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Have you heard of this musician Paul McCartney?

Just Jack

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i kinda dig kanye, but this song is awful, he uses auto-tune and while you can tell it is macca offering some harmonies, it's kind of a wasted effort

What exactly separates this effort from any other Kanye effort? Seriously. I've heard nothing but talentless crap from this guy. There are acts, I've seen, all over the country that deserve our attention 10x more than this clown. The fact that we are even talking about auto-tune, in the same context with a Beatle....is F'ing obtuse.


This is ridiculous. He was in such a legendary band. Who hasn't heard of Wings?!?!? Or that other band he was in.




This whole thing is preposterous. When we were growing up, who didn't know about at least one of the following: Elvis, or Chuck Berry, or Muddy Waters, or Buddy Holly, or Jerry Lee Lewis? All of these pre-date the Beatles. Or, I merely had cooler parents than the rest of you.


All that's happening here? Yet another confirmation that: today's music is exactly as good as today's fans. "New" music fans suck, so, sucky music/cluelessness is accepted by them, and they are getting exactly what they deserve. Retard begets retard. Any jackass with no musical ability, but, a drumkit and a "message from the street" :rolleyes: is presented as a "genius". Meanwhile, Paul Simon, Greg Allman, and all the guys in The Band were living "the street", or "the road" for real, and writing its music, before they were 16. Same is true for the Grunge guys from the 90s.


Hell, Etta James and Willie Dixon are giants, while Beyonce and Kayne are infants by comparison, in terms of talent, not hype.


Kayne West isn't fit to wipe Paul McCartny's ass. "Blackbird"(go look it the F up if you don't know, clowns), all by itself, owns Kayne's entire existence. Kayne can produce/perform/direct/collaborate/...put another slash in, for the rest of his life....and still never approach "Blackbird"'s gravity, artistic value, or longevity.


The moral here is: Paul McCartny, by merely existing, makes this entire story...ironic, and it's literally 30-40 years after he did his best material.


Kayne? In 30 years? :lol: What's he going to be doing besides crap TV shows, if he's lucky? More likely, he's parking my F'ing car. Are there going to be any Kayne West/"2010s collection" sold on informercial at 2 am, 20 years from now? Is there going to be a "remember this song, and how important it was...for that 2 weeks?: :lol:


But take comfort: I always tip well, so Kanye will be just fine.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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What exactly separates this effort from any other Kanye effort? Seriously. I've heard nothing but talentless crap from this guy. There are acts, I've seen, all over the country that deserve our attention 10x more than this clown. The fact that we are even talking about auto-tune, in the same context with a Beatle....is F'ing obtuse.





This whole thing is preposterous. When we were growing up, who didn't know about at least one of the following: Elvis, or Chuck Berry, or Muddy Waters, or Buddy Holly, or Jerry Lee Lewis? All of these pre-date the Beatles. Or, I merely had cooler parents than the rest of you.


All that's happening here? Yet another confirmation that: today's music is exactly as good as today's fans. "New" music fans suck, so, sucky music/cluelessness is accepted by them, and they are getting exactly what they deserve. Retard begets retard. Any jackass with no musical ability, but, a drumkit and a "message from the street" :rolleyes: is presented as a "genius". Meanwhile, Paul Simon, Greg Allman, and all the guys in The Band were living "the street", or "the road" for real, and writing its music, before they were 16. Same is true for the Grunge guys from the 90s.


Hell, Etta James and Willie Dixon are giants, while Beyonce and Kayne are infants by comparison, in terms of talent, not hype.


Kayne West isn't fit to wipe Paul McCartny's ass. "Blackbird"(go look it the F up if you don't know, clowns), all by itself, owns Kayne's entire existence. Kayne can produce/perform/direct/collaborate/...put another slash in, for the rest of his life....and still never approach "Blackbird"'s gravity, artistic value, or longevity.


The moral here is: Paul McCartny, by merely existing, makes this entire story...ironic, and it's literally 30-40 years after he did his best material.


Kayne? In 30 years? :lol: What's he going to be doing besides crap TV shows, if he's lucky? More likely, he's parking my F'ing car. Are there going to be any Kayne West/"2010s collection" sold on informercial at 2 am, 20 years from now? Is there going to be a "remember this song, and how important it was...for that 2 weeks?: :lol:


But take comfort: I always tip well, so Kanye will be just fine.

I came to this conclusion four years ago when I went to a Chuck Berry concert with less than 500 attendees, yet Justin Bieber is selling out large arenas. Also, points for mentioning Willie Dixon.

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What exactly separates this effort from any other Kanye effort? Seriously. I've heard nothing but talentless crap from this guy. There are acts, I've seen, all over the country that deserve our attention 10x more than this clown. The fact that we are even talking about auto-tune, in the same context with a Beatle....is F'ing obtuse.





This whole thing is preposterous. When we were growing up, who didn't know about at least one of the following: Elvis, or Chuck Berry, or Muddy Waters, or Buddy Holly, or Jerry Lee Lewis? All of these pre-date the Beatles. Or, I merely had cooler parents than the rest of you.


All that's happening here? Yet another confirmation that: today's music is exactly as good as today's fans. "New" music fans suck, so, sucky music/cluelessness is accepted by them, and they are getting exactly what they deserve. Retard begets retard. Any jackass with no musical ability, but, a drumkit and a "message from the street" :rolleyes: is presented as a "genius". Meanwhile, Paul Simon, Greg Allman, and all the guys in The Band were living "the street", or "the road" for real, and writing its music, before they were 16. Same is true for the Grunge guys from the 90s.


Hell, Etta James and Willie Dixon are giants, while Beyonce and Kayne are infants by comparison, in terms of talent, not hype.


Kayne West isn't fit to wipe Paul McCartny's ass. "Blackbird"(go look it the F up if you don't know, clowns), all by itself, owns Kayne's entire existence. Kayne can produce/perform/direct/collaborate/...put another slash in, for the rest of his life....and still never approach "Blackbird"'s gravity, artistic value, or longevity.


The moral here is: Paul McCartny, by merely existing, makes this entire story...ironic, and it's literally 30-40 years after he did his best material.


Kayne? In 30 years? :lol: What's he going to be doing besides crap TV shows, if he's lucky? More likely, he's parking my F'ing car. Are there going to be any Kayne West/"2010s collection" sold on informercial at 2 am, 20 years from now? Is there going to be a "remember this song, and how important it was...for that 2 weeks?: :lol:


But take comfort: I always tip well, so Kanye will be just fine.





This is gold. Great post.

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as much as a 'real' music fan as i am, i bet i wouldn't put forth too much effort to see a chuck berry concert in 2015, but would very seriously consider going to see Kanye live, in fact i did weigh this very heavily a year or so ago when Jay-Z and Kanye came to Philly(I passed on going because i didn't want to be the 50 year old white guy that didn't belong, but i did get to see Jay-Z shortly after and he was incredible). Doesn't mean I don't love Chuck Berry's music and his role in the formation of rock and roll, he just isn't relevant anymore to me in the current time. There is room for old and new music to co-exist and I love when the new musicians bring the old musicians in, i think it shows some respect on both sides

I came to this conclusion four years ago when I went to a Chuck Berry concert with less than 500 attendees, yet Justin Bieber is selling out large arenas. Also, points for mentioning Willie Dixon.

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but he kinda pissed me off say that the only reason he got into music originally was for money and girls.



What else is there ?




Kayne? In 30 years? :lol: What's he going to be doing besides crap TV shows, if he's lucky? More likely, he's parking my F'ing car.


But take comfort: I always tip well, so Kanye will be just fine.

Kanye only has 130 mil in the bank, I'm sure he's gonna be parking your Kia soon. Oh geezus.


"How do you say broke in Spanish? Me no hablo" KW

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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as much as a 'real' music fan as i am, i bet i wouldn't put forth too much effort to see a chuck berry concert in 2015, but would very seriously consider going to see Kanye live, in fact i did weigh this very heavily a year or so ago when Jay-Z and Kanye came to Philly(I passed on going because i didn't want to be the 50 year old white guy that didn't belong, but i did get to see Jay-Z shortly after and he was incredible). Doesn't mean I don't love Chuck Berry's music and his role in the formation of rock and roll, he just isn't relevant anymore to me in the current time. There is room for old and new music to co-exist and I love when the new musicians bring the old musicians in, i think it shows some respect on both sides

As much as I hate to admit it, he kinda sucked. But he's 84 years old. When I'm 84, I hope I can still hold my guitar, let alone play. Plus, it's Chuck Freakin' Berry. Got his autograph before the show, so that made it worthwhile. I spend more time trying to see the classic artists that you don't know if you're gonna get another chance to see again.

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As much as I hate to admit it, he kinda sucked. But he's 84 years old. When I'm 84, I hope I can still hold my guitar, let alone play. Plus, it's Chuck Freakin' Berry. Got his autograph before the show, so that made it worthwhile. I spend more time trying to see the classic artists that you don't know if you're gonna get another chance to see again.



Well if you stop spending all your money on Bon Jovi concerts, that will help.

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It their defense, they've gotten slightly better in the past few years. But their snub of metal bands like Iron Maiden and Motorhead are unforgiveable. Also, Alice Cooper got in like 13 years after he was eligible.

More specifically, it was the original Alice Cooper Band that was finally inducted. And Deep Purple finally got in as well. I must agree with you about Motorhead and Maiden though.

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oh i completely get it, they are treasures that will no longer be with us anymore in the physical sense, that's why i am so thrilled that my kids got me tickets to see the who in november, sure it's 'only' daltrey and townshend, but i will take what i can at this point.

As much as I hate to admit it, he kinda sucked. But he's 84 years old. When I'm 84, I hope I can still hold my guitar, let alone play. Plus, it's Chuck Freakin' Berry. Got his autograph before the show, so that made it worthwhile. I spend more time trying to see the classic artists that you don't know if you're gonna get another chance to see again.

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oh i completely get it, they are treasures that will no longer be with us anymore in the physical sense, that's why i am so thrilled that my kids got me tickets to see the who in november, sure it's 'only' daltrey and townshend, but i will take what i can at this point.

I wanted to go see Springsteen, but decided to spend my money on ACDC instead. Ended up being Clarence's last show ever and I was bummed. But with the recent news about Malcolm Young, I feel I made the right decision. Or atleast feel better about the one I made.

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oh i completely get it, they are treasures that will no longer be with us anymore in the physical sense, that's why i am so thrilled that my kids got me tickets to see the who in november, sure it's 'only' daltrey and townshend, but i will take what i can at this point.


You need to get your ass to a Macca show.

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as much as a 'real' music fan as i am, i bet i wouldn't put forth too much effort to see a chuck berry concert in 2015, but would very seriously consider going to see Kanye live, in fact i did weigh this very heavily a year or so ago when Jay-Z and Kanye came to Philly(I passed on going because i didn't want to be the 50 year old white guy that didn't belong, but i did get to see Jay-Z shortly after and he was incredible). Doesn't mean I don't love Chuck Berry's music and his role in the formation of rock and roll, he just isn't relevant anymore to me in the current time. There is room for old and new music to co-exist and I love when the new musicians bring the old musicians in, i think it shows some respect on both sides


I'll agree there's tons of good new music. But I'll never agree that Kanye's on that list :lol:

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Find me a single legit musican on planet earth who with a straight face will call West a musican. I am aware of zero. if there is one that person is not a musican but a autotune pro tools master. There is a huge difference.


I know of no one, Not a single one. most of my life has been spent with musicans. Don't get any legit musican started on the "benefits" of autotune. There are none. Excpet for the dribble corprate owned slaves jam doen the throats of people silly enough to spend $$ on garbage.


Hoping this does not sound Opinionated.

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Find me a single legit musican on planet earth who with a straight face will call West a musican. I am aware of zero. if there is one that person is not a musican but a autotune pro tools master. There is a huge difference.


I know of no one, Not a single one. most of my life has been spent with musicans. Don't get any legit musican started on the "benefits" of autotune. There are none. Excpet for the dribble corprate owned slaves jam doen the throats of people silly enough to spend $$ on garbage.


Hoping this does not sound Opinionated.

There are a few minor benefits that are mostly used for editing mistakes without having to re-record. Robert Plant actually admits to using early methods of autotune on certain songs like Black Dog. But I agree that the negative outweigh the positive.

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