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Islamic Terrorism


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You're cherry-picking.

Like with the Pope stuff.

They love to attract "newfags" == stooges, script kids, etc. all of whom run around pretending they are Anonymous, because for them, it's about being cool. They serve a dual purpose: propagate the Anon mystique by running their mouths all over the internet(all while being tracked), and later, serving as a defense shield.


Meanwhile, real Anonymous is the antithesis of being cool. Real Anonymous is about the work, because any elite IT person is only about the work.


Essentially they are strict Constitutionalists and Libertarians. There is no nuance. Free speech means it, 100%. So does Free Knowledge. So does Internet Freedom, in all its forms.


Mr. Elite, if I may call you that, can you answer a few questions about Anonymous for me?


If they are so libertarian and constitutionalist, why are they always talking about the 99% and crap like that? If there are more than 2 of them, it would seem that they could not possibly be aligned politically in a complete manner.


Please tell me the old guard laughs at the newbies when they wear that stupid mask from that horrible piece of trash of a movie. It is comical. And the movie was baaaaaaaad. They look almost as stupid as that Adam Gadahn or whatever dungeons and dragons kid that was making al quad videos.

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Succinct article here from Byron York, stating something of the obvious, but putting it in a clear timeline for all to understand. In the end, only someone of limited gatorman-like intellect fails to see the pure disinterest on behalf of a man who makes Carter smile wider and wider every day.


Even as the march wound its way through Paris, the White House sent out yet another sign of its unseriousness. On Sunday morning, the press office announced the president will host a "Summit on Countering Violent Extremism" on Feb. 18. The plan is to bring together "social service providers, including education administrators, mental health professionals, and religious leaders, with law enforcement agencies to address violent extremism as part of the broader mandate of community safety and crime prevention."


As the world watched images of black-clad, AK-47-wielding terrorists killing Parisians, Obama proposed to meet the threat with social service providers.


So when the president chose not to attend the Paris march, nor to send the Vice President or Secretary of State, the problem wasn't a tin-ear sense of public relations. It was Obama's actual attitude toward the terror threat facing not only Europe but the United States. We've dealt with the big stuff, Obama has declared, now let's move on.

It sounded good — until the bullets started flying.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Succinct article here from Byron York, stating something of the obvious, but putting it in a clear timeline for all to understand. In the end, only someone of limited gatorman-like intellect fails to see the pure disinterest on behalf of a man who makes Carter smile wider and wider every day.



In other words, Obama's an abject failure.

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Gonna be interesting to see what happens to Europe over the next couple of decades, as the Muslim population continues to grow.





At another school in Seine-Saine-Denis, some 80 percent of students refused to honor the moment of silence, saying that the Charlie Hebdo staff “deserved what they got” for insulting Islam’s Muhammad, reports Le Figaro. In another incident in Lille, a young boy threatened to shoot his teacher “with a Kalashnikov” for asking him to remain silent during the minute of remembrance. Others spoke highly of jihadists who had joined ISIS and fought on behalf of Islam abroad.

“You do not understand the Prophet, they should not have drawn it… He is above men,” was another student’s explanation as to why he was not going to respect the minute of silence.

At a gathering of 400 students at a Roubaix college, a teacher said many of the students explained that they did not “fully understand” the point of the moment of silence. Some said they were “for those who killed” the people at Charlie Hebdo, the teacher explained.

A 14-year-old explained that not all of the Charlie Hebdo employees deserved to die, just the one that drew Muhammad.

The French Ministry of Education reported that some 70 schools reported incidents where students rejected the moment of silence.

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Like with the Pope stuff.

Mr. Elite, if I may call you that, can you answer a few questions about Anonymous for me?


If they are so libertarian and constitutionalist, why are they always talking about the 99% and crap like that? If there are more than 2 of them, it would seem that they could not possibly be aligned politically in a complete manner.


Please tell me the old guard laughs at the newbies when they wear that stupid mask from that horrible piece of trash of a movie. It is comical. And the movie was baaaaaaaad. They look almost as stupid as that Adam Gadahn or whatever dungeons and dragons kid that was making al quad videos.

You may call me anything you like(but my name is Veronica :lol:). However, I have, and continue to earn my elite status, and the people that matter are fully aware of that. They call me elite. Unless you matter, what you call me doesn't.


Answer #1: "They" aren't Anon. Co-opting Anonymous to suit a personal own agenda, has been going on since forever. and Anon will do nothing to stop it. They don't care, and, it can be useful. This question shows you still don't get it. Targets are selected by whomever, it could be just one guy. All, or only some, participate. Everything depends on the scope of the wrong being righted. Scientology is a multinational cult...so Anon fired up a lot of people, and put them in the street. The fact is, you don't know who is who, and neither did most of the people in that street.


My description, and I said it was marginal, of their thinking appears to be strict Constitutionalism, especially focused on the Bill of Rights, which is closest to Libertarian values. I base that solely on their history/who they actually go after.


Remember, a dumbass ex-OWS script kid, who has 0 programming experience, but who runs around claiming to be Anon, and screaming about the 1%, only serves the purpose he is intended to serve: useful idiot. Anyone is allowed to co-opt Anon for their own agenda, claim they speak for Anon, and say whatever they want. This is encouraged...because they want idiots to download their hacks, porn, draw attention, whatever, so they can use whatever assets they gain from said idiots.


However, the minute 1% hater tries to get the real guys to actually DO anything? The standard response: "Anonymous is not your private army".


So, once again, observe the behavior. You don't see Wall Street getting hit by Anon, do you? So, the 1% rhetoric doesn't matter, because he people spouting it don't matter. All you see...is whatever you want to see, and if that means you see Anon as 1% haters? Your false perceptions are another of Anon's defenses.


Answer #2: You really are struggling with this, aren't you? Wearing that mask is about "people in the street", or literally "Uh oh, the internet is here". :lol: For all you know, some of those guys are the real deal...and are there to observe, or achieve a social engineering goal(like see which doors have security, or how easy it is to get by the front desk). Or, maybe none of them are there. The fact is: I don't know, you don't know, and often even the real deal guys don't know who is who. The masks are how this is achieved.


This goes back to the unique organizational structure.


The best way to think about it: what if everybody at PPP was part of Anon? We'd have our elite guys, our tools, our useful idiots, and our various combinations of all of that guys. Just like with threads, some of them go 5 pages, some nobody cares about enough to respond...do goes Anon's "agenda".


But...who is the leader of PPP? Do you think you are? Am I? How about Chef? Or DC_Tom? None of us are. However, if we find a useful, necessary, and entertaining purpose...like bashing gatorman, all of us can combine and pound him down to nothing. Or, today, maybe just one of us does.


Anon has the same leaderless pack mentality we do here. Unlike here, God help the dumbass that asks a question....they usually instruct the guy to, step by step, destroy his own machine. At least we try to answer honest questions sinerely.

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You may call me anything you like(but my name is Veronica :lol:). However, I have, and continue to earn my elite status, and the people that matter are fully aware of that. They call me elite. Unless you matter, what you call me doesn't.



Answer #2: You really are struggling with this, aren't you? Wearing that mask is about "people in the street", or literally "Uh oh, the internet is here". :lol: For all you know, some of those guys are the real deal...and are there to observe, or achieve a social engineering goal(like see which doors have security, or how easy it is to get by the front desk). Or, maybe none of them are there. The fact is: I don't know, you don't know, and often even the real deal guys don't know who is who. The masks are how this is achieved.







OK thanks. Two more questions -- one is a two parter -- related to the items left quoted above:


What percentage of truly elite people in any field publicly call themselves elite? Why is it that percentage?


2. wrt to the mask I get the overall principle. I'm just wondering why THAT mask. It is from a terrible movie based on premises that are horribly flawed and false, plus it was simply a crappy movie. Is Anon purposely making people think they are flawed and disorganized and dumb? Or do they really like crap movies? IMO a Scream mask or a Shrek mask or even a pumpkin head would be more intriguing. I think a giant eyeball like the Replacements wore would be good. I think Mr. Wawwwrrrowwwrrow can probably get you a discount.

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This is what happens when your country is being led by the gatorman of presidents.


The most disturbing thing about this is to realize at one point someone said, "What if we flew in James Taylor to sing 'You've Got A Friend' to the French people?" and there was no one in the room to slap the ever loving snotschitt out of that person.


Can you image that Kerry and this embarrassing moment may run against Hillary with her reset button and Benghazi deaths? Jeez.

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The most disturbing thing about this is to realize at one point someone said, "What if we flew in James Taylor to sing 'You've Got A Friend' to the French people?" and there was no one in the room to slap the ever loving snotschitt out of that person.


One almost has to believe that there's a group of SES and GS-15 staffers at Foggy Bottom who got handed the task of planning this trip, and said to themselves "What can we do to make Kerry look like the biggest idiot imaginable?"

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One almost has to believe that there's a group of SES and GS-15 staffers at Foggy Bottom who got handed the task of planning this trip, and said to themselves "What can we do to make Kerry look like the biggest idiot imaginable?"


"And hey, while he's on stage with James Taylor, let's have his office release the following statement:"


"What’s surprising is that anyone is surprised that 2014 was the hottest year on record. The science has been screaming at us for a long, long time," Kerry said Friday in a statement released by the State Department.


No. I'm not kidding.

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"And hey, while he's on stage with James Taylor, let's have his office release the following statement:"



No. I'm not kidding.


But I think the real high point of his day was



I really wanted to come here and share a hug with all of Paris...

I sure as **** hope that, in 2004, when he "had a plan," this wasn't it.
We don't have a foreign policy. We have group hugs. What's next, opening the G7 conference with the Magic Mirror? "I see Stephen, and David, and Angela, and Shinzo and Mateo..."
Edited by DC Tom
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Dear France, Here's a James Taylor song. Hope you feel better.



The last time John Kerry told someone in Paris "you've got a friend" it was the North Vietnamese. So this is actually an improvement.




2375_84984116216_633511216_2728356_71328David Burge @iowahawkblog Follow

"Dear Terrorists: please accept this lovely wind chime fashioned from our testicles." -Western Civilization http://dailycaller.com/2015/01/16/john-kerry-brings-james-taylor-to-paris-to-play-youve-got-a-friend-video/



Actually I am glad that this happened and Obama and Kerry exposed themselves. It’s always useful when people reveal that they haven’t a clue what their opponents believe.

Edited by B-Man
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I wish I could photoshop Kerry's photo here.




I was going to make a Do-Bee reference...Kerry sends Do-Bee to Moscow to discuss the Crimea with Putin, "Do-Bee staying on your own side of the border, Vladimir..."




Are they about to make out? :sick:


I never thought I'd see something less embarrassing, foreign-policy wise, than Bush giving Angela Merkel a shoulder massage.

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Up next.........John Kerry's bringing Roger Daltrey to Gitmo to sing "I'm Free!"







What other songs are on the #statedeptplaylist?



James Taylor deployed to Paris to mend U.S.-French Relations; Paul Simon, Carly Simon, 83rd Airborne Aging Rockers Division put on Standby



Out: SEAL Team Six........................................ In: Easy Listening Team Seventies





Meanwhile..............on Air Force One




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