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Islamic Terrorism


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Only, our apathy won't make these animals stop.


Not right away it won't. And I'll be clear so what I'm saying can't be misinterpreted. From the Crusades until the present, any mistreatment, misperception, misanything about the actions or motives of the West does anything to excuse these atrocities. It does nothing to justify the motives or actions of these animals. But that is not the question. The question is how to make them stop.


It is said we need to show strength to stop these people and believe that is correct. Turning their part of the world into a parking lot is indeed a way to show strength and I do believe it is a better option than the mamby pamby talk of the last decade or so. It is also complicated because many innocent people would have to die. That happens in war and it may ultimately be unavoidable in this case. Perhaps another way to show strengths is to constantly talk down to these subhumans. Ignore their crap and prove to the would be dupes that their overlords are cretins. It isn't just the West that needs to do this, but maybe the West should start. Trump keeping it simple and calling them losers is probably not very well thought out but if everyone had done it from the beginning instead of trying to reason with them or find reason to blame ourselves, maybe we'd be closer to an end.


Their attacks are small, pathetic and boring. They have hidden amongst us, albeit with their chests puffed out about the damage they are doing. But they are wrong. They've done none. They are losers. They are not making incremental inroads toward their ideology taking hold. They have ruined lives of immeasurable value and advanced nothing.


My order of preference if all things were possible would be:


1. Surgically root them out by preemptively killing each and every one of them. If we can do it, I'm all for it. So far we can't.

2. Talk down to these pieces of $%^&. Tell them in our words and actions that their words and actions have no impact.

3. Bomb the ever loving crap out of everywhere they reside without regard for collateral damage.

4. Mamby Pamby Los Gatos foreign policy like the last 10 years.


You know how you'll know when it is time for #4?


Of course you do.

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Not right away it won't. And I'll be clear so what I'm saying can't be misinterpreted. From the Crusades until the present, any mistreatment, misperception, misanything about the actions or motives of the West does anything to excuse these atrocities. It does nothing to justify the motives or actions of these animals. But that is not the question. The question is how to make them stop.


It is said we need to show strength to stop these people and believe that is correct. Turning their part of the world into a parking lot is indeed a way to show strength and I do believe it is a better option than the mamby pamby talk of the last decade or so. It is also complicated because many innocent people would have to die. That happens in war and it may ultimately be unavoidable in this case. Perhaps another way to show strengths is to constantly talk down to these subhumans. Ignore their crap and prove to the would be dupes that their overlords are cretins. It isn't just the West that needs to do this, but maybe the West should start. Trump keeping it simple and calling them losers is probably not very well thought out but if everyone had done it from the beginning instead of trying to reason with them or find reason to blame ourselves, maybe we'd be closer to an end.


Their attacks are small, pathetic and boring. They have hidden amongst us, albeit with their chests puffed out about the damage they are doing. But they are wrong. They've done none. They are losers. They are not making incremental inroads toward their ideology taking hold. They have ruined lives of immeasurable value and advanced nothing.


My order of preference if all things were possible would be:


1. Surgically root them out by preemptively killing each and every one of them. If we can do it, I'm all for it. So far we can't.

2. Talk down to these pieces of $%^&. Tell them in our words and actions that their words and actions have no impact.

3. Bomb the ever loving crap out of everywhere they reside without regard for collateral damage.

4. Mamby Pamby Los Gatos foreign policy like the last 10 years.


You know how you'll know when it is time for #4?


Of course you do.

What's the difference between Obama calling them a JV team and Trump calling them losers?

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What's the difference between Obama calling them a JV team and Trump calling them losers?


One didn't think they were a real threat. The other is insulting them.

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What's the difference between Obama calling them a JV team and Trump calling them losers?


Obama was trying to pretend they were finished, so he made a bad joke and the media peed their pants rolling on the ground laughing at what a genius he was.

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I like how Trump just called the terrorist(s) simply losers.


I'm not a fan of the guy at all, but I do find his bluntness and "everyman" way of connecting with people refreshing.



Like this ?


DJT_Headshot_V2_bigger.jpgDonald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 21 Apr 2013

NO MERCY TO TERRORISTS you dumb bastards!


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What's the difference between Obama calling them a JV team and Trump calling them losers?

JV team implies a lack of ability or experience.


Losers implies a lack of self awareness or a permanent lower standing.


I'm not in love with the word loser because of the way it gets used in High Schools and the like. I think it fits here. Nobody wants to associate with a loser.


The JV team is different. Obama's statement implied we needn't pay attention because we're the varsity and we don't play against the other school's JV. He ignored them but the world does not work like a State Football tournament. We had to play against them even if Obama didn't want to do it. And people got their heads chopped off. And the whole playing field changed. And the world is not a better place.


I prefer calling them subhuman or animals or cretins or something like that. It's more accurate and it is unattractive. I also prefer that comments about them be said in passing like they don't matter. Because they don't. They are a speck of fly **** on a footnote in a bibliography of the index of the back page of volume 17 of the 2,000,000 volume set of the history of humanity. We just happen to be living in volume 17.

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I hear they hate the term DAESH. Although your choice of words is more suitable.

Daesh, dishrag, subhuman, cretin, animal,....throw the whole kitchen sink at them. I prefer cretin and such because everyone knows what it is and there is little mystery or intrigue. Even if it is an insult, Dash is an unfamiliar word and builds a weird aura.

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Daesh, dishrag, subhuman, cretin, animal,....throw the whole kitchen sink at them. I prefer cretin and such because everyone knows what it is and there is little mystery or intrigue. Even if it is an insult, Dash is an unfamiliar word and builds a weird aura.


Or according to Greggy, the good ol' CIA. That's right, Americans are bombing the children in Manchester.

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Not right away it won't. And I'll be clear so what I'm saying can't be misinterpreted. From the Crusades until the present, any mistreatment, misperception, misanything about the actions or motives of the West does anything to excuse these atrocities. It does nothing to justify the motives or actions of these animals. But that is not the question. The question is how to make them stop.


It is said we need to show strength to stop these people and believe that is correct. Turning their part of the world into a parking lot is indeed a way to show strength and I do believe it is a better option than the mamby pamby talk of the last decade or so. It is also complicated because many innocent people would have to die. That happens in war and it may ultimately be unavoidable in this case. Perhaps another way to show strengths is to constantly talk down to these subhumans. Ignore their crap and prove to the would be dupes that their overlords are cretins. It isn't just the West that needs to do this, but maybe the West should start. Trump keeping it simple and calling them losers is probably not very well thought out but if everyone had done it from the beginning instead of trying to reason with them or find reason to blame ourselves, maybe we'd be closer to an end.


Their attacks are small, pathetic and boring. They have hidden amongst us, albeit with their chests puffed out about the damage they are doing. But they are wrong. They've done none. They are losers. They are not making incremental inroads toward their ideology taking hold. They have ruined lives of immeasurable value and advanced nothing.


My order of preference if all things were possible would be:


1. Surgically root them out by preemptively killing each and every one of them. If we can do it, I'm all for it. So far we can't.

2. Talk down to these pieces of $%^&. Tell them in our words and actions that their words and actions have no impact.

3. Bomb the ever loving crap out of everywhere they reside without regard for collateral damage.

4. Mamby Pamby Los Gatos foreign policy like the last 10 years.


You know how you'll know when it is time for #4?


Of course you do.

Oh, but they are. The European Union has spread out the red carpet and allowed conclaves of hostile, Sharia Law extremists to exist throughout Europe.

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Or according to Greggy, the good ol' CIA. That's right, Americans are bombing the children in Manchester.

I don't even see a post from him in here since the bombing. What are you talking about? What did I miss?


For the record there was a bunch of that crap posted by some loser after the Boston bombing and I find it repulsive and insulting to the dead.

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I don't even see a post from him in here since the bombing. What are you talking about? What did I miss?


For the record there was a bunch of that crap posted by some loser after the Boston bombing and I find it repulsive and insulting to the dead.


Basically Greg and GG have been having a tickle fight about how the CIA and the deep state are funding ISIS in other threads.

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Oh, but they are. The European Union has spread out the red carpet and allowed conclaves of hostile, Sharia Law extremists to exist throughout Europe.



It can be argued I suppose. And there definitely bad actors in those crowds....and far too many of them. That is why option 1 tops my list.


Basically Greg and GG have been having a tickle fight about how the CIA and the deep state are funding ISIS in other threads.



That sounds boring. I think I'll stay out until aliens are involved.


Another idea for the homegrown terrorists would be to officially change their names upon the commission of their crimes. If they are caught, on the loose, or die in their attack the governments should officially change their last name to Pigpiss. That ought to be a bit of a disincentive.

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It can be argued I suppose. And there definitely bad actors in those crowds....and far too many of them. That is why option 1 tops my list.



That sounds boring. I think I'll stay out until aliens are involved.


Another idea for the homegrown terrorists would be to officially change their names upon the commission of their crimes. If they are caught, on the loose, or die in their attack the governments should officially change their last name to Pigpiss. That ought to be a bit of a disincentive.


Honestly I'm surprised that Greg hasn't involved aliens yet since he's literally lost it.

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