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Islamic Terrorism


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By President Barack Obama’s refusal to put a finger on the Islamic underpinnings of the Paris jihadist attacks killing a total of 17, experts are rendering the Commander-in-Chief powerless to fight an enemy that he will not identify — exposing his weakness and fear of Islam sensed in both the Western and Muslim world.

As a result, experts are saying that the Obama administration has taken America out of the war Islam has waged to gain world dominance — much like anti-war movement in the United States before World War II that wanted to leave Nazi Germany alone, insisting that Hitler was not a direct enemy of America.

And ex-Central Intelligence Agency Analyst Clare Lopez says that the White House is sitting in a similar positon eight decades later by refusing to identify Islam as a threat to America’s existence as a nation and to the world’s freedom as we know it.

“The United States is essentially hors du combat (French for ‘out of the fight’) in the jihad wars — the wars to stay free of Shariah,” Lopez informed WND. “[Obama and his administration] have withdrawn U.S. military forces, withdrawn U.S. power and influence from critical regions, abandoned former allies — Gadhafi, Mubarak, Israel — in order to favor jihadists, whether al-Qaida or the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria.”

Lopez insists that because the Obama administration strictly adheres to messaging that does not depict Islamic jihadists as the terror threat, America is in danger.

“[The administration refuses to identify the enemy as] forces of Islamic jihad and Shariah — Muslim terrorism, Islamic jihad — some combination of these that demonstrates we know that authoritative, mainstream, orthodox Islamic doctrine drives and justifies what Islamic terrorists do.”

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I almost never post **** on Facebook, but I'm really tempted right now.


There was another I saw this morning, but haven't been able to find it since.


One side was a still photo of Michael Brown beating up the convenience store clerk to steal the tiparillos and under the photo it said "Things the WH will send a delegation to." On the other side was an aerial shot of millions of people in Paris this weekend, and under the photo it said "Things the WH won't send a delegation to."


This is a pretty embarrassing time for the president, but from what I hear, the best way for him to save face is to make a FOUR-YEAR degree free to everyone!!!


EDIT: Here it is.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Freedom of speech is costly. Offend somebody and you might get hurt. People have been killed for far less offenses. Do I condone it? Absolutely not. Draw something else.


If I walked down the block of a black neighborhood with a sign hanging around my neck saying, "I hate n*****s", and got killed for it, most people would say I deserved it. What's the difference?

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Freedom of speech is costly. Offend somebody and you might get hurt. People have been killed for far less offenses. Do I condone it? Absolutely not. Draw something else.


If I walked down the block of a black neighborhood with a sign hanging around my neck saying, "I hate n*****s", and got killed for it, most people would say I deserved it. What's the difference?

Drive them into the sea.
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Would I get in trouble if I post a picture of Mohammad screwing a pig? I have a few pics of such nature.


Freedom of speech is costly. Offend somebody and you might get hurt. People have been killed for far less offenses. Do I condone it? Absolutely not. Draw something else.

If I walked down the block of a black neighborhood with a sign hanging around my neck saying, "I hate n*****s", and got killed for it, most people would say I deserved it. What's the difference?

why? Whyndraw something else? Moohammad can suck my balls. Muslims who don't like it can kiss my ass. Of course, I'll say the same about any religion because anyone who gives a crap what I say or anyone else says about their beliefs is a dimwit.
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If I walked down the block of a black neighborhood with a sign hanging around my neck saying, "I hate n*****s", and got killed for it, ?

You wouldn't be killed for it. Almost, but you'd be saved by a shopkeeper and end up embarking on an adventure which ended in Canada with the recovery of much gold. If this happens, make sure everyone avoids Yankee Stadium.


BTW, the rest of your post is HiGHLY distorted wrt its grasp on right and wrong.

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Freedom of speech is costly. Offend somebody and you might get hurt. People have been killed for far less offenses. Do I condone it? Absolutely not. Draw something else.


If I walked down the block of a black neighborhood with a sign hanging around my neck saying, "I hate n*****s", and got killed for it, most people would say I deserved it. What's the difference?


"Draw something else."




!@#$ Mohammed. !@#$ Islam. !@#$ the Arab world. "Draw something else."




"The religion of peace! ALLAHU AKBAR!"

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Freedom of speech is costly. Offend somebody and you might get hurt. People have been killed for far less offenses. Do I condone it? Absolutely not. Draw something else.


If I walked down the block of a black neighborhood with a sign hanging around my neck saying, "I hate n*****s", and got killed for it, most people would say I deserved it. What's the difference?

Might want to rethink your stance buddy.


Family guy and south park make cartoons about jesus/god every day and they are still alive and well.

Edited by meazza
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Freedom of speech is costly. Offend somebody and you might get hurt. People have been killed for far less offenses. Do I condone it? Absolutely not. Draw something else.


Most of us live in cultures where we're not required to "draw something else," as our freedom of expression is protected.


If you truly believe the problem is "draw something else," and that death for drawing the wrong cartoon is a reasonable risk, then you have issues.

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Freedom of speech is costly. Offend somebody and you might get hurt. People have been killed for far less offenses. Do I condone it? Absolutely not. Draw something else.


If I walked down the block of a black neighborhood with a sign hanging around my neck saying, "I hate n*****s", and got killed for it, most people would say I deserved it. What's the difference?


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Freedom of speech is costly. Offend somebody and you might get hurt. People have been killed for far less offenses. Do I condone it? Absolutely not. Draw something else.


If I walked down the block of a black neighborhood with a sign hanging around my neck saying, "I hate n*****s", and got killed for it, most people would say I deserved it. What's the difference?



Victim blaming ? that's so 90's


Freedom of speech (dress) is costly. Offend somebody dress provocatively and you might get hurt raped. People have been killed raped for far less offenses. Do I condone it? Absolutely not.


Draw wear something else.


If I walked down the block of a neighborhood with a sign hanging around my neck saying, "I hate n*****s love sex", and got killed raped for it, most people would say I deserved it. What's the difference?




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Victim blaming ? that's so 90's


Freedom of speech (dress) is costly. Offend somebody dress provocatively and you might get hurt raped. People have been killed raped for far less offenses. Do I condone it? Absolutely not.


Draw wear something else.


If I walked down the block of a neighborhood with a sign hanging around my neck saying, "I hate n*****s love sex", and got killed raped for it, most people would say I deserved it. What's the difference?





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