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Islamic Terrorism


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We created a vacuum in Iraq that for awhile we filled. Our departure left a lot of undefended territory ripe for the taking by terrorist groups. We then gave the same terrorist groups arms and material support in Syria. We got rid of one brutal dictator in Saddam and have supplied the terrorists with weapons to fight another brutal dictator in Assad. By your logic, the terrorists should be rightfully praising us.

By your logic they're doing exactly as they're told.

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We have never seen this type of attacks this frequently before.


The simple answer seems to escape you for some odd reason, but try to consider that they happen more frequently not because of us, but because it can.


I was one of those people who paid little attention to anything global or political prior to 9/11 to the extent that when it was quickly announced that it was Al Qaeda and some dude named Osama Bin Laden, my first response was "Who the hell are they?"


9/11 happened because it could, and someone finally pulled it off. Once that door was opened, then the phuckbags realized they could do pretty much anything...and here we are.


If only our leaders were more concerned with the safety of its citizens than they are thinking the answer is open borders and more love...but no. We need to open the borders, and let ANYONE in, because that's what a compassionate person does just before they get blown to phucking bits.

Edited by LABillzFan
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The simple answer seems to escape you for some odd reason, but try to consider that they happen more frequently not because of us, but because it can.


I was one of those people who paid little attention to anything global or political prior to 9/11 to the extent that when it was quickly announced that it was Al Qaeda and some dude named Osama Bin Laden, my first response was "Who the hell are they?"


9/11 happened because it could, and someone finally pulled it off. Once that door was opened, then the phuckbags realized they could do pretty much anything...and here we are.


If only our leaders were more concerned with the safety of its citizens than they are thinking the answer is open borders and more love...but no. We need to open the borders, and let ANYONE in, because that's what a compassionate person does just before they get blown to phucking bits.

I'm not suggesting we open the borders. What I am suggesting is a full on withdrawal from the ME in every capacity and secure our borders. On 9/11 they got lucky. Found a weak spot. Let's ensure nothing like that happens again. We won't be able to stop all the attacks but we can prevent the ones that kill people in the 1000s.

Edited by Justice
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The simple answer seems to escape you for some odd reason, but try to consider that they happen more frequently not because of us, but because it can.


I was one of those people who paid little attention to anything global or political prior to 9/11 to the extent that when it was quickly announced that it was Al Qaeda and some dude named Osama Bin Laden, my first response was "Who the hell are they?"


9/11 happened because it could, and someone finally pulled it off. Once that door was opened, then the phuckbags realized they could do pretty much anything...and here we are.


If only our leaders were more concerned with the safety of its citizens than they are thinking the answer is open borders and more love...but no. We need to open the borders, and let ANYONE in, because that's what a compassionate person does just before they get blown to phucking bits.

They did happen before. See second intifada

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Not gonna happen. No matter what you say.


When have I EVER said anything about Israeli citizens? Is honestly a tough thing for you to grasp? Nice thing about posting here, there's a history. Look it up, liar.

I'm skilled, brah


Or the more likely explanation that they're criminal sociopaths who are looking for a club to join to kill people

maybe he should have worked for planned parenthood. Liberals would love him even more
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JUST IN: The alleged Manchester concert bomber spent three weeks in Libya before the attack, officials tell CNN



What difference, at this point, does it make whether he spent three weeks in Libya or went out for an evening stroll?

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I'm not suggesting we open the borders. What I am suggesting is a full on withdrawal from the ME in every capacity and secure our borders. On 9/11 they got lucky. Found a weak spot. Let's ensure nothing like that happens again. We won't be able to stop all the attacks but we can prevent the ones that kill people in the 1000s.

The hatred of western culture will still prevail among the radicals even with full withdrawl. The belief structure has been so perverted.


While I'm not an open borders guy, securing the borders will accomplish little considering the growing problem is homegrown terrorists easily accessible with social media. I fail to see how you can prevent that without more government monitoring of our citizens, which most of you will also hate.

Exactly. Don't let them in, avoid the problem

I still argue that won't make the dent you anticipate in the issue. We have white suburban Americans turning radical Islamist in some circumstances.


I agree with those who argue it's a sociopathic tendencies taking a specific form. Take it away and their tendencies will express in a different form.

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I guess lying is a skill, liar.

am i to be offended?


"A lie is nothing but a seed for truth" Edgar Allan poe


Your lies in this thread are as provoking as a lot lizard in a men's truck stop bathroom. Except she leaves having accomplished something. You leave screwed.

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Oh, look! Looks like terrorism runs in the Islamic family!




The family that Jihads together stays together?

Edited by joesixpack
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The hatred of western culture will still prevail among the radicals even with full withdrawl. The belief structure has been so perverted.


While I'm not an open borders guy, securing the borders will accomplish little considering the growing problem is homegrown terrorists easily accessible with social media. I fail to see how you can prevent that without more government monitoring of our citizens, which most of you will also hate.


I still argue that won't make the dent you anticipate in the issue. We have white suburban Americans turning radical Islamist in some circumstances.


I agree with those who argue it's a sociopathic tendencies taking a specific form. Take it away and their tendencies will express in a different form.


It's very much not "sociopathic tendencies." Sociopathy is the inability to empathize with and relate to other people. Islamic extremists maintain that ability to empathize...they just operate in a context where "people" and "empathy" both have very narrow definitions.


Sociopaths would tend to make very bad terrorists, in fact, as they couldn't commit to a cause.

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The Manchester incident is yet another homegrown terrorist LA, unless you are arguing his parents should have never been let in as refugees in the first place.


So you know for a fact that he wasn't taught, trained, brainwashed, armed, instructed but any immigrants or refugees?

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It's very much not "sociopathic tendencies." Sociopathy is the inability to empathize with and relate to other people. Islamic extremists maintain that ability to empathize...they just operate in a context where "people" and "empathy" both have very narrow definitions.


Sociopaths would tend to make very bad terrorists, in fact, as they couldn't commit to a cause.

Ok, fair call out. Replace with Violent tendencies.

So you know for a fact that he wasn't taught, trained, brainwashed, armed, instructed but any immigrants or refugees?


He absolutely was. I've pointed out elsewhere we have white suburban Americans falling victim to radicalization online. My point is closing the borders will not stop radicalization at home. We are too connected.

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He absolutely was. I've pointed out elsewhere we have white suburban Americans falling victim to radicalization online. My point is closing the borders will not stop radicalization at home. We are too connected.


So we either come up with a plan that can stop it completely or we do nothing? Great plan.

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