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Islamic Terrorism


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Suarez will bite Chiellini and it will throw him off and they will give up 7 goals.

On a serious note, I've been very impressed with the maturation process Suarez has undergone over the past 3 years, eliminating not just the over-the-top major stuff, but also even the minor infractions from his game. He's even almost completely eliminating diving from his game, preferring to stay on his feet and take his chances when possible.

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This is the United States (?)


President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy calls for investigation of families of Michigan FGM victims


As reported on Thursday, Dr. Jumana Nagarwala of Michigan was arrested and charged with performing genital mutilation on girls, some as young as 6.


Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, a Muslim doctor and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, issued a press release today where he warned that Nagarwala might be part of a “network of individuals facilitating the mutilation of girls” and he called for investigation of the families of the victims:


The press release (emphasis ours):

Today, the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD), a Muslim-led organization whose founding principles include gender equality, welcomes the news that Jumana Nagarwala, a Detroit-based physician, has been arrested for allegedly carrying out female genital mutilation (FGM) against girls here in the United States. Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, AIFD president and a physician who has long championed efforts against the barbaric practice, said:

“Healthcare professionals, especially physicians, should be the safest people our children encounter outside of their families. What we at the front lines of reform against radical Islamism know is that one of the ideology’s symptoms is the regular violation and abuse of women and girls, especially through efforts to control or destroy their bodies and sexuality. As a physician, Muslim, father, and husband – I am appalled – but not surprised – to learn of this doctor’s mutilation of girls. I urge authorities to conduct a full and vigorous investigation. Since girls were brought to Nagarwala from out of state, it appears that she may be just a piece of a network of individuals facilitating the mutilation of girls and women in the United States.

As a physician, Ms Nagarwala – I will not call her ‘doctor’ – knows full well the position of the American Medical Association on this issue. As an expert on medical ethics and a person of conscience, I must urge that her license(s) be revoked, that she remain jailed, and that all who acted with her be brought to justice. Further, any girls and women she harmed must receive intensive counseling, and their families investigated. I also encourage investigations of their schools, universities, and other places where they may have complained of physical pain, or been absent for periods of time during which the mutilation took place and immediately after.”

Very good, just what was needed from honest Muslim groups

Now, where’s the statement from CAIR ?


And where’s the “feminist outrage”?

Edited by B-Man
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Thanks to multiculturalism our women we be more grotesquely disfigured and blinded in the name of tolerance.

"There’s been over 1,800 acid attacks in London since 2010. There were 261 in 2015 and an astonishing 454 in 2016. If such attacks continue at the same rate, there will be around 714 in 2017, 1,124 in 2018, 1,769 in 2019, and 2,784 in 2020.

While such attacks used to be unique to the Muslim world, mass immigration has transformed London to the point where they now average over one a day."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Trump’s Riyadh Address on Islamist Extremism: “Drive them out”


“A better future is only possible if your nations drive out the terrorists and extremists. Drive... Them... Out.”





In Saudi Arabia for his first foreign trip as president, President Trump delivered a speech on Islamic extremism and the need for the world to unite against and eradicate it. Trump urged the Muslim-majority countries to “take the lead in combating radicalization” and to expel Islamist extremists from their places of worship, communities, holy lands, and the planet.

Some highlights from the full text of President Trump’s speech.


“I stand before you as a representative of the American People, to deliver a message of friendship and hope. That is why I chose to make my first foreign visit a trip to the heart of the Muslim world, to the nation that serves as custodian of the two holiest sites in the Islamic Faith.


“Our vision is one of peace, security, and prosperity—in this region, and in the world.


Our goal is a coalition of nations who share the aim of stamping out extremism and providing our children a hopeful future that does honor to God.”





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CBS News confirms there were two explosions at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, Englad - the devices contained nails.


This was a kids/teen concert.




19 Dead, 55 Injured After Reported Explosion At Ariana Grande Concert In Manchester, U.K.


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CBS News confirms there were two explosions at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, Englad - the devices contained nails.


This was a kids/teen concert.



19 Dead, 55 Injured After Reported Explosion At Ariana Grande Concert In Manchester, U.K.


RIP to all of the victims. No evidence so far that's it's Islamic terrorism, but I guess we've been come to the point where we can just assume. These guys have to be stopped.

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CBS News confirms there were two explosions at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, Englad - the devices contained nails.


This was a kids/teen concert.




19 Dead, 55 Injured After Reported Explosion At Ariana Grande Concert In Manchester, U.K.



!@#$ing chicken **** mother!@#$ers.

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RIP to all of the victims. No evidence so far that's it's Islamic terrorism, but I guess we've been come to the point where we can just assume. These guys have to be stopped.



I agree with you sir.


At this point it does not matter if it was a ISIS soldier, or an "inspired" home-grown terrorist. Everyone must unite against this .



Trump urged the Muslim-majority countries to “take the lead in combating radicalization” and to expel Islamist extremists from their places of worship, communities, holy lands, and the planet.


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RIP to all of the victims. No evidence so far that's it's Islamic terrorism, but I guess we've been come to the point where we can just assume. These guys have to be stopped.

A bomb blowing up at a concert is actually very strong evidence of Islamic terrorism.

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CBS News confirms there were two explosions at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, Englad - the devices contained nails.


This was a kids/teen concert.




19 Dead, 55 Injured After Reported Explosion At Ariana Grande Concert In Manchester, U.K.



Good thing they didn't bomb a Nine Inch Nails concert. I'd hate to think of all those innocent people being pelted with little Ariana Grandes.

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Good thing they didn't bomb a Nine Inch Nails concert. I'd hate to think of all those innocent people being pelted with little Ariana Grandes.

At lest they haven't delved into the chemical/biological weapons yet. Imagine the uproar when somebody unleashes Bieber Fever at an Anthrax concert

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RIP to all of the victims. No evidence so far that's it's Islamic terrorism, but I guess we've been come to the point where we can just assume. These guys have to be stopped.

Yeah... It starts @ home, local level... When it comes to radical Islam, it is YOUR responsibility to turn that heat up @ the Mosque... They have the ears, get the call of the muezzin to denounce this schit.


More action... Time to rock the kasbah from within. Stop the war with the West.

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There are 7+ B people in the world. Assuming this is yet another incident of Islamic terrorism...or even if it is some political statement of another kind......, I'm asking when:


Will the organizers and perpetrators realize that 19 people is literally NOTHING that moves the needle. Neither is the 3000 dead in 9/11, or the French victims, Spanish victims, or any other. 7B is a lot. At what point will they say "this isn't working"? Do they even have a goal anymore? Because if they had a goal they should realize that things like this do not represent milestones toward their goal. It may have appeared to do so at first, whenever all of this started, but at this point it doesn't anymore. It's just noise for a few days and the preachers of hate go back to preaching hate, no closer to their goal than they were yesterday. Even terror, a word designed to represent the highest level of fear, tempers over time and becomes less powerful. It gets boring. 19 people are nothing. The perpetrators will undoubtedly feel the need to up the ante, but this will make their plans harder to execute and easier to stop. Even when they do succeed the shock will eventually subside...even if they light up a major city with a nuke, time will make it subside and they will be no closer to their goal. When measured against 7B, all numbers they can extinguish are nothing.


And yet.....


EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 19 that died today and those before them are EVERYTHING. They are everything because they are an individual human soul. Every human soul since the beginning of time has a value which is infinite. It is everything to their families, their loved ones, even to the people they knew with whom they did not get along. We all have an impact on everyone around us, no matter how unintentional, or seemingly small, because we all possess infinite value. Whatever small percentage rubs off on another contains value as well. I'll ask you what is .01% of infinity?


So at the same time the terrorists are gaining NOTHING from extinguishing a number so small that it will soon be forgotten by the collective, they are robbing the world of infinite value. What kind of brilliant strategist comes up with a plan like this? It's like a master thief stealing Grandpa's 1958 Timex watch that meant everything to a grandson and getting laughed out of the pawn shop trying to sell it. What is the point? How long before people stop believing their lies about how their ill conceived goals will be attained.


I don't pretend to know a strategy that will stop them in their tracks which is where they should be stopped. I do know that their strategy cannot work. It cannot because it is based on the most nonsensical premise imaginable. It is based on taking EVERYTHING to gain NOTHING. It will fail. It is my sincere hope that the day of failure is near but I just don't know. Sadly it won't fail because we are #bostonstrong or #charliehebdo or any of that other vacuous twitter crap that is inevitably doled out. It will fail because it is a stupid idea and eventually everyone will know that. Unfortunately it seems to take a long time to learn.


I am sorry to have typed that the lives of these 19 people were nothing. I did it to make a point. I do believe these lives and all others are indeed everything; and while the loss is immense an immeasurable, the gain by the other side is nothing. It is an equation that can never fill.



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Yeah... It starts @ home, local level... When it comes to radical Islam, it is YOUR responsibility to turn that heat up @ the Mosque... They have the ears, get the call of the muezzin to denounce this schit.


More action... Time to rock the kasbah from within. Stop the war with the West.

All I can tell you is these acts are being condemned in the mosque I frequent. Can't speak for all of them. I only go to one.

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