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Islamic Terrorism


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So looks like this was a mossad false flag.



"I can't help thinking that [this was Israel]"


That pretty much says it all. What thinking? No thinking going on here whatsoever. There is only emoting. The narrative overrides all fact/logic. They have no interest in thinking. And yeah, they can't help themselves. That's why: they need to seek help from a professional.


Apparently only Israelis can speak perfect French, and not Arabs....many of whom were taught French growing up. Nah, Arabs always have an accent when speaking French.


And these are the people who would dare call others racists.

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"I can't help thinking that [this was Israel]"


That pretty much says it all. What thinking? No thinking going on here whatsoever. There is only emoting. The narrative overrides all fact/logic. They have no interest in thinking. And yeah, they can't help themselves. That's why: they need to seek help from a professional.


Apparently only Israelis can speak perfect French, and not Arabs....many of whom were taught French growing up. Nah, Arabs always have an accent when speaking French.


And these are the people who would dare call others racists.

Agreed. She obviously hasn't had a conversation with the millions of algerians, tunisians and moroccans that live in montreal who have a perfect french accent.

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A radical Muslim describing a radical view of Islam that violates the Koran itself is hardly representative of Islam as a whole.


In fact, the guy should be considered apostate.


The Koran is full of contradictions. There is literally no consistent way to interpret. It's full,of what could be considered hate speech, and those who use it to justify violence and oppression are by no means statistical outliers.


Same with basically every religious text (the Old Testament allowed for what was effectively genocide).

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‘Unprecedented’ rally is largest in France’s history, officials say.


“French media estimate up to 3 million are taking part, more than the numbers who took to Paris streets when the Allies liberated the city from the Nazis in World War II.”




Obama’s ‘embarrassing’ absence at unity march gets lampooned


President Obama sent Eric Holder to France as our representative...........The only problem ? ?


CNN just reported Eric Holder did not attend #ParisMarch because he was attending high level meetings.


With whom? Everyone was at rally.





This is really embarrassing - WHERE IS PRESIDENT OBAMA? Why didn't he go?


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Obama’s ‘embarrassing’ absence at unity march gets lampooned


President Obama sent Eric Holder to France as our representative...........The only problem ? ?


CNN just reported Eric Holder did not attend #ParisMarch because he was attending high level meetings.


With whom? Everyone was at rally.


It's not like Obama to miss a photo op. And Holder was probably busy conferring with Al Sharpton

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My mistake, apparently President Obama did slip into Paris unannounced for the march.











Honestly, everyone who made fun of that empty-chair routine by Clint Eastwood should apologize. It perfectly foreshadowed Obama’s second term.





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Anonymous isn't too happy about this. I am actually more intimidated by these guys then I am Obama/Holder and their US Military. They can actually get things done.



Never attack the media

Message to the enemy of the freedom of speech.

January 7, 2015, freedom of speech has suffered an inhuman assault. Terrorists broke into the premises of the “Charlie Hebdo” newspaper and shot in cold blood several satirical cartoon artists, journalists and two policemen. The killers are still at large. Disgusted and also shocked, we can not fall to our knees. It is our responsibility to react.

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