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Islamic Terrorism


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We must all come together. Hope, not hate. Nothing to do with Islam. Nothing to do with Muslims. Just a rogue individual, possibly in the employ of some mysterious foreign agency. Just terrorism, bad people. Unaligned wickedness. Nothing to do with religion. We must all come together. And show love. And solidarity. Hope not hate.


Je Suis Ariana Grande. Already viciousness is being expressed on social media sites. People jumping to all sorts of conclusions. Horrible, horrible, people – no better than the murderer. Who might just as easily have been a Methodist. Remember
? That wasn’t them, was it? There, you see.




Keep reading, to discover Slate blaming Manchester on — who else — “the established heteropatriarchal order.

Meanwhile, with the Eiffel Tower going dark in sympathy (seemingly a monthly occurrence these days, between Earth Hour and terrorism),

Iowahawk tweets, “Fear our tastefully somber symbolic gestures, bloodthirsty zombie caveman rapists.”

Finally, when Morrissey, an aging gay vegan animal rights-obsessed mope-rocker is a nation’s voice of sanity, perhaps it’s time for England to question its premises*, to coin a phrase:

Morrissey issues a statement on the Manchester bombing. He is not having anymore of the UK's immigration status quo.



Edited by B-Man
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Ever since 9/11 there's been a huge surge in terrorism. That's a fact. To those of you blaming the religion you need to understand that our actions played a part in the climate of the world today. It's no coincidence terrorism is on the rise since our involvement in the ME. Lets try to be adults about this and not say I'm condoning terrorist attacks by pointing this out. Like Immortal Technique says, "we f****d the Middle East and gave birth to a demon".

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Ever since 9/11 there's been a huge surge in terrorism. That's a fact. To those of you blaming the religion you need to understand that our actions played a part in the climate of the world today. It's no coincidence terrorism is on the rise since our involvement in the ME. Lets try to be adults about this and not say I'm condoning terrorist attacks by pointing this out. Like Immortal Technique says, "we f****d the Middle East and gave birth to a demon".


The suicide bombing loser was of Lybian descent. Please explain to me how the West !@#$ed up Lybia more than Lybians !@#$ed up Lybia.

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Ever since 9/11 there's been a huge surge in terrorism. That's a fact. To those of you blaming the religion you need to understand that our actions played a part in the climate of the world today. It's no coincidence terrorism is on the rise since our involvement in the ME. Lets try to be adults about this and not say I'm condoning terrorist attacks by pointing this out. Like Immortal Technique says, "we f****d the Middle East and gave birth to a demon".

I'm not saying you are condoning terrorism. I don't think you are.


At the same time, your post is rubbish for many many reasons.


I'll post what I view as the #1 reason:

The perpetrators of most of this terrorism have as a STATED and WRITTEN goal, world domination. If they want world domination they would want it regardless of whether we were involved in the ME before, during or after 9/11.

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Ever since 9/11 there's been a huge surge in terrorism. That's a fact. To those of you blaming the religion you need to understand that our actions played a part in the climate of the world today. It's no coincidence terrorism is on the rise since our involvement in the ME. Lets try to be adults about this and not say I'm condoning terrorist attacks by pointing this out. Like Immortal Technique says, "we f****d the Middle East and gave birth to a demon".

Unrest in the Middle East is a new thing? How ability the changes in the way propaganda is distributed and the ease with some of these extremists communicate? I find that is much more the problem, a crazy hand reaching out to rattle the brains of some half wit, inbred, loser who has no meaning in life.


Some folks want to turn the ME to a parking lot, I think in turning the lights out you would accomplish the same thing. Isolate the infected and stop letting them influence folks outside of that war zone.

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I'm not saying you are condoning terrorism. I don't think you are.


At the same time, your post is rubbish for many many reasons.


I'll post what I view as the #1 reason:

The perpetrators of most of this terrorism have as a STATED and WRITTEN goal, world domination. If they want world domination they would want it regardless of whether we were involved in the ME before, during or after 9/11.

Well then explain the uptick in activity post 9/11. These things don't happen in a vacuum.


The suicide bombing loser was of Lybian descent. Please explain to me how the West !@#$ed up Lybia more than Lybians !@#$ed up Lybia.

You're naive if you think we didn't play a role in the Arab spring.

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Well then explain the uptick in activity post 9/11. These things don't happen in a vacuum.



I don't think anyone can completely explain it but:


9/11 demonstrated that the terrorist groups could have an impact and helped them attract some sickoes to their ranks. Said sickoes were convinced that world domination could be achieved through things like nail bombing 8 year old girls. They began participating.


Somewhat separately in your own words you said this stuff is post 9/11. What would have been the proper response to 9/11? "Thank you sir may I have another?"

Edited by 4merper4mer
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Well then explain the uptick in activity post 9/11. These things don't happen in a vacuum.


You're naive if you think we didn't play a role in the Arab spring.


The Arab spring was a culmination of the screwed up world that the Arab countries have laid upon themselves, and as usual blame others for it. The West is there because of long lasting ties, economic reasons and reducing genocidal outcomes. But to blame the West for Arab regimes' ills is generations old.


East Asia got over colonialism. South Asia got over colonialism. Americas got over colonialism. When will you guys get on with it?


Somewhat separately in your own words you said this stuff is post 9/11. What would have been the proper response to 9/11. "Thank you sir may I have another?"


And totally ignores the buildup of terrorist acts leading up to 9/11.

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And furthermore some of you have the inability to grasp the concept of identification. In sports people back someone from their own city or state, because they identify with him. A white guy might root for the white boxer vs the black boxer because he identifies with him. Well it works in other ways too. These guys join these terrorist groups because they see a foreign invader on Muslim land attacking and bombing other Muslims. These people see news reports of innocent Muslim lives being lost and maybe they want others to feel that pain too.


I sit here and listen to people blame my religion and I just take it, but I've listened for too long. I searched the Quran for anything at all that might condone these savage acts and can't find it. If I did find it I'd drop the religion in a second. Maybe you guys know something I don't. Prove it to me. Show me where this is condoned and don't take one line out of context.

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Justice this terrorist was born and bred in the U.K. Despite being welcomed and given a good life he decided to murder innocents.


Explain to me how this person was impacted by the wests actions in the Middle East?

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I don't think anyone can completely explain it but:


9/11 demonstrated that the terrorist groups could have an impact and helped them attract some sickoes to their ranks. Said sickoes were convinced that world domination could be achieved through things like nail bombing 8 year old girls. They began participating.


Somewhat separately in your own words you said this stuff is post 9/11. What would have been the proper response to 9/11? "Thank you sir may I have another?"

What like 19 of those terrorists were from Saudi Arabia and who did we attack? I understand the attack on Afghanistan, but when you go after Iraq as well that has a certain look to some people.

Justice this terrorist was born and bred in the U.K. Despite being welcomed and given a good life he decided to murder innocents.


Explain to me how this person was impacted by the wests actions in the Middle East?

Check my post on identifying.


The Arab spring was a culmination of the screwed up world that the Arab countries have laid upon themselves, and as usual blame others for it. The West is there because of long lasting ties, economic reasons and reducing genocidal outcomes. But to blame the West for Arab regimes' ills is generations old.


East Asia got over colonialism. South Asia got over colonialism. Americas got over colonialism. When will you guys get on with it?



And totally ignores the buildup of terrorist acts leading up to 9/11.

Hence, post 9/11. If I'm talking about post 9/11 and specifically mention post 9/11 why would I talk prior to 9/11?

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What like 19 of those terrorists were from Saudi Arabia and who did we attack? I understand the attack on Afghanistan, but when you go after Iraq as well that has a certain look to some people.



Al Quaeda made it perfectly clear when they would stop. When we all converted, bowed our heads, outlawed banks and various and sundry other forms of servitude. Iraq or no Iraq, they made it clear their terms were not negotiable. It was in their own words. This crap is not our fault. That 8 year old girl died at the hands of a sick twisted $%^& who was recruited by hiding cowardly sick twisted f%^$s who have stated over and over and over again that control of the planet is their desire.


Have we made the best plans and taken the best actions to stop them? That is for history to judge. But it can be determined now that they need to be stopped. We don't need to wait for history to tell us that.

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A collected effort to stamp this out has to be made, it might take as big an effort as it did to stamp out the Waffen SS over 70 years ago.

This is what I'm talking about.


We have to make the price of this ideology SO high, and so tragic for the community from which it spawns that it becomes UNTHINKABLE for this kind of thing to happen.


Until we do, it'll never stop.

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And furthermore some of you have the inability to grasp the concept of identification. In sports people back someone from their own city or state, because they identify with him. A white guy might root for the white boxer vs the black boxer because he identifies with him. Well it works in other ways too. These guys join these terrorist groups because they see a foreign invader on Muslim land attacking and bombing other Muslims. These people see news reports of innocent Muslim lives being lost and maybe they want others to feel that pain too.


I sit here and listen to people blame my religion and I just take it, but I've listened for too long. I searched the Quran for anything at all that might condone these savage acts and can't find it. If I did find it I'd drop the religion in a second. Maybe you guys know something I don't. Prove it to me. Show me where this is condoned and don't take one line out of context.


That's the point, it's deflecting blame. Middle East is a screwed up place because it's still run under 17th century rules in a 21st century world.


We don't need to find the Quran passages that justify murdering children because the radicalized sects have already done it. A common theme has developed among the homebread terrorists. These are not pious souls who act upon a calling from god. These are loner losers with criminal histories who are radicalized at some point. The personality types are stereotypical sociopaths who otherwise would join criminal gangs. AQs and ISIS have figured this out in their marketing and know there won't be a shortage of recruits, because there's never a shortage of losers.


This is where your "home team" analogy falls short. Way too many people on your home team rationalize the actions of these sociopaths as freedom fighters, when they're doing no such thing. Until your home team actually starts acting out against the sociopaths, just like every other civilized community does not tolerate sociopathic gangs, then yours will remain empty words.

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Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not placing blame on us and us alone. The majority falls on the terrorists. The vast majority, but we haven't helped the matter with our policies. That's a reality. We have never seen this type of attacks this frequently before.

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Justice if the reason is identification, why are they killing tons of other Muslims and arabs?


See, there's part of the issue: they don't even view those people as Muslims. Do you have any idea how these radical Islamists look at Western Muslims? It's like how an evangelical in Nebraska might look at an Episcopalian in Portland, except add bombs and ****. To wit: not one of us. So they're targets too.

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