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Islamic Terrorism


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If the Moslem/Islamic neighborhood of Brussels is (now, hopefully, was) both a no-go zone as well as the fount of terrorist activities, why would US officials not surveil similar areas in the US? At some earlier point in time, the neighborhood shifted from a gathering of those of similar culture to no-go areas, probably as a result of flying below the radar within the Belgian culture. Why do Democrats/liberals-in-general think it won't happen here? Think: Those who ignore the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them.


Can POTUS cut an Argentine rug or what!

Who needs work when there's golf to be played, baseball to be watched and dances to be danced?

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Horsecrap. All religions have their fundamentalist wackos, but the difference is that they're treated as pariahs by the vast majority of adherents and certainly don't receive monetary and operational support from that majority. It's time for Islam to step up and clean up its back yard.

The Islamic scriptures will never be changed. Nor should it. I read the same thing those guys do but I interpret it differently than those terrorists do. These terrorists, by the way, weren't devout Muslims to begin with. The recruiters go after the weak. The ones that use drugs and alcohol and many of them still do.

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The Islamic scriptures will never be changed. Nor should it. I read the same thing those guys do but I interpret it differently than those terrorists do. These terrorists, by the way, weren't devout Muslims to begin with. The recruiters go after the weak. The ones that use drugs and alcohol and many of them still do.


No one is asking you to change the scriptures. You're being asked to literally turn your backs on the terrorists and stop providing support & safe havens.

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The Islamic scriptures will never be changed. Nor should it. I read the same thing those guys do but I interpret it differently than those terrorists do. These terrorists, by the way, weren't devout Muslims to begin with. The recruiters go after the weak. The ones that use drugs and alcohol and many of them still do.


Maybe you're interpreting it wrong. I kid...I kid.


To follow up on GG's reply you have to find out why they are using the scriptures in the way they are. Their leadership is misguiding them and those leaders need to be gotten rid of. Does your religion have any method by which to do that? I'm not big on religion of any faith but don't most religions have a hierarchy that disciplines or disposes of the lost sheep? Does Islam have such structure? If not then all I have to say is nothing will change and your religion will continue to be hijacked and even though the extremist are a small percentage they will continue to get all the press. With the amount of press they are getting are you the least bit surprised that people think that your religion is not one of peace? I imagine that really pisses you off. Well you've got the numbers. If you have leaders lean on them to do something.

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The Islamic scriptures will never be changed. Nor should it. I read the same thing those guys do but I interpret it differently than those terrorists do. These terrorists, by the way, weren't devout Muslims to begin with. The recruiters go after the weak. The ones that use drugs and alcohol and many of them still do.

I think thats right. I saw on a news sbow someone pointed out most of them aren't even from what would be called a "religious household". The more common pattern is a history of petty crime and incarceration.
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Maybe you're interpreting it wrong. I kid...I kid.


To follow up on GG's reply you have to find out why they are using the scriptures in the way they are. Their leadership is misguiding them and those leaders need to be gotten rid of. Does your religion have any method by which to do that? I'm not big on religion of any faith but don't most religions have a hierarchy that disciplines or disposes of the lost sheep? Does Islam have such structure? If not then all I have to say is nothing will change and your religion will continue to be hijacked and even though the extremist are a small percentage they will continue to get all the press. With the amount of press they are getting are you the least bit surprised that people think that your religion is not one of peace? I imagine that really pisses you off. Well you've got the numbers. If you have leaders lean on them to do something.

Yes, it angers me beyond belief. And yes something has to be done to stop them. Execution is the punishment for murder.

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How should the people in the mollenbeek neighborhood that by and large sympathized and hid these Scumbags be dealt with? They had the ability to speak up and stop these attacks before they happened but said nothing.

If it can be proven then they need to be dealt with.


So what have your Islamic leaders been doing?

IDK. I live in Miami. My masjid condemns these attacks.

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IDK. I live in Miami. My masjid condemns these attacks.

You're not getting it. Condemnation doesn't do a !@#$ing thing. What are you leaders doing to prevent them from becoming radicalized in the first place?


What is the leadership chain of command in Islam?

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You're not getting it. Condemnation doesn't do a !@#$ing thing. What are you leaders doing to prevent them from becoming radicalized in the first place?


What is the leadership chain of command in Islam?

I don't have a clue. How could I?


Like I said. I only go to one masjid. They speak about terrorism and how wrong it is. What more can they do?

Edited by Justice
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I don't blame people for hating Muslims. I understand. I can only speak to you fine folk and pray I change a mind or two (not f'in likely). Lol. This is the only forum I participate in.

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Hypothetically...let's say it is proven the neighborhood aided and abetted radical Islamic terrorists.


What should happen next?

Prison. Possibly death sentence depending on their level of participation.

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I don't blame people for hating Muslims. I understand. I can only speak to you fine folk and pray I change a mind or two (not f'in likely). Lol. This is the only forum I participate in.


I don't hate Muslims. My boss is Muslim (from Senegal) and 2 of my colleagues are Moroccan.

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Believe it or not I might be in favor of Trump's plan to go after the family of terrorists. Hey, if it persuades these ppl to stop I'm all for it. It's worth a shot.


You shouldn't. It's ridiculous.

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