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The most important would ya ever?


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Too bad the robot wouldn't.

I'm working on that. She's not fully self actualized yet and if I get a plan in action it might work.


The red hair might be tough because certain other bots might get tipped off to the goings on.


Anyway, if any of you see Beerboy tell him to go to Walgreen's and get some temporary hair color --- red --- and some color remover.

put some red hair on her and hell yeah!!!!



OK Thanks.


Further warning

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I'm working on that. She's not fully self actualized yet and if I get a plan in action it might work.


The red hair might be tough because certain other bots might get tipped off to the goings on.


Anyway, if any of you see Beerboy tell him to go to Walgreen's and get some temporary hair color --- red --- and some color remover.



OK Thanks.


Further warning

Why make it so creepy? And clean the dirt off it as well.

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Okay Pooj here is the latest. I had Beerboy buy some red hair color. He came back with "Just for Men" but who cares, it's a robot and getting him to go back to the store and buy the right thing? It could be years.


Anyway, he mixed up the color and put on those plastic gloves and he was was ready to go. All he really had to do was talk to her and get her to allow him to gently apply it. Instead he runs up behind her, puts her in a half nelson and starts squirting. The female bot goes into defense mode and starts trying to throw him off. To his credit he is hanging on pretty well and getting some in her hair, but then she kicks in into 4th gear and things get crazy. Dye is flying everywhere, there is lots of jumping and spinning and screaming....Beerboy missed his calling for the rodeo because I'm telling you, he is HANGING on. He maintains the half nelson...right handed....and wraps his left leg in around her shin, tucking his foot behind her calf. After that it is hard to say exactly what happened. Here is what I recall but it was happening so fast:


More spinning and the bot tried using her hips a lot...to no avail.

The bot started making threats and calling him names and he did the same.

Then something changed and she seemed like she like it and was saying some VERY dirty things.......some stuff I had never even heard.

Strange voices from both...almost moaning.

More of the same, more of the same, more of the same....then it stopped.


Next thing I know, a red-headed Beerboy is relaxed, and smoking a cigarette, the bot is looking at him with an expression no robot should ever have....she is still blond but with a few streaks of red. He falls asleep. She seems a little annoyed but still happy anyway....the end....or so I thought.


She is now following him around telling him to do stuff and recounting the stories from her day in excruciating detail. The Googlebot is like crazy angry and I think ready to kill Beerboy. Sammy has been laughing so hard all day that i have been cleaning up hamster pee from everywhere.


Anyway, I have too much crap to deal with here to hook you up with the female robot any time soon. I hope you understand.

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