacks have been committed in our country once more by murderers who seek to gain religious legitimacy for their actions. We seek to clarify that their reprehensible actions have neither legitimacy nor our sympathy.




We’ve heard similar statements of condemnation from those in the Muslim community before, but what followed was unexpected, to say the least (emphasis mine).


We pray to God that the perpetrators be judged in accordance with the gravity of their crimes in the hereafter. Their acts and wilful dismissal of our religious principles alienates them from any association with our community…

Consequently, and in light of other such ethical principles which are quintessential to Islam,
we will not perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer for the perpetrators and we also urge fellow imams and religious authorities to withdraw such a privilege.
This is because such indefensible actions are completely at odds with the lofty teachings of Islam.

These vile murderers seek to divide our society and instil fear; we will ensure they fail.





Calling out terrorism and refusing to perform the funeral prayer for the attackers? That is something I don’t believe I’ve ever seen before.





Good for them..........

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From Kimberley Ross.........http://www.redstate.com/kimberly_ross/2017/06/06/imams-statement-attackers/


On Monday, only two days after terrorists attacked and killed Londoners and tourists enjoying a night out, more than 130 Imams and religious leaders in the U.K. issued an unprecedented statement.


Part of their message, as posted on The Muslim Council of Britain’s site.


“We, as Muslim Imams and religious leaders, condemn the recent terror attacks in Manchester and London in the strongest terms possible. Coming from a range of backgrounds, and from across the UK; feeling the pain the rest of the nation feels, we have come together to express our shock and utter disgust at these cold-blooded murders.

We are deeply hurt that a spate of terror attacks have been committed in our country once more by murderers who seek to gain religious legitimacy for their actions. We seek to clarify that their reprehensible actions have neither legitimacy nor our sympathy.




We’ve heard similar statements of condemnation from those in the Muslim community before, but what followed was unexpected, to say the least (emphasis mine).


We pray to God that the perpetrators be judged in accordance with the gravity of their crimes in the hereafter. Their acts and wilful dismissal of our religious principles alienates them from any association with our community…

Consequently, and in light of other such ethical principles which are quintessential to Islam,
we will not perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer for the perpetrators and we also urge fellow imams and religious authorities to withdraw such a privilege.
This is because such indefensible actions are completely at odds with the lofty teachings of Islam.

These vile murderers seek to divide our society and instil fear; we will ensure they fail.





Calling out terrorism and refusing to perform the funeral prayer for the attackers? That is something I don’t believe I’ve ever seen before.





Good for them..........



Yes good for them. Next step? Seek out and report to the authorities those Imams who preach to and motivate those terrorists.

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From Kimberley Ross.........http://www.redstate.com/kimberly_ross/2017/06/06/imams-statement-attackers/


On Monday, only two days after terrorists attacked and killed Londoners and tourists enjoying a night out, more than 130 Imams and religious leaders in the U.K. issued an unprecedented statement.


Part of their message, as posted on The Muslim Council of Britain’s site.




“We, as Muslim Imams and religious leaders, condemn the recent terror attacks in Manchester and London in the strongest terms possible. Coming from a range of backgrounds, and from across the UK; feeling the pain the rest of the nation feels, we have come together to express our shock and utter disgust at these cold-blooded murders.

We are deeply hurt that a spate of terror attacks have been committed in our country once more by murderers who seek to gain religious legitimacy for their actions. We seek to clarify that their reprehensible actions have neither legitimacy nor our sympathy.


We’ve heard similar statements of condemnation from those in the Muslim community before, but what followed was unexpected, to say the least (emphasis mine).



We pray to God that the perpetrators be judged in accordance with the gravity of their crimes in the hereafter. Their acts and wilful dismissal of our religious principles alienates them from any association with our community…

Consequently, and in light of other such ethical principles which are quintessential to Islam, we will not perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer for the perpetrators and we also urge fellow imams and religious authorities to withdraw such a privilege. This is because such indefensible actions are completely at odds with the lofty teachings of Islam.

These vile murderers seek to divide our society and instil fear; we will ensure they fail.




Calling out terrorism and refusing to perform the funeral prayer for the attackers? That is something I don’t believe I’ve ever seen before.





Good for them..........


It may be the only way for mainstream Islam to retain credibility going forward. Good on them.

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From Kimberley Ross.........http://www.redstate.com/kimberly_ross/2017/06/06/imams-statement-attackers/

On Monday, only two days after terrorists attacked and killed Londoners and tourists enjoying a night out, more than 130 Imams and religious leaders in the U.K. issued an unprecedented statement.

Part of their message, as posted on The Muslim Council of Britain’s site.


“We, as Muslim Imams and religious leaders, condemn the recent terror attacks in Manchester and London in the strongest terms possible. Coming from a range of backgrounds, and from across the UK; feeling the pain the rest of the nation feels, we have come together to express our shock and utter disgust at these cold-blooded murders.

We are deeply hurt that a spate of terror attacks have been committed in our country once more by murderers who seek to gain religious legitimacy for their actions. We seek to clarify that their reprehensible actions have neither legitimacy nor our sympathy.




We’ve heard similar statements of condemnation from those in the Muslim community before, but what followed was unexpected, to say the least (emphasis mine).


We pray to God that the perpetrators be judged in accordance with the gravity of their crimes in the hereafter. Their acts and wilful dismissal of our religious principles alienates them from any association with our community…

Consequently, and in light of other such ethical principles which are quintessential to Islam,
we will not perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer for the perpetrators and we also urge fellow imams and religious authorities to withdraw such a privilege.
This is because such indefensible actions are completely at odds with the lofty teachings of Islam.

These vile murderers seek to divide our society and instil fear; we will ensure they fail.





Calling out terrorism and refusing to perform the funeral prayer for the attackers? That is something I don’t believe I’ve ever seen before.





Good for them..........



It's about damned time. Now rat out the people in YOUR communities you know to be radicalized and we can start to believe you're serious.

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It's about damned time. Now rat out the people in YOUR communities you know to be radicalized and we can start to believe you're serious.

That's just grand.


One minor problem: being radicalized isn't criminal activity in America.


We don't do thought policing.

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That's just grand.


One minor problem: being radicalized isn't criminal activity in America.


We don't do thought policing.


I know we don't. But there's nothing stopping someone from telling the authorities about a radical imam or follower who can then be put under surveillance.

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I know we don't. But there's nothing stopping someone from telling the authorities about a radical imam or follower who can then be put under surveillance.

Which is fine, but still problematic given due process; but even then, history shows that being under surveillance or on watch lists doesn't stop terror attacks.

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Which is fine, but still problematic given due process; but even then, history shows that being under surveillance or on watch lists doesn't stop terror attacks.


We'll never know how many they've stopped.

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