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Islamic Terrorism


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He's a regressive bot. He literally just spews regressive talking points over and over.


He reminds me of "Baghdad bob" just spewing iraqai propaganda, "there are no American troops in Iraq..." even though everyone knew it wasn't true


Why don't any of the social justice warriors ever talk about how Islam treats women, gays and transgenders?

Islam doesn't treat them in any manner. People do. Just for the record, that comment isn't aimed directly at you.


People keep attacking all religions as it serves their purpose. Including Christianity. Religions can't dictate any anyone, unless the person allows it. They don't cause violence any more than guns do.

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Islam doesn't treat them in any manner. People do. Just for the record, that comment isn't aimed directly at you.


People keep attacking all religions as it serves their purpose. Including Christianity. Religions can't dictate any anyone, unless the person allows it. They don't cause violence any more than guns do.



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​Americans Killed by Terror by President


Reagan : 832

Clinton: 314

Bush: 3846

Obama: 17


What kind of dumbassery is this?


Even gatorman can count that just Hasan and San Berndardino left 27 dead while Obama was in office.


Or is this the part where you explain how Hasan was 'workplace violence?"

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What kind of dumbassery is this?


Even gatorman can count that just Hasan and San Berndardino left 27 dead while Obama was in office.


Or is this the part where you explain how Hasan was 'workplace violence?"


Never mind the fact that a lot of Bushes anti terror measures are still in place today which most likely contributed to lower instances of terrorism.


But if this is how he thinks, no wonder he supports the Democrats.

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So there is no difference in living in Iraq or the United States in regards to casual violence?




Look at what this country has accomplished in lessening violence against women in the last few decades


And this is not all a nature thing, environment matters, as do institutions--like government--in creating peace and cooperation


There were over a million violent crimes reported in the US last year. Those are only the ones reported. It sure seems like committing violence is pretty damn natural. And that is just violent crimes. There is a shitload of hatred between people on this planet that is not acted upon. It is so widespread among all environments that it is very much in our DNA. We're a violent species. Just look at the most popular sports....things we watch for entertainment.


But go ahead worship your rainbow farting kumbaya singing unicorn.

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There were over a million violent crimes reported in the US last year. Those are only the ones reported. It sure seems like committing violence is pretty damn natural. And that is just violent crimes. There is a shitload of hatred between people on this planet that is not acted upon. It is so widespread among all environments that it is very much in our DNA. We're a violent species. Just look at the most popular sports....things we watch for entertainment.


But go ahead worship your rainbow farting kumbaya singing unicorn.

Ain't that the truth

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Yes that's what we're dealing with.

But he looks good. So theres that. I assume he got his looks from the mom (who was hot) because he certainly didn't get from his troll like old man.

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But he looks good. So theres that. I assume he got his looks from the mom (who was hot) because he certainly didn't get from his troll like old man.

He also got his economic knowledge from his dad obviously.

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Can't find it anywhere but it doesn't surprise me.


He did once say "budgets balance themselves" as he just unveiled a record 30 billion deficit yesterday.


On the plus side, we're getting an answer to the question "What happens when a country is governed by Gatorman."

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